Your personal freedoms are dangerous — to the WHO

The failure of the WHO member states to adopt the WHO's pandemic treaty by the proposed May 27th deadline can be seen as a victory, albeit not final, by freedom-loving persons around the globe.
WHO calls personal decisions dangerous
In September 2019, the WHO ”declared vaccine hesitancy one of the ten biggest threats to global health . . .“ The WHO may actually be threatened by individuals exercising the right to make their own personal health decisions based on their own research.
In August 2020 the WHO credited itself with coining the term “infodemic,” declaring information not coming from the agency to be dangerous misinformation.
Soon after the world started getting used to the terms coronavirus and COVID-19, WHO coined another word: "infodemic" — an overabundance of information and the rapid spread of misleading or fabricated news, images, and videos. Like the virus, it is highly contagious and grows exponentially. It also complicates COVID-19 pandemic response efforts.
“We’re not just battling the virus,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “We’re also battling the trolls and conspiracy theorists that push misinformation and undermine the outbreak response.”
A BMJ article, "'Torrent of fake news' has put negotiations at risk, says WHO chief," published January 29, 2024, revealed that WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a former leader of the Marxist terror group Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), already saw the writing on the wall — that the pandemic treaty was destined to fail. Instead of taking people's concerns to heart, however, he chose to blame the troubles on “fake news.”
WHO officials blamed conspiracy theories for mobilising public opposition to the accord and hindering negotiations. Social media is awash with what Tedros described as a “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories.”
Among the false claims are that the pandemic treaty plans to snatch sovereignty from countries by imposing lockdowns or vaccine mandates. “This is fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories. Negotiating members know that the agreement will give WHO no such powers, because you are writing it,” Tedros said.
Despite Tedros protestations, “fake news” is not the reason the pandemic treaty is now on life support.
Power grab
National Herald India's AJ Prabal described what appears to be the main reason politicians throughout the world have resisted ratifying the treaty - they're apparently unwilling to cede their own powers to the world body. He documents the breadth of power the unelected and unaccountable body holds to censor scientists and what it deems “disinformation:”[fn]Prabal, A.J. “Why Is Who Pushing so Hard for a Global Pandemic Treaty?” National Herald, National Herald, 23 Oct. 2023,[/fn]
Once the countries sign the treaty, they will hand over all regulatory control of future pandemics (Disease X) to WHO. The UN body will declare the onset of fresh pandemics, declare protocols to be followed (lockdowns, vaccines), prescribe medicines and their dosage, demand surveillance prescribed by it, and decide on which medicines and vaccines are acceptable and which are not. What is more, WHO will also have the power to censor scientific papers, scientists, and research, and also decide what is disinformation and what is not.
WHO is an unelected body and is totally unaccountable to anyone, [Dutch politician and European Parliament independent member Robert 'Rob'] Ruse has pointed out. But WHO nevertheless wants countries to cede part of their sovereignty so that WHO, despite its poor record, can control future pandemics, bio-terrorism and climate change. (Emphases added.)
Not a good fit for most
Ruse also explained that solutions cannot be one-size-fits-all. Different countries have different needs as demographics and health concerns vary.
Ruse has also pointed out that one size does not fit all. [Pune-based epidemiologist] Dr Banerjee agrees. Demographics differ from country to country as do conditions, he points out. India is a young country with an overwhelming percentage of its population below the age of 70, whereas Europe is ageing faster. Obesity and comorbidities are major health issues in the West but not so much in Asia. In Africa, mortality from Covid was higher in South Africa, where people are more obese than in other countries. While obesity is a problem in the West, malnutrition is a more serious problem in poorer countries like India. (Emphaisis added.)
Ignores local health concerns
Focusing on pandemic solutions rather than local health needs can lead to misapplied resources and bad outcomes. This is what happened in India where TB and dengue are more serious diseases than COVID was.
Not just demography, but population density and cultural differences too can play a role in pandemics. In India, 80 per cent of the population did not take a booster dose. They did not have to. More Indians died of other diseases than of Covid-19, and yet the government spent 50 per cent of the total health budget on securing vaccines to deal with Covid. Neglect of other diseases has led to a resurgence in cases of TB and dengue, and about 2,000 children in India continue to die every day of diseases other than Covid, Dr Banerjee points out. (Emphases added.)
Your personal health takes a backseat to “public health”
Former British comedian and actor, Russel Brand may be one of those who Ghebreyesus believes is spreading lies. Now a podcaster with some conservative views, Brand has not hesitated to express his perspective on the events of our times.
In a May 2022 podcast, a week before a gathering of the WHO's World Health Assembly, the WHO‘s governing body, to work on the treaty, Brand elaborated on the agency’s interest in increasing its regulatory powers while quoting from a Telegraph article on the treaty draft. It is funded, Brand pointed out, primarily by nations and organizations with “biases at odds” with your and his health requirements and his preference for more freedom, not less:
Lifesite News journalist Stephen Kokx reported on an interview Brand had with Tucker Carlson, during which they discussed several topics, including Brand's experience of having been targeted by the CIA and the UK government for his viewpoints — they had tried to destroy his reputation with vague sexual allegations — and Brand's views of the globalists' attempts to suppress dissent:[fn]Kokx, Stephen. “Russell Brand: God Is Directing a Global ‘Awakening’ in Response to Growing Authoritarianism.” LifeSite, 2 Feb. 2024,[/fn]
“There are now sets of globalist organizations, funded by government, but also by corporations, that are making deliberate, profound attempts to shut down any dissent in an astonishingly aggressive way,” he said.
. . .
“It’s like we’re being prepped, groomed, primed for ‘war is coming.’ We’re being kept in a state of constant anxiety in order to induce compliance,” he asserted. “The ongoing stoking of cultural tension is to ensure that people don’t begin to recognize that actually we have far more in common with one another than we do with these curious sets of establishment interests that seem to be transcendent of national democracy. To be explicit, I’m talking about organizations like the WHO, NATO, the WEF, and their astonishing influence.” (Emphases added.)
They also discussed geopolitics and the globalists' doublespeak to cloak their intentions. Kokx reported:
Brand and Carlson agreed that the “loathing of nature” carried out by global elites indicates “something dark” is happening.
“Clearly what we’re watching are the fruits of spiritual war,” Carlson stated. “Certainly the solution seems to me to be spiritual,” Brand replied, adding that “authoritarianism now is being deliberately veiled in the insidious language of care, concern, safety and convenience.” (Emphasis added.)
Trust them not to take away your freedom?
Authoritarianism vs freedom was a topic of grave concern for Sky News Australia's Outsider program cohosts Rowan Dean, Rita Panahi, and James Morrow, as well. In a discussion about the global pandemic treaty,”[fn]“World Health Organisation ‘desperate’ to Have Global Pandemic Treaty.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 May 2023,[/fn] they voiced concern about the proposed treaty and how it may be well received in Australia, particularly as most of the people accepted and even cheered on COVID-19 countermeasures. They also expressed concern about the dire implications the treaty has for personal freedoms, pointing out that the regulators, who may not be willing to endure people's personal freedom, claim that freedom is the problem:
The reality is the World Health Organization have [sic] made it crystal clear James that they want that ability to have a global pandemic treaty.
Well you know, and thing here that underlies this and so many things that we need to be vigilant about and what people need to be vigilant about but they get called conspiracy theorists and whack jobs and things like that, the fundamental idea behind all of this is this idea that freedom is somehow the problem.
And this is the issue, with so many of the issues that we face, whether it's the pandemic whether it's the climate crisis, if you want to say that in quotes, whatever the issue is, people having too much freedom is the thing that annoys the regulators and we're going to see this. We saw the Climate Council this week come out and say that well to, you know, fight the climate thing not only do we need to all move to EVS but we need to own half as many cars and take half as many car trips we need to take trips according to the public transport schedule.
You know, we see this on level after level after level and this is what people need to be really vigilant about. It is not freedom that is the problem. It is always the people who want to take your freedom away.
And we're now in a world where really it's not left versus right — it's authoritarianism versus freedom, as James says — or the collective, the greater good versus freedom of the individual to make their own choices. And what we saw during COVID, which is why we must have a royal commission, as Rita was saying, to find out what actually happened during COVID. You must have that Royal Commission into what actually happened and what did happen to our freedoms and at what costs they came. (Emphases added.)
Considering the above, it appears that it is the WHO's agenda that presents a danger — to your personal freedom.
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- Don’t just reject the Pandemic Treaty – Get US Out! Of the WHO
- 'Greatest single threat to the sovereignty of our constitutional republic' - Congressmen warn about WHO treaty
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