Virginia school board official sworn in on child pornography books

A school board official in Fairfax County, Virginia last week was sworn in on pornographic books aimed at children instead of a Bible.
Incoming Fairfax County School Board Chairman Karl Frisch took his oath of office last Wednesday as he placed his hand on several books including “Lawn Boy,” “Gender Queer,” “Flamer,” “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” while they were held by his male partner.
Those books, which are currently available to underage students in Fairfax County and other US public schools, depict graphic same-sex sexual activity. Some of the books feature sexual relationships between adults and children. “Lawn Boy,” for example, reportedly depicts a fourth-grader performing oral sex on an adult man.
Frisch, who describes himself as a “public policy advocate” and “he/him,” has few roots in Virginia, according to the Daily Wire. An atheist Democrat campaign consultant from California, Frisch secured his first term on the Fairfax County School Board (FCSB) in 2019 after campaigning on gender ideology.
Because he has no children, Frisch’s heavy interest in schools raises concerns that his purpose is to sexualize children and indoctrinate them with gender ideology.
On his campaign website Frisch boasts he is “the first LGBTQ+ person elected to local office in Virginia’s largest county and one of only four openly LGBTQ+ school board members in the Commonwealth out of roughly 800 members.”
Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, a former Republican candidate for the Fairfax County School Board, says Frisch and his colleagues have already mandated that preferred pronouns be used.
“This most recent circus act regarding his oath wasn’t particularly surprising,” wrote Lundquist-Arora in the Washington Examiner. “Frisch approaches his commitment to pushing the LGBT agenda into Fairfax County’s public schools with religious fervor.”
But Frisch is proud he took his oath on “a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school systems,” according to his campaign website.
He assumes office on January 1st.