This week in #DiedSuddenly (Part 3)


Reports of healthy, young people dying unexpectedly continue to pour in daily, a phenomenon the media and their doctors are dismissing as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).   

Out of the many cases sent to America’s Frontline News this week, we have chosen a small handful to include in this report to help shine a spotlight on these ‘unexplained’ deaths. 

Liz Santollo Colonna 

“So weird to go into a store and see people no wearing a mask,” Colonna wrote in May 2021. “I went to Costco there was a few people not wearing a mask when I asked one of the employees she said as of today people that are vaccinated are not required to wear a mask in the store. I am vaccinated and I’m not comfortable yet not wearing a mask.” 

On Wednesday, Colonna’s son, Salvatore Nicholas, wrote: 

“As some of you may know, my amazing beautiful Mom, Liz Santollo Colonna, unexpectedly and suddenly passed away yesterday, November 1, 2022.” 

Lesa Lyle Bement 

“This will be one of the most difficult posts I will have to write. Yesterday morning my sister, Lesa Lyle Bement, passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack in her sleep. As you can expect, this has left all of us in shock and disbelief. We will be making arrangements this morning and I will let everyone know. - Gina Lyle Bailey 

Richard Sloan Jones 

“Everyone please remember the family of Richard Sloan Jones in your prayers. He passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Will share the service details when available.” - Debbie Shuler 

Michaela Bateman  

A mum-of-three from Surrey suddenly died after she was helping one of her children get ready for school. Michaela Bateman, from Frimley, was taken to hospital after feeling ill on the morning of September 29, but later died from a pulmonary embolism. Michaela's mum, Sharon Massingham, said: ‘We lost my mum on September 29 - Michaela and she were very close - and then 10 days later we lost my daughter.’” - ITV News 

Larry Michaud 

“After my vaccination, Larry Michaud asked if it hurt,” wrote Larry’s wife, Norma, in February 2021. “’The only thing that hurt was when the dadgum nurse made me step on the scale beforehand.’ Let’s just say Quarantine Eating has...caught up with me.” 

Then, in October 2022: 

“Loved ones, it's with a shocked and broken heart that I share with y'all that our beloved husband, Daddy and Pops Larry Michaud passed away suddenly last night. He was at our lake house tending to some plumbing issues when he was seized with a sudden, paralyzing pain in the back and tummy. We assumed his horribly arthritic back had gone out. Then the EMS guys told us it was probably kidney stones. 

“Turned out it was a fatal ruptured aortic aneurysm.” 

Sandra Conley 

“It is with sadness I report my mentor from Welcome Wagon, Sandra Conley, had passed away suddenly. She graciously called me last week just to chat.” - Mary-Ann Terpstra 

Shannon Perne-Simons 

“My beautiful friend, Shannon Perné-Simons, passed away unexpectedly yesterday, and leaves behind her dear husband, Bill, and their four adopted special needs children.” - Elaine Cheetham 

See also: