Old videos show Alex Jones predicting events in 2022

Videos of Alex Jones from up to 20 years ago have resurfaced showing the political commentator making wild predictions that have proven eerily true in the COVID-19 era.
Jones is reviled by the mainstream media, who continue to discredit him as a “right-wing conspiracy theorist”. Social media oligarchies, including YouTube, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Spotify and Periscope have all suspended the radio host from their platforms, claiming violations of their respective guidelines.
In a video clip from 2002 that has been making its rounds on social media, Jones warns of “a tyrannical organization calling itself the ‘new world order’ pushing for worldwide government, a cashless society, open borders, total and complete tyranny...”
Twenty years later, a “new world order” was announced at the World Government Summit in March 2022, where financial and world leaders forecasted the soon-to-be introduction of central bank digital currency (CBDC) that will be controlled by “world superpowers”. Joe Biden, who has tasked his administration with developing CBDC, has himself called for a “new world order”.
Meanwhile, Biden is attempting to cede America’s sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO), joining other countries in recognizing the WHO as the world's central government. If Biden succeeds, the WHO will have the power to arbitrarily bind all countries to its unilateral international health regulations, which include declaring pandemics and the mandatory vaccination of citizens across the globe.
“And by creating open borders where there’s no national sovereignty and only global bodies that control all the resources; by centralizing and socializing healthcare the state becomes God basically when it comes to your health, and by releasing viruses and diseases and plagues upon us, we then basically get shoved into their system,” continued Jones.
Another video from 2009 shows Jones specifically pointing to medical tyranny through vaccines and fingering the WHO.
“There’s an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different types of medical treatments, namely vaccines,” Jones says to politician Jesse Ventura in the clip.
“We’re seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.”
“Who’s behind all this?” asks Ventura.
“The Bilderberg group,” Jones responds.
“They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda and they want to do it through the medical system,” Jones explains.
“And that’s why vaccines are so important. We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions and that this is being done by design. They kill you slowly over time, that’s why they’re called ‘soft-kill'.”