With Harvard “Queering Education” Class, Gender “Cult” Powers On

The cult of queer is getting stronger. As tens of millions of American children struggle with reading and millions more deal with sex abuse at the hands of “educators,” Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education will teach future teachers how to combat the alleged evils of “heteronormativity” and “cisnormativity” in the classroom. Seriously.
In a Spring course called “Queering Education,” Harvard instructor of “Education” Kimm Topping, who uses the plural pronouns “they/them,” will explore “the role of gender and sexuality in shaping young people’s schooling experiences, opportunities, and outcomes.” She will also address how schools shape students’ “notions of gender and sexuality.”
Dr. James Lindsay, co-author of the best-selling new book “The Queering of the American Child: How a New School Religious Cult Poisons the Minds and Bodies of Normal Kids,” has been warning of the dangers of this “cult” for years. This Harvard course, he warned, aims to embed the cult’s ideas into everything to help recruit drastically more children.
“’Queering education’ is, frankly, the effort of turning education into programming for a cult that is based on (and obsessed with) sex particularly as a delivery mechanism for children,” Dr. Lindsay, also an expert on the Marxification of American education, told The Newman Report in a statement.
“Under the guise of words like ‘building positive, nurturing environments,’ the goal is to transform educational spaces and programs into opportunities to ‘affirm’ Queer cult beliefs and behaviors and shut out anything the cult disagrees with,” he continued. “It’s shocking but not surprising Harvard would be offering this course.”
The course description almost sounds like a parody of “queer” indoctrination programs. “In many ways, the course is about the ‘hidden curriculum’ of heteronormativity and cisnormativity, or the subtle practices in schools that privilege heterosexual, gendered identities and ways of being,” the description states.
It continues, “As such, students in the course will apply the concept of the hidden curriculum to the study of gender and schooling in order to understand why and how children and youth with different gender identities experience schooling differently and why and how heteronormative schooling detrimentally impacts all students.”
Breaking down what that means, Dr. Lindsay warned of major dangers ahead for victims of this sort of indoctrination. “While the entire course description is alarming, the secret sauce lies inside the description’s claim that ‘heteronormativity’ and ‘cisnormativity’ define a ‘hidden curriculum’ in education that needs to be transformed (‘queered’),” he said.
“This notion of a ‘hidden curriculum’ is meant to describe that which is deliberately taught but not explicitly taught as part of the stated curriculum,” added Dr. Lindsay. “The concern is that the ‘hidden curriculum’ does the real heavy lifting of socializing (that is, brainwashing) students to conform to society and to be straight and not to attempt transition.”
“The objective from the Queer Pedagogy perspective is to therefore both to embed Queer Theory-based content inside the explicit curriculum and to make a Queer Theory-based environment the ‘hidden curriculum’ that socializes students into their destructive activist cult that damages children mentally, socially, and eventually physically in profound ways,” he concluded.
The lecturer for the Harvard course, a self-styled “community organizer,” is a longtime activist promoting homosexuality and gender confusion, according to her biography on Harvard’s website. Among other accomplishments, Topping boasts of having created the first “Gay-Straight Alliance” in her town as well as founding “Lavender Education.”
By the time students finish her course, they will be expected to “talk comfortably about queer history and how it can inform our understanding of schools and schooling,” the description continues, as if government-school “educators” across the nation were not already indoctrinating children on “queerness.”
Those taking the course must also “identify specific strategies that educators at various levels might use to support students in negotiating gender and sexuality norms,” “identify tools that schools can use to build positive, nurturing environments, which open up possibilities for complex gender and sexual identity development,” and more.
The course begins by offering “theoretical and historical grounding” before going on to explore “where there is possibility for change,” the description states. It will also provide an intersectional focus by considering ways that “other elements of identity” such as race and socioeconomic status “intersect with gender and sexuality.”
Aside from the horrific damage this sort of abuse masquerading as education will do to children, perhaps the most tragic part of this is that it is happening at a university established by Christians for the propagation of the Gospel. At one time, Harvard had a very different understanding of the real purpose of education — and was not afraid to say it.
“Let every student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3), and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning,” the school’s original Rules and Precepts declared.
The Takeaway:
Taxpayer funding is the only way this sort of cult movement can even exist, much less flourish. It is past time for Americans’ elected representatives to stop the flow of public money to all of this — from the cult recruitment efforts at universities to the K-12 indoctrination centers. Only then can society be rebuilt from the destruction on a solid foundation.
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.” He writes for diverse publications in the United States and abroad.
Originally published at Liberty Sentinel.