Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of so called COVID vaccines because no one wants them' - EU Parliamentarian

MEP Mislav Kolakusic delivered a shocking address to the European Parliament declaring that as much as it was a waste to purchase billions more mRNA injection doses than were used, it would still have been preferable had all doses been wasted rather than causing injuries and death to the recipients. 

"We are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of the so called COVID vaccines around the world that no one wants anymore. Billions of Euros of taxpayers' money are being burned and nobody asked the citizens anything when those vaccines were bought," said Kolakusic adding, “It would be better if we [had] immediately burned all the vaccines and saved many lives and the health of the citizens.”

The former judge, and self-described “non-affiliated activist for the rule of law and fighter against corruption,” posted the speech to his official Twitter account. Representing the Republic of Croatia, and speaking in his native language, Kolakusic provided English subtitles with his Twitter video.

5x the actual need secretly ordered and paid for

Kolakusic went on to label the secret payment of €71 billion for 13 doses per adult as the biggest corruption scandal in EU history:

The purchase of 4.6 billion doses for 360 million adult EU citizens  was carried out in complete obscurity and secrecy, full of hidden text messages, which indicates the biggest corruption scandal in the history of the European Union. It is a contract worth 71 billion Euros, which was concluded with closed eyes between [European Commission President Ursula] von der Leyen and [Albert] Bourla, CEO of Pfizer. 

In fact, less than 1 billion doses have been administered in the EU, equating to just a bit more than 2 doses per person. The cumulative total has remained relatively flat for over a year, leaving more than 3.6 billion unused doses — 80% of the total order.


As billions of mRNA injection doses are destroyed, it may be difficult to imagine that less than two years ago there was a non-stop, frantic focus on whether doses could be manufactured fast enough to keep up with the expected demand. In August 2021 World Bank Vice President for Human Development Mamta Murthi worried about production levels:

The situation that we see right now is absolutely unacceptable because a large part of the world remains unvaccinated, and this is a danger for all of us . . . So a big part of the problem is that many wealthy countries actually pre-ordered far more vaccine doses than they even needed to vaccinate their populations . . . the US paid for enough vaccines for twice its population, the UK paid for enough for four times its population, and Canada for five times its population. So even though the world will have created 11 billion total doses by the end of this year, almost 9.9 billion of those doses have already been promised to higher and upper middle-income countries . . . There aren't enough vaccines being produced, and the production is not equitably distributed.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) excitedly followed up in January 2022 with a report entitled, “From zero COVID-19 vaccines to 11.2 billion in a year” that vaccine production did indeed ramp up:

The WEF did not follow up the next year with a report on dose production in 2022, a year in which Big Pharma continued producing mRNA injection doses at a record pace despite a sharp decline in usage.

Produce them to burn them

Today, total administered doses have reached 13.3 billion globally, just 2.1 billion more doses than were already produced by the end of 2021. Nonetheless, two manufacturers, Pfizer and Moderna, reported plans to produce 4 billion and 3 billion doses, respectfully in 2022. That is in addition to the billions of doses prepared by the other 17 COVID vaccine manufacturers. Data on how many doses were produced in excess of the 13.3 billion administered doses is not readily available, as the reports on dose production, readily available through January 2022, essentially ceased as production exceeded demand in the beginning of 2022.