Study: Critical ER visits over 4000% higher for women after abortion pill

A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology And Public Health Research last month has found an alarming increase in ER visits by women who have taken the abortion pill mifepristone.
Academics and physicians from the Charlotte Lozier Institute and the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists looked at four cohorts of women who visited the ER between 2004 and 2015.
Three of the groups consisted of women who visited the ER within 30 days of giving birth, having a surgical abortion, or taking the abortion pill (chemical abortion). The fourth cohort, which contained women with no pregnancies, was studied according to the number of lifetime ER visits.
ER visits lowest among mothers, highest after abortion pill
The researchers analyzed the increase in ER visits for each cohort during the 11-year period. In total, by 2015, visits increased by over 34% from the 2004 baseline. The lowest increase (9.2%) was among women who gave birth. The next highest increase (42.8%) was among women who did not get pregnant. The largest increases occurred in the abortion cohorts: women who had surgical abortions visited the ER 280.4% more over the 11-year period, while women who had a chemical abortion experienced a 2,649.7% jump in ER visits.
Abortion advocates have tried to explain away these data by saying many of the visits were merely observational care. Dr. Michael Belmonte, a fellow at the American Academy of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, for example, tried to claim that adverse events from mifepristone are “extremely rare” and that abortion pill takers are just visiting the ER for “reassurance.”
But the study found a similar pattern for ER vsiits that were coded as severe or critical.
Women after abortion pill see over 4000% increase in critical visits
Again, when it came to a specific type of ER visits, those for critical care, women who gave birth saw the lowest increase at 20.9%. Women who had no pregnancies were higher at 101%. The two abortion cohorts jumped significantly: women who had surgical abortions saw a 450.6% increase in severe or critical ER visits, while such visits among women who took the abortion pill skyrocketed by 4,041.1%.
“While multiple factors may influence these results, persistently and significantly higher ED visit acuity following chemical abortion is clearly evident,” the study concluded. “ED visit acuity for either method of abortion is significantly higher than for visits following a live birth. The increasing preference for this method of induced abortion, along with this evidence of the growing acuity of related ED visits, suggests that a greater level of surveillance will enhance patient safety for these patients.”
“The abortion industry has done a great job of convincing Americans that the abortion drug, mifepristone, is a magic wand that rewinds time to a point before an unborn baby was ever brought into existence,” Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity DIrector Mary Szoch told The Washington Stand, saying such a claim is “obviously a lie.”