What was Hamas thinking?

Did Hamas go too far? 

Many believe that, unlike previous terror attacks Hamas has carried out, this time Hamas mistakenly crossed a red line when it entered Israel on October 7th, burned babies to death, and raped and mutilated men, women, and children. Indeed, this has been the worst attack on Israel since the Yom Kippur War with the greatest number of Jews killed on a single day since the Holocaust.

Alienating allies

The massacre of hundreds of women and children, as well as entire families, could have been expected to turn the most dovish Israelis into hawks. Additionally, the communities next to the Gaza border that Hamas targeted had included some of Israel's biggest supporters of the continued transfer of land, money, and autonomy to the PLO-controlled West Bank and Hamas-controlled Gaza. 

One such border community, Nir Oz, where a fourth of the members were killed, wounded, or kidnapped, including the entire Siman Tov family pictured below, was founded by The Young Guard, a Marxist, secular youth movement.

In fact, some former Jewish supporters of offering concessions to Hamas and the PLO have publicly apologized for harming Israeli security (while others have stuck to their views). 

Mistaken massacre?

It may then seem logical that Hamas leaders did not intend for their terrorist army to commit such atrocities that Israeli leaders would be forced to destroy it; in fact, some 60% of Hamas terrorists, of a total of up to 40,000, have already been eliminated in the ongoing war that has ensued.

Senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad did initially state that the attacks on civilians were mistakes:

[T]there were some mistakes . . . we didn't mean to attack civilians . . . nor was our goal to kidnap or murder civilians.


Hamas terrorists who were caught during the October 7th massacre, however, have said that the orders to behead and rape came from Hamas leaders:

In one video released by the Israel Defense Forces, a person whose face is blurred said that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs.

“The plan was to go from home to home, from room to room, to throw grenades and kill everyone, including women and children,” he said. “Hamas ordered us to crush their heads and cut them off, [and] to cut their legs.”

He also said they were given permission to rape the corpse of a girl.

Continuing attacks

Adding further doubt, to Hamad's claim that the civilian kidnappings were a mistake, is the fact that now, nearly four months later, Hamas leaders still refuse to release women and children held hostage. Instead, Hamas terrorists reportedly dress women as “dolls” to turn them into “puppets with whom they could do what they want . . .’’   

Hamas, which to this day continues shooting rockets into residential areas, seems intent on forcing Israeli leaders to destroy its regime in Gaza. 

And Hamad contradicted himself in another interview, also posted in the above tweet, saying that Hamas carried out the massacre (which he calls the Al-Aqsa Flood), and plans to carry out additional such "floods," even though it means that Hamas will “pay a price.”

The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time. There will be a second, a third, a fourth . . . 

Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it.


Hamad thus believes that while Hamas will suffer a temporary setback in the current war, it will be victorious in the end. Why is Hamas so sure that they will not suffer a complete loss at this stage? 

And what is the victory Hamas seeks? The day before the October 7th massacre, not one Jewish soldier or civilian was in Gaza. Tens of thousands of Gazans were coming into Israel each day for gainful employment while hundreds of trucks filled with commercial goods entered Gaza from Israel each day. Gaza also has a border crossing with Egypt, from which additional trucks pass each day, a border over which Israel has no control. So Gaza was neither occupied nor blockaded by Israel. What more does Hamas want?

Phased plan for the destruction of Israel

Following four consecutive defeats of neighboring nations in their attempts to destroy Israel, in the 1948 Independence War, 1956 Sinai War, 1967 Six Day War, and 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Marxist Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) decided to change strategy.

Rather than hostile nations attempting to fight Israel again in a literal uphill battle from across the Jordan River and Golan Heights, the PLO adopted a ten-point plan, in 1974, to delay a fifth and final war until Israel would relinquish the mountainous West Bank and Golan Heights as well as the flatland of Gaza. 

Only after the PLO and Hamas obtained as much land as Israel could be pressured into conceding would Israel again see war. Information Regarding Israel's Security reprinted the PLO's ten-point plan together with this summary:

The plan in brief:

  • Through the "armed struggle" (i.e., terrorism), to establish an "independent combatant national authority" over any territory that is "liberated" from Israeli rule. (Article 2)
  • To continue the struggle against Israel, using the territory of the national authority as a base of operations. (Article 4)
  • To provoke an all-out war in which Israel's Arab neighbors destroy it entirely ("liberate all Palestinian territory"). (Article 8)

Today, the Phased Plan remains relevant. Speaking just after the 1993 revelation of the Israel-PLO accord, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat announced that the historic agreement "will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974.... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated." (Radio Monte Carlo, 1 September 1993)

It is worth noting that the PLO's term for the self-rule council now in place in Gaza and the West Bank is the "Palestinian National Authority," echoing the language of the Phased Plan.

Terror goals

Terrorism itself, then, is not intended to defeat a nation like Israel. The PLO and Hamas have no tanks, artillery, helicopters or planes. Their only purpose is to force their target government into making concessions deemed too dangerous to make without pressure to “do something” to restore stability. That "something" is statehood, which normally means the ability to host other nations' tanks and air force jets.

Wars of national liberation  

How, then, do terror groups scale their atrocities to avoid being destroyed once and for all and instead gain concessions? Marxists have developed a seven-step method for carrying out so-called “wars of national liberation,” to replace the ruling parties of free or semi-free nations with more collectivist regimes. The process begins by fomenting civil war:

Because open warfare against target governments would simply lead to defeat, the Communists always disguise their revolutions as civil wars. They camouflage their intentions by pretending to fight for the liberation of one class of people from another, using a divide-and-conquer technique against a nation’s social structure.

These seven steps are designed to protect the terror group from the possibility that they might go too far with their attacks and provoke the target government to attack.  

Palestinian “Liberation”

In Israel, revolutionaries seized on the pre-existing tensions between Jews and Arabs by creating the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964, three years before Israel took control of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 1967. Before the 1967 Six-Day War, Gaza was part of Egypt and the West Bank and Temple Mount were part of Jordan. Yet, the Soviet-backed PLO was working to “liberate" Tel Aviv, meaning the issue was not the real estate in Gaza and the West Bank. 

It is also not the welfare of the Arab population in Gaza and the West Bank that concerns the PLO. Arafat, the group's founder and a former representative at the Communist World Festival of Youth, executed some 1,000 Arabs while torturing and mutilating many others who didn't support his secular, socialist organization.

The issue is also not the Israeli-Arabs, who enjoy freedom, the right to vote, and a very high standard of living relative to the region. The issue is replacing the free nation of Israel and its free market economy with an anti-West regime.

Not a mistake

In following the general seven-step method for conducting a “war of national liberation,” the PLO and Hamas actually expect to see major concessions at the end of the current war, with the status quo shaken up and the international community demanding that Israel drop its demands that Gaza and the West Bank remain demilitarized. 

Instead, they expect an invigorated push for full statehood and even a road traveling through the heart of Israel to connect Gaza and the West Bank with Israel agreeing to forgo any customs inspections along the route. Even missiles could be transferred on this road. The terror groups are even expecting tens of billions of dollars in aid to begin flowing into their coffers, ostensibly to rebuild Gaza, but much of which can be expected to be diverted to terrorist salaries, tunnel building and rocket production.

Check back to see how the use of atrocities in the seven-step “war of national liberation” being carried out by the PLO and Hamas is calculated, counterintuitively, to lead to the “gift” of statehood for them, why that state will pose a threat to freedom throughout the world, and how the U.S. can block it.

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