Yale to honor vaccine militant with prestigious award

Dr. Peter Hotez (Photo by Larry D. Moore)

Yale University will honor public health totalitarian Dr. Peter Hotez with the prestigious C.-E. A. Winslow Medal, the school announced Thursday.

Hotez was one of the architects of the COVID-19 pandemic and a “medical expert” frequently cited by media outlets to advance pandemic narratives such as masks, lockdowns, and vaccinations. He is also a professor of pediatrics and molecular virology & microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, and director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development. He has been credited with co-inventing a COVID-19 recombinant protein vaccine technology owned by Baylor College of Medicine (BCM).

In July, Hotez called for military action against people who are “anti-vaccine” and “anti-science.” Last year, he accused those who refuse vaccines as antisemitic.

Now, Yale School of Public Health Dean Megan L. Ranney, MD, MPH has chosen Hotez, a Yale alumnus, to be this year’s recipient of the Winslow Medal. The medal is awarded to those who have made “outstanding achievements in public health.”

“Beyond his research and leadership roles, Dr. Hotez has emerged as a strong advocate for science and public health, particularly during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the school said in a press release. “He has played a vital role in promoting vaccine education and combating misinformation, emphasizing the importance of community engagement and trust in health interventions.”

The announcement drew criticism from social media netizens.

“This is unbelievable — giving Peter Hotez with [sic] an award is inexcusable,” wrote author Ian Miller. “He’s responsible for an unimaginable amount of harm by misrepresenting the science to millions of people during COVID. Well it would be unbelievable if it wasn’t exactly what you’d expect from ‘public health.’”

Trump vaccines bad, Biden vaccines good

Hotez is known for backing politically driven policy reversals which became characteristic of the pandemic.

While President Donald Trump was in office, for example, Hotez came out strongly against granting any vaccine emergency use authorization (EUA).

“We don’t do EUAs for vaccines,” Hotez said in late 2020. “It’s a lesser review, it’s a lower-quality review, and when you’re talking about vaccinating a large chunk of the American population, that’s not acceptable.”

After Joe Biden was installed, however, Hotez backed the COVID-19 vaccine and supported its mandate.

Refusal to debate

In June 2023, Hotez was offered the opportunity to debate Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. by podcast host Joe Rogan on the subject of vaccines. He refused. Despite his claims of “countering vaccine activism,” Hotez declined to even consider a discussion, refusing offers of millions of dollars in donations to the charity of his choice.

‘My global health friends are dying’

In October, Hotez lamented on X that his “global health” friends are dying and he is unsure of the cause.

“In just the last 3 years, I’ve lost close colleagues and friends, each a champion of global health, each between the ages of 58-71 and still active when they passed: Drs. Paul Farmer, Mwele Malacela, Don McManus, and now Rodrigo. Overwork? Exhaustion? Please take care my friends,” Hotez tweeted.

‘Anti-science aggression’ should be a hate crime

Hotez’s other bizarre statements include a demand to make “far-right anti-science aggression” a hate crime so that “US government scientists” could have federal hate crime protections from Donald Trump and anyone else who may disagree with them.

Hotez, who has been funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was awarded last year with the Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award by the Infectious Diseases Society of America “for his efforts to uphold and speak to scientific truths.”