Who's behind Fox censoring Tucker? Third rail issues blocked

- Networks ignore the three third rail issues in politics
- Some defame the messengers
- Some interview the messengers while severely limiting what may be said
- Some act like Trojan horses
- Deep State's interest in health, factories, absentee ballots and the UN
- The censors share one thing in common
Imagine interviewing the well known author of a new book and never asking about the main topic of the book?
Fauci’s past
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health focused on one issue that disabuses readers of the notion that America’s leading public health official innocently, if negligently, endangers lives:
. . . nearly half the text—some 200 pages—was devoted to presenting and promoting the astonishing claim that everything we have been told about HIV/AIDS for more than 35 years probably constituted a hoax. [Emphases added].
Unbeknownst to many Americans who first heard Fauci’s name during the COVID scare, he has directed the public health agency overseeing infectious diseases (NIAID) since 1984. As a powerful public health official he used his clout to cover up the real cause of AIDS, known to health officials since day one, as well as the failure of HIV to meet any established criteria for being declared harmful.
Two months ahead of the book’s November 2021 release, the NY Post, whose conservative readers are more inclined to read the book than, for example, those of the NY Times, warned readers to stay away from Kennedy’s information with a ridiculously petty title, even by NY Post standards - Anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, collector of dead animals — RFK Jr. is the dumbest Kennedy. Without specifically challenging even one word from Kennedy’s well documented book, supported by close to 2,000 footnotes, the hit piece warns readers to stay away with a gratuitous and derogatory reference to an entertainer who has been on and off medication for manic episodes: “Bobby goes full Kanye here.”
After Kennedy organized a well-attended Defeat the Mandates rally in the nation’s capital in January 2022, the NY Times jumped in with a revealing headline, A Kennedy’s Crusade Against Covid Vaccines Anguishes Family and Friends. True to the title,
[Article author Adam] Nagourney never actually attempts to evaluate the science. Instead, Nagourney interviewed RFK Jr.’s relatives.
That’s bizarre. Nagourney is making a SOCIAL argument in an attempt to rebut RFK, Jr.’s SCIENTIFIC arguments …
Consistent with this pattern of journalistic malpractice, there is no evidence that Nagourney actually read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and the article makes passing reference to “a best-selling new book” but will not name the title.
The NY Post article actually bragged about how its warning to stay away from the book would be complemented by soft censorship the book faced from even its own distributor:
Unlike other works by prominent authors, RFK Jr.’s has yet to be given an advance review by Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Library Journal or Booklist, as is industry standard. [The book’s distributor for its Skyhorse publisher] Simon & Schuster isn’t promoting it.
Biased attacks and soft censorship notwithstanding, The Real Anthony Fauci, quickly rose to #1 on Amazon, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Publishers Weekly National Book Best Sellers lists. The Amazon listing boasts,
Over 1,000,000 copies sold despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author.
Limit interviews
Not able to keep a lid on Kennedy's book, the author found himself invited to interviews, all of which shared an interesting feature.
In American Pravda: AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis, the UNZ Review reports that in lengthy interviews of Kennedy by right winger journalists Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon, as well as by leftist Jimmy Dore, who was already known as a COVID vaccine dissident, “none of those hosts ever touched on the AIDS issue.”
The three third rails of mainstream media
- Political figures knowingly harm Americans
Each of the interviewers avoided the HIV scandal despite the fact that Kennedy, in devoting a couple hundred pages to the HIV-AIDS theory, obviously considered the cover up of the lethality and superfluousness of the AIDS drug, AZT, as essential information in the educational campaign to break the near automatic trust the public places in public health officials.
One might be inclined to view this journalistic failure solely as a consequence of the pharmaceutical industry’s clout, over Fox News:
. . . with the exception of CBS every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one drug company. Let me put it in perspective for you, these board members wake up, they go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer, and then they have their driver take them over to a meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that network is going to air.
For those board members who aren’t pulling double duty with a media conglomerate and a big drug company, they still understand that they can’t be honest and objective about big pharma because big pharma pays their bills. Drug companies spend about $5 billion a year on advertising with these corporate media outlets, so when Pfizer or Merck or Eli Lilly, or any of the drug companies, kill or cripple Americans with defective drugs, do you really think these board members are going to allow their story to be told on the air?
The blackout on exposing politicians knowingly endangering human lives goes far beyond dangerous medications, though. The evidence supporting, Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not, will likewise not see the light of day on legacy media, unless written by an outfit like the Washington Post to specifically undermine the evidence by claiming that the head of the FBI, in a bout of incompetence, was more concerned with the social life of the double agent who provided Hoover with a telegram filled with questions from the Japanese requesting information about the defense installations that ringed the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, than with the telegram itself.
2. Voter fraud
Filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza recently reported that FOX News is “keeping any mention [of the film exposing the widespread voter fraud that flipped the 2020 presidential election, 2000 Mules] off the news channel.
Forbes reports that Tucker Carlson has the most watched show in cable news, averaging some 3 million viewers each night. For many of those viewers, Carlson is preaching to the choir. For others, his quality reporting on the dangers to our freedom posed by socialism, big government and crony capitalism have convinced them to show up at the polls to vote out the socialism-promoting politicians of both major political parties.
In either case, the battle is lost if their votes are “canceled” by millions of fraudulent votes delivered to drop-boxes by ballot harvesting “mules” after illegally filling them out in the name of registered voters, deceased and alive, who didn’t vote or even in the name of unregistered voters, real or not.
3. Continuing communist threat
Another third rail of the legacy media is Anatoliy Golitsyn. Frontline News, in a series of articles supporting the contention that the conflict in Ukraine has been fabricated, noted in April:
. . . the goal of the conflict has already been achieved, with US money and weapons increasingly transferred to the control of [so-called] former communists. If Russia gets to leave troops in Ukraine or if Ukraine announces a shift in alignment toward Russia, it would just be a bonus for the Russian strategy. [Emphases added].
It thus came as no surprise to us when, the very next month, Newsweek reported, “Henry Kissinger: Ukraine Should Give Up Territory to Russia to Reach Peace.”
Frontline News was able to analyze these events with foreknowledge of the accuracy of warnings made by the KGB’s long-term strategic planner, defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, in the 1960s, that the Soviet Union would fake its own funeral, in order to lull America into funding “former” communists even as they reunite piece by piece to reconstruct the communist bloc. With their funding and political power expanding, they are able to use their resources to spread socialism in the West and reduce opposition to ceding sovereignty of Western nations to increasingly empowered regional and world government bodies like NAFTA, the EU, the WHO and the UN.
If properly disseminated, Golitysn’s warnings would lead to widespread demands that the US cut support for both sides of controlled conflicts and cease funding of Chinese and other communists through US agencies like the Export-Import Bank, which has been “one of communism’s best friends.”
Viewers of Fox News will, of course, learn nothing of long-term communist strategy, allowing tens of billions in taxpayer dollars to flow out of a freedom loving nation and into the hands of leaders who love anything but.
Trojan horse in conservate gates
In the absence of a well-funded “conservative” news outlet, freedom-loving Americans may have been expected to flock to smaller organizations for their news. Americans showed just such interest in the wake of the 1950 conviction of Alger Hiss for hiding his communism while acting as State Department’s Office of Special Political Affairs and as executive secretary of the Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization, where he led the negotiations over the makeup of the United Nations though he was actually working for the Soviet Union.
Just five years later, William F. Buckley Jr. created the well resourced National Review, ostensibly to protect American independence and freedom.
The New American reported on the potential for watered down pro-freedom groups to do more damage than groups openly hostile to freedom, comparing it to the capture of Troy in National Review Continues to be a Trojan Horse Inside the Gates of Conservatism:
. . . the National Review magazine has produced some really fine articles. But, mixed in with the good have been articles that are poison to conservative and constitutional principles …
They have taken many Big Government policy positions and re-baptized them as acceptable “conservative” positions. As the person in the pew is more likely to accept an attack on the veracity of the Bible from a preacher than from an atheist, many Americans with conservative instincts are thus led astray by the pied pipers of National Review.
In addition to letting in some bad ideas, the National Review also censors vital information, including the above three third rails.
Buckley and his companions at National Review early on proclaimed themselves as the guardians of true conservatism, and with that, the supposed authority to excommunicate those whom they considered heretics in the ranks of “true conservatives". Among the more famous groups and ideologies that Buckley and National Review have expelled are The John Birch Society (parent of The New American), Ayn Rand’s Objectivism, the “Old Right” noninterventionists, and so on …
Fox News
Is Fox News the TV version of National Review? The New American reported on How Fox News and Republican Politicians Have Failed America and on the affiliations of the network owners which may explain its censorship.
Rupert Murdoch (a long-time member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] turned over control of Fox News to his sons, James and Lachland. James was also CFR, and when James stepped aside the odor of globalism remained under Lachland.
Deep state
In today’s lexicon, “Deep State” is used to refer to leading public officials, and their agency underlings enjoying civil service protections from firings during transitions of political leadership, whose allegiance is not to US citizenry but to the globalist ideology of turning over national sovereignty to supranational bodies.
While these officials will naturally gravitate to the State Department and US International Trade Commission, they are actually found in less expected places as well, such as in the NIH, where they can direct research dollars towards scientists supporting freedom-limiting, militaristic measures in reaction to virus scares. They are also found in the EPA, where climate change research grants are directed to scientists supporting zero-carbon policies that cause factories to close in the free world and reopen in communist China, diverting jobs and money to the repressive regime.
The Heritage Foundation summarized EPA funding:
. . . the tidal wave of funding does reveal a powerful financial motive for scientists to conclude that the apocalypse is upon us. No one hires a fireman if there are no fires. No one hires a climate scientist (there are thousands of them now) if there is no catastrophic change in the weather. Why doesn’t anyone in the media ever mention this?
Like any group, Deep State actors need a simple way to identify each other so as to promote their beliefs. One way to prove those credentials is to join the CFR.
U.S. Admiral Chester Ward, after receiving Navy promotions largely due to his membership in the group for nearly two decades, came clean about the group’s intentions after his conscience forced him to resign and reveal the organization’s subversive agenda:
“The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government …”
Not all the admissions about the CFR agenda come from defectors, though. As a member in good standing, Richard Gardner, former deputy assistant secretary of state, submitted a piece to the CFR’s journal, Foreign Affairs, openly sharing how the public could be manipulated into accepting international bodies determining the extent of freedom enjoyed by US citizens.
In short, the “house of world order” will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.”
Full circle
While the NY Post, which ran the above quoted hit piece on RFK, Jr., was established by Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, it was purchased in the 1970s by none other than CFR member Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, the owners of Fox News.
National Review founder Buckley was, likewise, a CFR member, and a racist, arguing for the “more advanced race” to deny voting rights to African Americans, words abhorrent to the egalitarian founder of the very John Birch Society that Buckley demanded be excommunicated from the GOP.
Bannon, who also avoided the HIV scandal in his interview of Kennedy, for his part, “engineered the ascent of Rex Tillerson at State … Bannon delivered the Trump State Department into the hands of the Globalists.”
Tillerson himself stated, in a speech at CFR headquarters, “Although this is my first time speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, from a historical perspective, it feels a little bit like home.”
Dore, who likewise avoided HIV in his Kennedy interview, hosted the Aggressive Progressives show on the Leftist Young Turks Network before moving to his own channel on YouTube, where he must make sure not to run afoul of its parent company, Google, co-founded by CFR member Eric Schmidt.
COVID dissension has been censored like HIV dissension, but that's not the only thing they have in common. Please check back as we cover:
- The full list of similarities between the COVID and HIV scandals
- Previous scandals of public health officials mistakenly claiming an illness to be contagious
Previous articles from our HIV-AIDS series:
- Inventing the AIDS and COVID viruses?
- The real cause of AIDS, known to health officials since day one
- AIDS without HIV
- HIV 'discoverer' blamed AIDS on stolen virus without detecting in patient
- Flashback: When doctor injected self with HIV to end 'greatest murderous fraud in medical history'
- The Day the Science Died - Criteria to determine disease cause canceled
- Destroying science by funding it
- Isolation after defunding - government attacks on dissident scientists
- Why thousands of top PhDs, MDs turned on Fauci
- NIH’s coordinated coverup of HIV scandal
- Brazen bribery offer by NIH officials?
- ‘I don’t want to be a good German’ - German-born researcher turns down NIH ‘bribe’
- Fauci’s deadly solution to a harmless virus … in 1987
- Why Fauci resurrects failed drugs
- Baby rescued from Fauci’s ‘medicine’ just in time