Tedros demands aggressive pushback against 'anti-vaxxers' — but is the science on his side?

Tedros claims “anti-vaxxers” creating havoc

With the ink barely dry on the watered-down amendments to the International Health Regulations (the World Health Assembly finished their work on Saturday night, June 1st) and with the failure of countries to adopt the pandemic treaty fresh in mind, terrorism-linked WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has seen fit to go after “anti-vaxxers,” yet again. 

In September 2019, as Frontline News reported, the WHO declared vaccine hesitancy one of the world's 10 worst problems.

In 2022 the WHO tried to indict “anti-vaxxers” with a video published on its Twitter page in which vaccine developer Dr. Peter Hotez, "said that anti-vaxxers are killing people, linking people who refused the COVID injections to the ‘far right,’” as LifeSite News reported:

Anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally ... It’s a killing force. Anti-science now kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyber-attacks.
And now it’s become a political movement. In the U.S. it’s linked to far [sic] extremism on the far right, same in Germany. So this is a new face of anti-science aggression. And so we need political solutions to address this.

Just two years earlier, however, Fauci, Hotez, and other vaccinologists were anti-vaxxers themselves, warning against rushing a COVID mRNA vaccine, as shown in the video below:



Now that Tedros finds himself desperate to have the pandemic treaty approved before the year is out (his stated hope at the close of the Assembly), he is pursuing anti-vaxxers. As reported in a separate piece by Lifesite News, Tedros claimed a need "to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers” during a talk titled “Celebrating 50 years of immunization progress.” 

In the video below you can hear Tedros himself as he complains about “anti-vaxxers” wreaking havoc.

You know the serious challenge that's posed by anti-vaxxers and I think we need to strategize to really push back because vaccines work. Vaccines affect adults and we have science, evidence on our side. I think it's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they used COVID as an opportunity and you know all the havoc they're creating. 



Where's the science?

One problem with Tedros' agenda is that the WHO has admitted that it doesn't have science or evidence to back his claims.

On December 2nd and 3rd in 2019, about two and a half months after the WHO declared vaccine hesitancy a threat, the global body held a Global Vaccine Safety Summit with top vaccinologists and scientists from around the world. They discussed the problems associated with the vaccines regularly given to children and adults, including concern about adverse events caused by the adjuvants which may not be detected due to a lack of sufficient sample size, effect size, and significance level in prior studies and a lack of good safety monitoring systems in many countries, which prevents them from giving proper answers about the deaths due to a particular vaccine, and more. 

Among the professionals was anthropologist Prof. Heidi Larson, director of the Vaccine Confidence Project. Larson said, among many shocking revelations, that there is a need for new safety research because you can't keep repurposing the old safety science:

There’s a lot of safety science that’s needed and without good science we can’t have good communications… it absolutely needs the science as the backbone. You can’t repurpose the same old science to make it sound better if you don’t have the science that’s relevant to the new problems.
We need much more investment in safety science.

She also stated that doctors lack confidence in vaccine safety; they hardly receive any education on vaccines:

We’ve talked about it earlier, some of the challenges are that our frontline professionals are starting to question, or they don’t feel that they have enough confidence about the safety to stand up to it to the person asking them the questions.”
“I mean, most medical school curriculums, even nursing curriculums, I mean in medical school you’re lucky if you have a half day on vaccines, never mind keeping up-to-date with all this.


 So according to the WHO's scientists, the science is not there and the evidence is shaky. And this is for the traditional vaccines that have been used for decades already!

Published scientific research not reliable, either

Even when scientific data is published, the alleged research findings may not be reliable. Former editors of medical journals, Frontline News reported, have said that published scientific and medical research cannot be trusted.

Gates trashes vaccines he profited from

A year after the COVID vaccines were rolled out, their greatest proponent and vaccine profiteer, WHO funder Bill Gates trashed the vaccine, as seen in the video below, which also features Rising co-hosts Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave calling COVID vaccines a grift: 

This is a grift people. These companies are extracting money, taxpayer money as it were, to pay for medical treatments that are not indicated by medical professions and in fact are yet less useful than what we are already have.  


The ‘greatest show on earth’ depends on vaccines

The IHR pandemic regulations and the pandemic treaty (currently considered to be on life support) depend on the mass vaccination of millions of people during the “expected increase” in pandemics. In the video clip below, Dr. David Bell describes the corporate profit scheme which underlies what he calls the “pandemic industry,” and “the greatest show on earth.”

Pharma is already developing bird flu vaccines for a virus that has yet to be transmitted between humans and investors are already anticipating their bird flu vaccine profits, according to Yahoo Finance's report of May 23, 2024, that “shares of the [sic] Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax NVAX, CureVac CVAC and BioNTech rose 13.7%, 3.6%, 5.3%, 18.8% and 11.1% respectively, on Wednesday.”

Aggressive pushback?

So, what strategies does Tedros, who was the "third highest official in the terrorist Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and allegedly played a key role in the kidnapping of a prominent dissident as well as other atrocities,” have in mind to aggressively push back on the “anti-vaxxers who are creating havoc” and keep the gravy train running? 

Watch the Highwire episode below, where host Del BigTree discusses the implications of the Vaccine Safety Summit.


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