USAID continues funding global LGBT events despite congressional order, says report

The Biden-Harris administration is spending taxpayer funds to promote gender ideology around the world despite a congressional freeze on the funds, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation report.

The Daily Caller cited an inside source who said a congressional committee in August placed a hold on $1.5 million earmarked by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to promote LGBT causes abroad. 

In “an incredibly rare and nearly unprecedented move,” however, USAID is ignoring the order. The agency will be using the $1.5 million to push the LGBT agenda within Latin American and Caribbean nations that are highly populated with Christians. Some of these funds will go towards filing lawsuits against governments that do not embrace gender ideology.

The $1.5 million is part of a larger $6.5 million budget allocated toward promoting LGBT propaganda around the world.

USAID is actively spreading LGBT propaganda by, in its own words, “working in the education sector to integrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+1) considerations into programming and across the Program Cycle.”

USAID: The CIA’s ‘propaganda arm’

The agency is widely believed to be the “propaganda arm” of the CIA. 

In an interview last year, recent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explained how American journalists were once historically “compromised” by US agencies, with many journalists signing “secrecy agreements” with the CIA. This was the objective of Operation Mockingbird, a program in which the CIA used news media to propagandize the American people.

But in 1975 came the Church Committee hearings, which investigated abuses by the CIA and other intelligence agencies. An outcome of these hearings was that the CIA agreed to never again use American journalists for propaganda purposes. Instead, the CIA uses international media operatives.

“The CIA promised that it would no longer compromise American journalists,” Kennedy said. “It continued the program to compromise journalists all over the world, and today the CIA is the biggest funder of journalism in the world. They fund it through USAID.”

USAID is a major financier of world events that shape political landscapes. In 2010, for example, the agency funded a social platform in Cuba to promote dissent against the government. In 2013, WikiLeaks revealed a USAID strategy to weaken former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s regime. It was instrumental in pressuring the National Party in South Africa to allow the terrorist African National Congress to come to power.

NED: Another CIA front?

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is also widely believed to be a CIA front or, as former State Department official Mike Benz calls it, a “CIA cutout.” The organization receives around $100 million annually from Congress and has been shaping world events since the 1980s, though it vehemently denies being tied to the CIA. 

NED is known for having funded rebel forces in Nicaragua during the eighties and having trained and funded protesters during the Arab Spring in 2011, among other regime changes around the world.

NED has been funding an organization called Tbilisi Pride, which organizes Pride events and propagates gender ideology in Tbilisi, Georgia. In addition to donations from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the State of the Netherlands, Tbilisi Pride also received $97,000 for 2023-2024 from NED.

Between 2016 and 2020, NED also funded the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, alongside George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the European Union, UNICEF, UNHCR, and other organizations. The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee is one of the organizers of Sofia Pride, which bills itself as the largest Pride event in Bulgaria.

Sofia Pride also received a $15,000 grant from the State Department in March for its Pride event this summer. The Department distributed an additional $7,500 to an organization called Deystvie for an LGBT film festival in Bulgaria.

More US funding for gender ideology abroad

Last month, the State Department approved a $20,000 grant using taxpayer funds for a production of the play “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” in North Macedonia. The play, written in 1991 by gay socialist playwright Tony Kushner, focuses on homosexuality and the AIDS epidemic. Featuring a drag queen, hermaphrodite angels, and a bisexual god, “Angels in America” glorifies communists and demonizes Republicans.

Kushner is, in fact, driven by hatred for Republicans, particularly former President Ronald Reagan. The playwright’s “six-word memoir” reads: “At least I never voted Republican.” In his afterword for “Angels in America,” Kushner wrote:

We have no system of universal health care, we don’t educate our children, we can’t pass sane gun control laws, we elect presidents like Reagan.

Kushner’s play will be produced in North Macedonia thanks in large part to the State Department. The Department awarded the grant to the Association for Affirmation of Theatre Presvrt Skopje for:

Staging Tony Kushner's play "Angels in America" and conducting open talks to raise awareness about HIV stigma and LGBTQ+ issues in North Macedonia.

The play is one of the US government’s many avenues for disseminating gender ideology around the world.


Last year, the State Department spent $120,000 in taxpayer funds to “improve communication at the level of the local community on the social issue of LGBTQ rights and domestic violence via participatory theater” in Chad, a mostly Islamic African country bordering Libya and Sudan.


In 2022, the State Department’s Global Equality Fund distributed €464,301.41 ($504,988.14) to ILGA Europe, an organization that funds and organizes Pride events throughout the continent. ILGA Europe is also heavily funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the European Commission, and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Pride week in Brno

This year, the State Department also spent $5,500 in taxpayer dollars to fund Pride week in Brno, a city in the Czech Republic. The event, which took place earlier this month, featured LGBT reading for children, an LGBT picnic for youth, and an LGBT-themed worship service.

Australia: Better Together

Additionally, the State Department contributed $5,250 to Better Together, an Australian LGBT organization that will be holding a conference next month dedicated to shaping public opinion and government policies on gender ideology.