Sweden rejects totalitarian climate agenda

Sweden last week scrapped plans to transition to 100% renewable energy in what is being seen as a rejection of the totalitarian climate agenda.

Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson told Parliament that the country needs a “stable energy system” which is less feasible with wind- and solar-powered energy. The country will therefore nix its 100% renewable energy target and shift back to using nuclear power for stability.

“This creates the conditions for nuclear power,” said Svantesson. “We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need a stable energy system.”

Instead of insisting on renewable energy like most globalists, Sweden will instead aim for “fossil-free” energy which should still allow for stable and affordable electricity for citizens. The decision effectively torpedoes the country’s plan to achieve “net zero” carbon emissions by 2030.

“The Swedish decision is an important step in the right direction, implicitly acknowledging the low quality of unstable wind and solar, and is part of a general collapse of confidence in the renewable energy agenda pioneered in the Nordic countries and in Germany,” said Net Zero Watch, a climate policy watchdog.

Sweden’s Right-leaning government has rejected globalist agendas before, most famously when it came to COVID-19 mandates. The government’s refusal to implement lockdowns and vaccine mandates in particular are now being hailed as a case study in health and medical freedom.

“We shut down schools, Sweden didn’t. Not a child in Sweden died,” Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Fox News this week. Sweden’s COVID-19 death rate was among the lowest in Europe.

Sweden is not alone in seceding from some globalist programs.

Italy’s government recently backed a bill that aims to ban fake foods, including lab-grown meat, from the country. Violation of the bill carries a €60,000 ($67,263) fine.

The Meloni administration’s support for the legislation is a snub to the globalist agenda which seeks to replace animal products on shelves with synthetic food to “fight climate change”. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has long encouraged the consumption of fake meat, promoting companies such as Eat Just which manufactures lab-grown meat, eggs, and other foods. Eat Just is in part funded by globalist billionaire Bill Gates, who admonishes “rich nations” that they must switch completely to fake beef.

Some European countries have already embraced lab-grown meat. Germany, Europe’s largest economy, sells synthetic meat products manufactured by Beyond Meat on shelves in over 1,600 stores.

Countries like the Netherlands are now closing farms because of their contribution to “climate change”. 

Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, however, counted farmers as one of the main reasons to ban fake food.

"We could only celebrate with our farmers a measure that puts our farmers in the vanguard, not just on the issue of defending excellence . . . but also in defending consumers," she said concerning the bill.

The legislation follows another law passed by Meloni’s administration requiring that all food items which contain insects be labeled as such.

Globalist Western powers, along with the WEF, have been pushing public consumption of insects — again to battle “climate change — as a healthy source of protein. 

In January, the European Union approved the use of cricket powder in major processed foods sold to the public. 

But according to the Financial Times, Italy’s first female prime minister expressed her disgust for insect consumption.

“Insect products are arriving on supermarket shelves! Flour, larvae — good, delicious,” she said sarcastically in a recent video. “But when a product contains insects . . . we tell citizens with a nice visible label so they can choose whether to eat insects or not.”

At the same time, Meloni also rebuffed another globalist darling — ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot released in November and hailed by the World Economic Forum as “the start of the generative AI boom.” Users can chat with ChatGPT, which is programmed to generate automatic responses based on a machine-learning algorithm. The Microsoft-backed program has been confirmed to strongly promote globalist agendas, which includes creating a fake study to try to claim there are more than two genders.

The Meloni administration ordered in late March that both ChatGPT and its creator, San Francisco-based firm Open AI, be prohibited from processing data from users in Italy. The Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (GPDP) cited several concerns, including ChatGPT’s lack of age verification tools to block inappropriate answers for children and its use of user data to enhance its language model.