Your doctor may have escaped vaccine mandate, says top medical expert

New allegations from medical rights advocate and former Trump official Dr. Paul Alexander say that some unvaccinated medical professionals have been issued vaccine passports to evade vaccine mandates, even as patients were forced to be injected. 

In a Substack article Monday, Dr. Alexander wrote that senior doctors and hospital executives nationwide have come forward saying that they were offered proof of vaccination even after refusing the injection.  

“They were offered vaccine cards (fake) when they told their hospitals that they do not want the vaccine when they were mandated to take it, and the hospital leaders advised this will ensure they will not be suspended or fired,” said Dr. Alexander.  

These medical professionals were offered an out because they were considered too “valuable” to be let go by their institutions, while millions of people were not given any choice. 

“They are so outraged that they were given this privilege while others, millions lost jobs and earnings and even lives who committed suicide due to the mandates etc.,” Dr. Alexander wrote. 

He also said that while the whistleblowers are “scared about safety” and afraid their “careers will be destroyed”, they can no longer remain silent and are working with Dr. Alexander on the best way to go public with their allegations. 

“This is the discussion I and others have been having with some doctors who have come forward, silently at this time, in fear of safety to them and families, and destruction of their name and careers,” he said. “They are very scared for their safety but...this is a fight they are willing to wage now for it is destruction to humanity what is being done with the mandates. They do not agree and will share openly when they speak openly.” 

Dr. Alexander says that he, together with the whistleblowers, are meeting with “a major news outfit we trust” with assistance from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and his team. 

Dr. Paul Alexander, MD, MPH was one of the first advocates for herd immunity as a response to COVID-19, though he was vilified by the medical establishment and mainstream media for his conclusion. 

“There is no other way, we need to establish herd [immunity], and it only comes about [by] allowing the non-high-risk groups [to] expose themselves to the virus. PERIOD,” he wrote in 2020.