Twitter, media nervous about Elon Musk taking over platform

It’s been only a day since the report that Elon Musk became Twitter’s largest shareholder, but the social media platform’s employees are already getting nervous. 

In a tweet that has now gone viral, Jackson Mullholland wrote that he is resigning from Twitter because he refuses to “work with or for” Elon Musk. 

“My name is Jackson Mulholland & and I’m one of many people here working at @Twitter in charge of developing terms & conditions for users,” said Mulholland. The terms and conditions are what Twitter uses as justification for banning any user who disagrees with the woke or COVID-19 narrative. 

“We’re not stripping away ‘free speech’, we’re protecting users from bullies, bigots, & spam. I refuse to work with or for @elonmusk. I’m resigning,” he concluded, followed by a rainbow flag emoji. 

Mulholland referenced free speech because that is what many social media users are hoping will return with Musk at the helm. Musk is committed to free speech and has even referred to himself as a “free speech absolutist". 

But Mulholland also sees himself, along with other Twitter employees, as protectors of users from “bullies”, despite the fact that it allows the bullying of dissenters. 

Twitter banned former President Donald Trump for challenging the 2020 election results, mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone for not buying the COVID-19 narrative, and the Babylon Bee for referring to a biological man as a “man”, among many others. 

But Twitter refused to ban Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, who called for the destruction and genocide of Israel on the platform. 

On Saturday, Twitter also refused to ban a singer and activist who threatened to murder J.K. Rowling for her opinions. 

The Harry Potter author has been a target of gender disorientation organizations (GDO) for protecting women’s rights. 

Faye Fadem posted a music video on Friday containing death threats against J.K. Rowling, such as “As I kill (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists)” and “J.K. I hope you fit in a hearse.” 

When actor James Dreyfuss brought the video to Twitter’s attention, the platform responded that it didn’t violate its safety policies. 

It has since removed the video following fierce backlash. 

This is the platform that Musk now partly owns, and the mainstream media are getting anxious. If Musk manages to convert Twitter into a free speech platform, it will remove the Left’s largest and most effective bully pulpit. 

So, the media are trying to claim that Musk is in fact bad for free speech. 

“Elon Musk’s Twitter Investment Could Be Bad News for Free Speech,” cried Bloomberg Monday. 

“Elon Musk Is Now Twitter’s Largest Shareholder; And That’s Probably Not A Good Thing,” sniffed TechDirt. 

“What would free speech look like on Elon Musk’s Twitter?” asked the Los Angeles Times. 

“Elon Musk buys 9% of Twitter stock as he pressures company on ‘free speech’,” huffed Ars Technica. 

“Despite calling himself a 'free speech absolutist,' Elon Musk has a history of retaliation against employees and critics,” said Business Insider gravely.