US depopulation plan hits new milestone

A decades-old plan to stifle population growth in the US has reached new milestones which suggest the program is a resounding success.
According to a Statista report last week, a quarter of US 40-year-olds have never been married, an historical high since data started being published in 1990. Most of these adults live alone, with only 22% saying they live with a partner. Nearly half (46%) of Black Americans say they are still single by 40, followed by Hispanics (27%), Whites (20%), and Asian Americans (17%).
Marriage avoidance is part of a depopulation plan designed over 50 years ago in the Jaffe Memo.
In 1969 an economist named Frederick Jaffe devised a set of proposals to limit US population growth which continue to be put into practice today. Jaffe, who at the time was vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, had created the plan at the request of Bernard Berelson.
Berelson was the head of the Population Council, an organization founded by John D. Rockefeller III in 1952 to stem birth rates in the United States. Until today the Population Council concerns itself with researching contraception and other ways to prevent births, such as the Copper T intrauterine device. Since then an estimated 50 million Copper Ts have been distributed in over 70 countries.
In 1969, Berelson was looking for ideas.
Jaffe rose to the occasion and responded with what would later become known as the Jaffe Memo. In it, Jaffe proposed a set of actions which he believed could suppress the US birth rate. He compiled them into a table titled “Proposed measures to reduce fertility by universality or selectivity of impact in the US.”
Some of those proposed measures were to “encourage increased homosexuality,” “allow harmless contraceptives to be distributed nonmedically,” to “make contraception truly available and accessible,” and to provide “abortion and sterilization on demand.”
Another measure was titled “Restructure family” and contained two parts: “(a) Postpone or avoid marriage,” and “(b) Alter image of ideal family size.”
These were listed alongside two of Jaffe’s other propositions, which were to drive women into higher education and to convince more women to join the workforce.
“[T]he relationship between employment of women and lower fertility seems well established,” wrote Jaffe. He said that full employment is accompanied by higher inflation, a sacrifice the US may need to make in order to depopulate. “How much inflation could or should we risk to achieve lower fertility?” he asked.
Today, getting more women to enter the workforce is a strategy tirelessly adopted by globalist bodies such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF). The UN is known to encourage women’s participation in the labor force at nearly every opportunity, even turning it into a public health issue.
This, too, has become an unmistakable success. According to data from Pew Research, Millennial women are four times more likely than those in the Silent Generation to have a bachelor’s degree — and the more educated a woman becomes, the more likely she is to postpone having children or not have them at all.
Furthermore, around the time of the Jaffe Memo, only about 40% of women were employed. Today that number is 72% among Millennial women.
Business Insider says declining birth and marriage rates are being driven by women who are choosing careers over children, which it claims is “a sign of economic progress, signaling a rise in individualism and women's autonomy.”
"I couldn't imagine juggling work and children. I wouldn't be able to care for my two dogs without my husband,” 40-year-old career woman Jennifer Mathieu told the publication, adding: "I have zero regrets, love my life, and think at least three to four times a week about how thankful I am that I do not have children."
"We both work hard at our careers and honestly didn't feel like children fit into the life and goals we wanted," said Heather Watson, another female professional. "It always felt like it would be unfair to kids to try to fit them into our lives."
“Kids are expensive and sticky,” said another.
Statista confirms that women no longer feel marriage is important because they have “gained economic power”:
The general increase of people who are still single by 40 suggests that there has been a shift in sentiments on the importance of marriage. The trend is likely due to a wide variety and combination of factors, whether that’s a loosening of stigma around being single, or as Belinda Luscombe of Time Magazine explains, due to economic reasons, such as the fact that since women have “gained economic power, they needed to rely less on men to provide”, or conversely, because many men say they feel they need a level of financial stability to be ready for marriage.
Another of Jaffe’s proposed actions was to place “fertility control agents in the water supply.”
Common pesticides have been found to not only dramatically affect fertility but to feminize males. In one study of the pesticide atrazine, most male frogs exposed to the toxin became attracted to other males, including some who began functioning as females and produced eggs. Most atrazine produced in the United States is manufactured by Syngenta, a company owned by the Chinese Communist Party.
These pesticides, which have been detected in water supplies across the US, have recently been credited with reducing the sperm count in men by 50% over the last 50 years.
Other depopulation techniques proposed by Jaffe included compulsory education for children and government incentives for lower birth rates as possible effective methods. Another entry listed among the proposed measures simply reads “chronic depression” with no further explanation.
Discouraging private home ownership is also one of the proposals, and a cornerstone of the WEF’s Agenda 2030 which promises taxpayers they will “own nothing and you’ll be happy.”
“The hypothesis underlying these proposals is that the achievement of a society in which effective contraception is efficiently distributed to all, based on present voluntary norms, would either result in a tolerable rate of growth, or go very far toward achieving it,” Jaffe wrote. “If this hypothesis is basically confirmed, it would negate the need for an explicit U.S. population policy which goes beyond voluntary norms.”
In the year the Jaffe Memo was produced, then-President Richard Nixon proposed the creation of a presidential advisory commission which would be tasked with creating a plan to solve the “population problem.” The next year, Nixon established the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, on which sat both Jaffe and Berelson.
Those of Jaffe’s proposed measures which have been enforced, have been adopted by all major globalist organizations utterly, where homosexuality, abortion, birth control, and women in the workplace are all encouraged under the banner of “gender equality.”
Today, the Population Council’s website focuses on gender equality, abortion on demand, and even “climate change” as a determinant of “reproductive health and fertility.”
Other globalist bodies have been investing heavily in bringing the Jaffe Memo to realization, particularly through an organization called FP2030.
In July 2012, a meeting in London was convened by USAID, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The goal of the meeting was “to empower the voluntary use of modern contraception by 120 million additional women and girls in the world’s lowest-income countries by 2020.” Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) was formed.
FP2020 soon recruited over 130 governments, organizations and corporations to join the cause. Drug companies like Pfizer and Bayer pledged to provide birth preventive products all around the world.
As 2020 approached, FP2020’s founders evidently deemed it so successful that they renewed it for another decade and renamed the organization FP2030. Its globalist managers include North America and Europe Managing DIrector Monica Kerrigan, MPH, who previously worked for Planned Parenthood, the Gates Foundation and USAID.
In 2021, FP2030 received $1.4 billion from government funding alone, with over $500 million annually from USAID.
When starting a birth prevention campaign in a target country, FP2030’s founding organizations first contact an official in that country’s Health Ministry. They present the official with a strategy containing high-impact practices (HIPs) for preventing births on a mass scale and provide them with the funds to do it.
However, FP2030’s goal is not simply to make birth prevention devices available, but to convince women to take them. Therefore, any mass birth prevention strategy must “improve attitudes.”
One of the main vehicles used for changing minds and attitudes towards birth prevention is mass media. In a 2016 High Impact Practices Partners’ meeting attended by FP2030 operatives, organizations were encouraged to “[u]se one or more mass media channels (radio, TV, print) to increase knowledge, improve attitudes and self-efficacy, and encourage social change to effect family planning.”
Another part of the strategy is using gender confusion ideology to prevent mass births. Whereas men and women naturally breed, masculinizing women and effeminizing men — contravening “gender norms” — is an effective way to stagnate a population.
“For FP2030, an intentional approach to gender equality makes our work more effective in advancing both family planning and gender equality,” says an FP2030 presentation titled “FP2030 Gender Strategy.”
The organization plainly states that “[g]ender norms . . . create barriers to FP access” and “[w]ith greater funding and scale, gender-transformative approaches will advance gender equality and accelerate progress on contraceptive access and use.”
In countries where birth prevention rates are stagnant, FP2030 says gender ideology, or “positive gender norms,” can be “more effective”: “In countries where contraceptive prevalence has plateaued, demand-side interventions promoting positive gender norms can be more effective than supply‑side approaches.”
Gender Strategy notes that feminist operatives are also very helpful in driving birth prevention.
This may also explain why US intelligence agencies are heavily funding gender confusion around the globe through “Pride” organizations and events.
Such gender confusion — where women are masculinized and men are effeminized — is also achieved by birth prevention drugs themselves. According to scientific evidence, women who take birth prevention pills are likely to find more effeminate men attractive and themselves less attractive. They are also more likely to be sexually dissatisfied and cheat on their partners. If the woman wants to conceive, she can cease taking the pill which may make her lose interest in her partner, potentially fragmenting the family if a child is conceived.
The desire among globalists to prevent births is aggressive. Even though certain birth preventive injections can increase the risk of HIV, for example, the World Health Organization (WHO) still recommends it be provided to women.
“WHO advises that women should not be denied the use of progestogen-only injectables because of concerns about the possible increased [HIV] risk,” reads an FP2020 report. Women should be made aware of the increased risk of HIV, it continues, but they should also be told there is “uncertainty over a causal relationship.”
Vaccination is also included in FP2030's mass birth prevention strategy.
Nepal’s government, for instance, “is developing an integrated care strategy that includes family planning and immunization integration. Progress is being made on ensuring that post-abortion family planning is regularly offered.” FP2030 funds to Nepal also go towards “employing mass media to reach youth, ethnic minorities, and marginalized and disadvantaged groups with family planning information.”
Ultimately, FP2030 has been successful. One in three women of reproductive age is now using birth prevention products, boasts the organization, with the sharpest increase in Sub-Saharan Africa. As of July 2022, an estimated 371 million women and girls around the world are using birth prevention.
Notably, this is in addition to birth prevention products used by men.