Wind tunnel effect' engineered to superheat Maui fire?

YouTube comedian JP Sears, known online as AwakenWithJP, used his familiar sarcasm, acting as a news reporter, to describe various anomalies in the Maui fires that have ravaged part of the island and may have taken hundreds of lives, many of them children who were home alone when school was cancelled while their parents were at work.
Mocking the establishment line
In a clip he labeled, "What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Maui Fires," Sears describes speculation that a “DEW was used to intentionally start the fire so that a World Economic Forum friendly climate change fighting 15-Minute City” could replace the ruins.
[T]he Hawaii governor and others wasted no time pointing the finger of blame for the wildfires at climate change. The elite know to never let a good crisis go to waste and at other times they seem to cause the crisis that they don't let go to waste. Is this the case in Maui?
Some speculate that a Directed Energy Weapon or DEW was used to intentionally start the fire so that a World Economic Forum friendly climate change fighting 15-Minute City could be built upon the destroyed town of Lahaina.
This doesn't make sense though because back in January there was a meeting held on Maui about turning it into a 15-minute City - wait a minute that would actually make it make more sense. However, with the mainstream media working in lockstep with each other to discredit the conspiracy theory about the wildfires, using familiar terms to smear the theory such as baseless conspiracy theory and misinformation that come right out of their playbook, you can be sure that the idea is completely false, because the fact checkers said it was false.
And for future reference, anytime the same media simultaneously uses the same discrediting terminology that they used on Hunter Biden's laptop, Epstein being killed in his jail cell and the lab leak reality … you can be sure that what they're discrediting is in fact nothing but baseless information that most likely poses a danger to people and it's also probably a threat to our democracy, so that's what they're doing with Maui - certainly erases any suspicion if you're letting us control your thoughts the way you should. [Emphases added].
Sears continued by reading from an X post, listing fire anomalies, by Health Freedom for Humanity founder Alec Zeck.
But what do we the thought police have to say to people like truth seeker Alex Zeck, who points out about the Maui wildfires:
- fire hydrants were dry
- people who were trained to evacuate were told it was not time to evacuate and to turn around back into the fire
- no cops with bull horns
- no firefighters in the streets
- the most robust emergency siren system in the world did not sound, no warnings whatsoever
- anomalies with reported wind directions that don't scientifically add up
- school was canceled - children were home while parents worked; hundreds of children burned alive
- a perfect circle of fire around Lahaina
- molten metal next to intact trees
- media reporting fractions of real numbers
- new insurance policies taken out on Lahaina before the fires [Emphases added].
Sears concludes with what may lay ahead for Lahaina.
Wild how all this new uninhabitable land, that only big developers can afford to clean up, opened up for the plans of turning Maui into a smart island with billionaire funding.
Perfect storm of mistakes?
The Greg Reese Report found additional anomalies in the Maui fires, including power lines left energized during the fire, increasing its intensity, the head of emergency management defending his decision to not sound the sirens, police blockades of escape routes, the head of water resources refusing requests to release water to fight the fire, and the governor's immediate decision to acquire the destroyed land:
The blame for the fires of West Maui is falling upon Hawaiian Electric, who knew as early as four years ago that there was a risk of fire due to their own negligence in maintaining power lines, but they did nothing. Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, has been shifting their focus to clean energy and . . . the power was left to feed the flames.
When [Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya was] asked if he regretted not sounding the alarm, he said no because he was worried that the people would run into the fire.
"Do you regret not sounding the sirens?
“I, I do not. Had we sounded the alarms that night, we were afraid that people would have gone . . . into the fire.”
But instead they burned to death at home, including an untold number of children who were home alone that morning because of a school cancellation.
The water wasn't on, fire hydrants were dry and the deputy director of Water Resource Management, who was named an Obama Foundation leader, refused to release water for the West Maui fires until it was too late. He says that, in order to share water, Hawaiians need to discuss equity. . . .
Without any warnings and without any water the people tried to flee, but they were stopped by the police, who had orders. . . .
The Maui chief of police was the incident officer at one of the biggest cover-up operations in U.S history the 2017 Las Vegas shootings. . . .
The governor of Hawaii tells reporters that the state plans on acquiring the land.
“I'm already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to people who were lost.” [Emphasis added].
No “direct evidence” of DEWs
Joseph Mercola, MD posted his suspicions about the Maui fires on his substack, also highlighting a failure to implement a wildfire mitigation plan.
According to Gov. Josh Green, the warning sirens may have been "immobilized" by heat from the fire, but the exact cause for the failure is still under investigation. However, Maui also has a cellphone alert system. . . .
Yet another relatively common but rarely acknowledged cause of wildfires is poorly maintained power company equipment and/or downed or damaged powerlines. In this case, as Hurricane Dora made its approach, local news predicted the risk of fire would be high due to downed powerlines, dry brush and low humidity, and Maui residents are now suing the power company for keeping "powerlines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions."
In 2022, Hawaii Electric, which services Maui, proposed a detailed wildfire mitigation plan with a price tag of $2.5 million, but according to investigative journalist Lee Fang, "the state utility commission dragged its feet" when it came to implementation. [Emphases added].
Mercola was careful, though, to note the absence of “direct evidence” of the use of DEWs, while describing the circumstantial evidence surrounding the "convenient" disaster.
While the fire involved anomalies that are hard to explain, I haven't seen direct evidence to suggest directed energy weapons (DEWs) were used to set the town ablaze. That said, it's certainly a suspiciously "convenient" disaster, from the globalist cabal's perspective. They can now swoop in and buy previously unattainable land from people who may be too desperate to decline. [Emphasis added].
Mercola does, however, quote from a LinkedIn post by Dr. Kathy J. Forti, a clinical psychologist in Maui, who believe a DEW was employed based on her personal experience.
I personally experienced a strange flooding wave of energy in my head, almost like seizure activity ... This flooding energy continued on and off the next morning, more so when I was in Lahaina. This told me there was directed energy involved in what was occurring. This was not just a random act of mother nature. [Emphases added].
“Wind tunnel effect” superheating the fire
Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog, on the other hand, is convinced the fires were enhanced by man-made technology, authoring, “Lahaina Incineration is Deadly Weather Warfare.” He cites climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington, who believes the Lahaina fire was caused by geoengineered weather modification resulting in a “bellows effect.”
According to Wigington, they used climate engineering to create a “wind tunnel effect right over Lahaina” with wind speeds up to 100 miles per hour to superheat the fire. Wigington explains, “This creates a bellows effect, and that escalates temperatures exponentially over what they would have otherwise been.
They have been melting steel around the world by exactly that manner for thousands of years by feeding air in. That’s the bellows effect. This is the same as an acetylene torch. If you burn just the acetylene, you have 1,500 degrees. When you add oxygen, now you get 6,000 degrees. [Emphases added].
Use debatable, existence not
A U.S. Air Force document from 1996 entitled, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,” predicted, in the very first sentence, that technology would be available to “own the weather” by 2025 and added that the technology would be deployed even for “domestic” use.
In 2025, US aerospace forces can "own the weather" by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. . . .
Current technologies that will mature over the next 30 years will offer anyone who has the necessary resources the ability to modify weather patterns and their corresponding effects, at least on the local scale. . . .
In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. [Emphases added].
Five years later, the Space Preservation Act of 2001 (H.R.2977), banning space-based weapons but allowing them to be land and sea-based, included directed energy in its definition of weapons, leaving little doubt that such weapons exist, whether or not they have in fact been employed.
The terms ``weapon'' and ``weapons system'' mean a device capable of . . . directing a source of energy (including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against that object; or (any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means. Inflicting death or injury . . . through the use of . . . psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations. [Emphases added].
DEWs and Maui
Mercola, in fact, emphasizes that DEWs not only exist but the military's DEW research center is located in Maui.
Another interesting coincidence is the fact that Maui is the home of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate, described by the AFRL as the Air Force's “center of excellence for directed energy technology.”
. . .
[W]hile suspicions about DEWs being used are routinely dismissed as "conspiracy theory," DEWs are clearly a reality, and if they exist and work, it seems fair to assume they may one day be used.
As reported by Motherboard, the Pentagon is spending $1 billion a year on DEWs such as high-energy lasers, particle beams and high-powered microwave weapons, and the Maui Directed Energy Directorate claims to have delivered the first-ever operational DEWs to the U.S. Air Force. [Emphases added].
Low or high-tech arson? Or mother nature?
Mercola concludes with the observation that we may never know what happened in Maui.
Was a DEW used and timed to coincide with a hurricane to ensure the total annihilation of Lahaina? According to Maui police chief John Pelletier, the wildfire burned hot enough to melt metal, and most typical fires simply cannot reach the required temperatures to melt steel and certain other metals.
Another alternative, of course, is that the fires were intentionally set by arsonists. However the fire in Lahaina began, it clearly benefits those intent on rebuilding Maui into a "smart island." What easier way to redo an entire town than to have it burn to the ground? For now, all we have are circumstantial suspicions, and if DEW were in fact used, the perpetrators are unlikely to ever admit it.