Climate fact-check November 2023 edition

Guest Post by: The Competitive Enterprise Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate.

Editor’s note: This summary serves as a fact check on the biggest false claims made in the media in November, 2023. 

November was yet another month where satellite and surface station temperatures clashed.

Per NASA satellites, the estimated “average global temperature” for November was 0.91°C above the estimated “average global temperature” for the period 1991-2020 for the third month running.

But according to an average of actual real-time measurements of global surface temperature stations, November 2023 continued the trend since January 2015 of global cooling.

How can these estimates be reconciled? Do they need to be?

Satellites measure atmospheric brightness. Data are then fed into computer models that somehow produce temperature estimates. The surface station data represent minute-by-minute direct temperature measurements from surface stations around the world. NASA says surface station measurements are more reliable. Even so, it is important to keep in mind that “average global temperature” has no physical meaning in the first place. It is a metric made up for the global warming controversy. We only discuss it because alarmists do.

Let’s look at November’s fact checks.

Links: The New York Times article, Lake Mead, Great Salt Lake.

Links: The Washington Post article.

Links: Financial Times article, WAIS study, sub-ice volcanic activity.

Links: News-Medical article, study link.

Links: The Associated Press article, cold vs. hot deaths.

Links: The Washington Post article.

Links: The Wall Street Journal article.

Links: The Washington Post article, airline flights data, warming amount link.

Links: article, subject study.

Links: The Washington Post article.

Also during November, the Biden administration released the results of the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Although the report is ostensibly put together by federal government agencies, much of the work seems to have been done by green activists funded with dark money.

More detailed comments on the report can be expected in the future when the full report is released, but here are a couple points to ponder in the meantime.

First, the Fifth Assessment makes the outlandish claim that heat waves are increasing:

It can do this because the heat wave chart (below) that appeared in the Fourth National Climate Assessment, was inexplicably deleted.

Next, the Fifth Assessment relies on this chart for its claim that wildfires are on the increase. (below)

But there were wildfires before 1985. The full wildfire record looks like this (h/t to Tony Heller at for noting the missing data):

Bottom line: Beware of greens bearing grifts.

Until next month and for more great climate fact checks from November 2023, check out:
• Wrong, ABC News, No Evidence Exist Demonstrating Climate Change Is Harming Corals
• Media Ignores Reality – Goes Bonkers Over the Fifth National Climate Assessment Report
• FAIL: LA Times Botches the Difference Between “Average Temperature Anomaly” & “Absolute Maximum Temperature””
• Wrong, Danville Register & Bee, Storms Aren’t More Damaging Because of Climate Change
• Washington Post and ABC Are Wrong: There is No Evidence Surpassing 1.5 Degrees Constitutes a Climate Emergency
• Washington Post Attack on Nobel Prize-Winning Climate Sceptic Backfires Spectacularly
• Famine Deaths vs. Temperature
• US Corn Farmers Defy Summer Drought, Extreme Heat for a Record Crop
• Bad Climate Data Brings Wrong Conclusions
• Voice of America Is a Superspreader of Misinformation About Human Health and Climate Change
• New Antarctic All-Time Cold Record Flies in the Face of Media Reporting
• LA Times Falsely Hypes El Nino Driven Modest Global Temperature Increases as “Record-Hot” Climate Change Outcomes
• WaPo Clauser Climate Crisis Damage Control: “There is a skeptical streak in the physics community…”
• While Media Obsess About Some Warmth, Globe Seeing Plenty Of Unusual Cold Events

Originally posted at and Climate Realism reposted with permission.