
When it comes to difficult feelings, I think there's almost nothing harder than feeling alone.
Nobody understands me.
Nobody is there for me.
Nobody sees the world like I do.
There's nobody for me to share my struggle with.
I have to go through this darkness on my own.
When I feel alone, it can be hard to move forward. It can feel impossible to act, even if I want things to change. I second-guess myself. I wonder if I'm normal.
But give me one friend — one other person who wants to connect with me, who's going in the same direction, who gets my values, who will hold compassionate space for my pain — and the world starts to look a little brighter. Things might still be hard, but I know it's going to be alright because I realize I'm not, in fact, alone.
And then together, the two of us can get some things done. There's a different energy and momentum than if I do it alone. There's a surge of inspiration and encouragement, and a powerful merging of strengths. What felt impossible before suddenly seems more within reach.
This is the power we hold for each other.
On the other hand, tyranny seeks to destroy the connection between people. One of the easiest ways to break people is to isolate them, to cut them off from others who might help them to remember that they do have power and choices. If you were on this planet in 2020, you know what I'm talking about.
To overcome the tyrannical forces at work in the world today, we have to make the opposite play. We need to connect with each other, unite, and then act together.
I find people who are doing this in our times to be massively inspiring. Take the “Trust and Freedom Initiative,” for example. This is a group of seven European Union citizens, each one from a different country. They've come together to lead the way in protesting the World Health Organization's proposed Pandemic Treaty. They're working together to stand up, speak out, and rally their respective countries to reject this controlling, oppressive agenda.
When you watch the videos of their powerhouse speeches at the initiative's recent launch, you feel so much less alone. You see that, hey, there are other people out there who feel as you do — maybe you are still sane after all. You see that there are people who are actually doing something, and the doing starts to feel more possible. You see the power of a group working together in common purpose.
Unity is the key. The only way out of this is together.
Reach out to someone today, and let them know they're not alone. And then, decide how you will make the world better together.