Will climate change regulations leave us out in the cold?

The climate always changes

The climate has always changed, yet today’s discussions often frame climate change as a human-driven crisis. But is that true? A meteorologist blames our inaction for the increasingly severe weather, while an expert raises concerns about geoengineering being responsible for the crisis. On the other hand, some scientists look to nature and historical data to predict what’s ahead. By examining these different perspectives, we can get a clearer picture of what’s happening and how we might prepare for the future.

⇒⇒ Have today's climate alarmists looked at the historical data to put our weather patterns into proper perspective?

Who's to blame for the climate?

Ryan Messano, whose article title on climate change is the above quote, explains that climate change which was previously known as global cooling, subsequently became global warming, and then morphed into climate change. Of course, we have all been led to understand that climate change is just a euphemism for global warming; climate change still means hotter. And even though there have been ice ages and other climactic changes over the centuries, today's temperature fluctuations and severe weather must be solely blamed on humanity, so today's narrative goes.

Wide Awake Media tweeted Leonard Nimoy's 1978 comment to remind us that according to scientists of the time, we should now be experiencing an ice age.

Scientists are telling us... that the threat of an ice age is not as remote as they once thought.""During the lifetime of our grandchildren, Arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of our planet into a polar desert."

Vision4theBlind tweeted Time Magazine's covers from 1977, which predicted a coming ice age, and 2008, which showed how the earth is supposed to be heating up.

Meteorologist frightened by implications of climate change

NBC6 meteorologist John Morales. in his tweet of his broadcast below, attributed the anticipated strength and devastation of this week's Hurricane Milton, a category 5 hurricane, to climate change and global warming. In his emotional broadcast, Morales explained that the atmospheric pressure had dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours, an indication of severe weather to come.

Just an incredible, incredible, incredible, hurricane. it has dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours. [Morales becomes emotional.] I apologize. This is just horrific. . . . The seas are just so incredibly, incredibly hot, a record hot, as you might imagine. You know what's driving that. I don't need to tell you, global warming, climate change.

Mother Jones spoke with Morales and shared the following:

Morales, a meteorologist with 40 years of experience and the founder of weather forecasting company Climadata, said the feeling was a long time coming — a mixture of anxiety about increasing extreme weather, “frustration for lack of action on climate,” and concern for the people in Milton’s path.

Morales explained the implication of a drop of 50 millibars, a measurement not everyone is familiar with.

It’s funny how millibars can get a nerd to lose it. Millibars is a way of measuring barometric pressure. It just absolutely dropped like a rock. I couldn’t believe it dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours, which is an indication of rapid intensification.

During his career, he says, he has seen an intensification in the severity of hurricanes, with more category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the last 20 years than previously.

The number of Cat 4 and 5 hurricanes over the last 20 years is significantly more than over the previous 20 years. The propensity for hurricanes to become extremely intense is just increasing tremendously.

⇒⇒ Is it possible that we let emotions cloud our understanding of complex climate patterns?

US vet places blame for climate change on geoengineering

Kristen Meghan, a US Air Force veteran and whistleblower, with nine years of experience in bio-environmental engineering, has a different explanation for "climate change." While she believes that it may be man-made, it's not the carbon dioxide we exhale and that plants absorb, nor the fossil fuels we burn that are the cause. Instead, she says, it is geoengineering, the seeding of the atmosphere to "combat climate change," as she explained in an interview, as reported by the Daily Telegraph NZ. It linked Sophia Dahl's tweet (below) of the interview with Meghan who realized that the military was involved in various forms of weather modification, with stratospheric aerosol injection being the one she discovered (@ 1:00).


Collectively, around the globe, we have to understand that, it's now being admitted, because they're saying it's combating climate change, Well, the climate change we need to be worried about is man-made climate engineering, also known as geoengineering. (Emphasis added.)


And, when you say you had chemicals being pumped into the air, what kind of chemicals are they putting out that's rained out on humanity basically?


Nano-particulate metals — like, we had different sulfates, barium, and strontium. I know it's probably changed over time. I know that they use silver iodide for certain things, but these are, the odd part of it was, the quantities that I saw coming in, the form that they were coming in. It's the same type of materials that I was trying to engineer out of the workplace to substitute with safer materials.  


That's insane. So these metals are basically toxic for the humans I would presume.


Yep, because it also has aluminum. And a lot of people will tell you, "Well, these things aren't in horrible quantities." It's not small quantities, because when you are putting things above us, the dissipation rates are dependent on weather and climate.

The metals don't stay in the sky; they rain down and get into the soil and are not filtered out by the water treatment systems, she continues.

But it's getting into the food, it's getting into the soil, and around the world these wastewater treatment plants, when it comes to pharmaceuticals or these toxicants is what they're called, they are not able to filter them out.

Even organic food is affected, she says.

So, if you're growing organic food, you know, it's, we’re going to go back to the plexiglass barriers on our plants? I mean, it's horrible! That's why you can ban it anywhere. We've had states, states in the United States ban it, and that is great to get the ball rolling.

It's not a partisan issue she argues. People need to understand that the metals raining down from the sky are responsible for neurodegenerative and respiratory illnesses.

But people really need to wake up to it. Irrespective of any political party — It's not okay. And you're seeing it in neurodegenerative issues like Alzheimer's. It's really difficult for people with respiratory issues and asthma, and people are wondering why they have allergies 24/7, 365.

⇒⇒ Stratospheric aerosol injection reflects sunlight. Are human beings capable of anticipating the impact of geoengineering on the climate, or are we playing with nature to our detriment?

Mother nature responsible for the weather

Ryan Messano wrote his article, (title quoted above) about climate change in December 2021, right after a tornado destroyed parts of Arkansas and Kentucky, which he attributed to the "wrath of Mother Nature's power."

We just witnessed one of the worst tornado disasters in our history pass through sections of Arkansas and Kentucky on Friday. Entire towns were destroyed by the wrath of Mother Nature’s power.

He castigated President Biden for trying to create a climate of fear about climate change.

Joe Biden wasted no time addressing the country and blaming climate change for the storm’s severity. Biden had to return to those initial claims because there is no scientific data to back his claim. It was a quick response meant to fuel fear of Climate Change. It was seizing an opportunity to promote his agenda. It was cheap and superficial. . . .

Messano disputes the necessity of transforming every part of our lives because of climate change.

Nobody will dispute Climate Change as our climate has constantly changed since tracking data. It is not proven by anyone to be so critical or existential that we must transform every aspect of our lives. Some, however, would have it be so.

'Sun and planets main drivers of climate change'

The Bernician, in a 2019 post, states that we have actually been descending into a mini ice age since 2007, based on data presented by Peter Temple of the World Cycle Institute, as seen in the video below. (The Bernician also provides a transcript of his presentation.) Temple showed how the earth warms and cools in cycles and that we are heading into a cooling period. Temple explains that it is the solar system that is responsible for the earth's warming and cooling.

Everything that happens on Earth happens in cycles. The only straight line is in man’s mind. There are no straight lines in nature. Everything is [sic] nature is formed by spinning spheres, or waves.
So, when you tell me the temperature is going to go straight up, I become more than a little skeptical. Because nothing ever goes “straight up” – and certainly not forever.
. . .
The Sun and the Planets are the main drivers of climate change on our tiny, little planet — we know that. And we can’t change Mother Nature. It’s going to get colder … there’s no question about that. History repeats … over and over again. So if you want to know the future, you look at the past.

The past

Temple presented climate trends across the span of history from several scientists who have looked at the historical data and predicted that the world is naturally getting colder based on cyclical trends observed throughout history. They derived their data in different ways, yet they all came to the same conclusion. The first mentioned is Dr. Raymond Wheeler, who in the early 1900s studied tree rings and sunspots.

In the early 1900s, Dr. Raymond Wheeler, with a team of 200 researchers analyzed climate back 20 centuries to 600 BC. He used tree rings and sunspot records to plot both temperature and rainfall over that entire period.

Temple says that the cycles Wheeler identified and his predictions for this century appear to be coming true.

He identified major climate cycles of 100, 170, 515, and 1030 years. He predicted extreme weather at about the year 2000, followed by a turn colder and a long-term drought … and sure enough, that’s what seems to be happening.

A 2014 chart (image below) by Russian astrophysicist Habibullo Ismailovich Abdussamatov, the head of the International Space Station, Temple points out, "has publicly predicted a mini ice age." Referring to the chart, Temple said that,

[T]the global temperatures have gone sideways since 1998 and the recent drop in solar activity is warning of much colder times ahead.

Another chart that Temple prepared as evidence of these cycles and the current period in which we live is this civilization chart (image below):

You can see the large temperature peaks every 1030 years – the red arrows. These extremely warm and wet periods supported bountiful crops and major societies grew to the height of their power.
The correlation of warm and wet climate with the rise of major civilizations is striking. When the climate turns warm and wet for long periods, the world’s greatest empires have emerged – Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Mayans, the Vikings, and so on.
When the climate grew colder, these great cultures fell into ruin. Bad things start to happen when climate turns cold and rainfall stops. Rome burned as it got colder. Hadrian’s Wall was built to keep out invaders at the bottom of a cold spell. Social mood always turns negative with colder climate. And that brings about riots and wars.
Cold periods often get labeled as dark ages, because there is little advancement of living standards.
So here we are at the top of the Modern Warm Period. Unless this time is different, the Earth is going to get a lot colder and dryer. Most likely for several hundred years. We’ll also see a major financial collapse. Yes, that’s one of the great features of the 172 year cycle. It’s happened throughout history, like clockwork. (Emphasis added.)

The World Cycle Institute's website provides the basis for the information in the chart, asserting its undisputed validity.

The data above comes from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration—from the Greenland Ice Core Research project ending in 1992. Ice cores are an extremely accurate method of determining temperature back through the centuries. This data is undisputed by the scientific community, but has been suppressed by the UN-associated, man-made warming advocates. It also reinforces the findings of Dr. Raymond Wheeler in his research over fifty years earlier of tree ring data, weather records, military records, locust plagues, historical chronicles, sunspot records, etc.

Temple concludes with the argument that we are headed for a long cold spell, not a warming trend. Geoengineering to block out the sun and efforts to curb greenhouse gases may thus be counterproductive, not only making the world colder than it would have been otherwise but also leaving us unprepared, missing the essential fuel and infrastructure that we will need to keep warm.

Cold periods often get labeled as dark ages, because there is little advancement of living standards.
So here we are at the top of the Modern Warm Period. Unless this time is different, the Earth is going to get a lot colder and dryer. Most likely for several hundred years. We’ll also see a major financial collapse. Yes, that’s one of the great features of the 172 year cycle. It’s happened throughout history, like clockwork.
So we’ve spent billions of dollars on this climate mania for nothing, really. We had this information more than a century ago.
The Sun and the Planets are the main drivers of climate change on our tiny, little planet—we know that. And we can’t change Mother Nature.
It’s going to get colder … there’s no question about that.
You see, history repeats … over and over again. So if you want to know the future, you look at the past. But, of course, nobody does that.
They’d much rather program computers to try to simulate what they think is “man made warming.”
Meanwhile, just when we’re going to need more energy and warmth, we have politicians trying to tax it out of existence, and shut down coal plants.
If we paid attention to cycles … and history, maybe we could plan for the tough times … every 172 years.

⇒⇒ Is it possible that our actions can effectively disrupt centuries of natural climate cycles?

5 climate data points are not enough

It's normal to get concerned when you understand that extreme weather is approaching and will likely bring devastation and death to a large area and many people and there's nothing you can do but warn them. But is it realistic to state that it's a result of climate change, aka global warming, and that people aren't doing enough to stop it? Is 40 years of climate data enough to be able to predict the climate trend as Morales believes he can?

Professor Bob Carter, one of several contributing authors to the Institute for Public Affairs (IPA)'s book 'Climate Change: The Facts 2014,' said, in the February 2015 video below, that even 150 years of temperature data doesn't enable one to do that. Referring to the data from Greenland, he says that 150 years of temperature records isn't sufficient to predict trends.

So here we are at the end of the 20th century, beginning of the 21st century. The dotted red line there is the bit of warming we had in the late 20th century. Nothing unusual about it at all, and we are actually at the moment on a long-term cooling trend. If you look really carefully just in there above that red thing, you can see a lot of little angels dancing around the head of that dash. That's the public discussion, which is ludicrous, about whether last year was the warmest over the last hundred and fifty years.

Professor Carter warns against reorganizing the energy economy based on five climate data points. He, like Temple, argues that we are on a cooling trend and shouldn't make energy decisions based on short-term data.

When they say this is the warmest year ever, ever means since we've had thermometers. That means about the last hundred and fifty years. Climate is defined by the meteorologist as 30 years of average weather at a site, so 150 years of temperature record divided by 30 is 5. So these people are telling you to reorganize the energy economy of the world on the basis of 5 climate data points. It is absurd. It's also scandalous. So when you look at it in proper context we are on a cooling trend.

Will we be left out in the cold?

The current "climate change" regulations are based on the idea of mitigating a "global warming" that’s largely blamed on humanity, particularly targeting the world’s population—especially developed countries—for creating a climate that’s supposedly becoming too warm to sustain life. As the information above shows, that simply isn’t true. Historical data reveals many periods when Earth was significantly warmer, and society thrived. Yet, we are being pressured to give up the very fuels that provide warmth and security in the cold. What will happen if the weather cools instead of warming up? Could geoengineering actually make things colder than they would have been? Will we find ourselves ill-prepared, facing a freeze instead of warming ourselves to extinction?

Considering these perspectives, should we be focusing our research on adaptive strategies that prepare us for all potential climate scenarios, rather than just relying on current regulations?

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