Spectrum News NY1 journalist who advocated vaccine's safety ignores Frontline News query

America’s Frontline News' new Sherman Tank column is focusing on reporters and members of the media who confidently fed the public assurances about the safety of the COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Frontline News reached out to one such journalist named Ari Feldman ("He/him/his"), who last year wrote a report for Spectrum News NY1 about what he called “vaccine misinformation” in the Orthodox Jewish community on the East Coast.

In the article, Feldman made bold, imperious claims about the injections and assured his readers that any suggestion the vaccine was even “associated with death” was “false information.”
Feldman slammed then-Israel News Talk Radio News Anchor Mordechai Sones for listing the names of people who died after taking the injections. Sones read the names in a radio report that went viral last year.
America's Frontline Doctors · Israel News Talk Radio Mordechai Sones February 1st 2021 Broadcast
The source of Feldman’s swaggering disdain for anyone criticizing the vaccine, according to the article, appears to be three nurses who have devoted themselves to evangelizing the vaccine to Orthodox Jews using propaganda and disinformation.
One of these nurses, Blima Marcus, seems to have been an authoritative source for Feldman’s false claims. As previously reported by America’s Frontline News, Marcus is so obsessively driven to inject Orthodox Jews that when a report was published by the CDC concluding that unvaccinated people with prior infection are better off without the vaccine, Marcus said it put her in a “difficult situation” and tried to propagandize around it.
This was just one of 24 questions we posed to Feldman:
- Can you please define what constitutes “misinformation”, and what are the telltale signs?
- You mention several times that any claims about the vaccine being deadly or even "associated with death” is “false information”. What was your source for that claim? Was it the three nurses in your article?
- One of the nurses you cite as an authoritative source is Blima Marcus, who tried to push vaccines on “everyone” despite a CDC MMWR report showing that unvaccinated people with prior infection were better off without the vaccine. She said in a call with Dr. Jane Zucker that the report put her in “a difficult situation.” Do you consider it “misinformation” to withhold or spin that data when trying to convince people to get vaccinated?
- According to a peer-reviewed MIT study, the vaccine directly correlated to a 25% increase in cardiac events. Do you now retract your claim that it is “false information” to say the vaccine is “associated with death”?
- According to data from Pfizer, there were 1,223 deaths during the vaccine trials which were not investigated by Pfizer. Do you believe it’s possible that the COVID-19 vaccine can be “associated with death”?
- The CDC posted false claims about child COVID deaths on its website, which was subsequently removed after a report from America’s Frontline News. In your opinion, is the CDC guilty of “misinformation?”
- The CDC admitted it did not monitor the safety of the vaccine as it had promised. In your opinion, is the CDC guilty of “misinformation”?
- Prior to your article, did you at any point visit the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)? Did you draw any conclusions from the data (which are underreported by a factor of 20)?
- Have you visited VAERS recently? Do you still hold the same conclusion that the COVID-19 vaccine cannot be “associated with death”?
- Are you concerned that your article, which guaranteed the vaccine’s safety, may have caused anyone harm?
- In your article, you say the Orthodox Jewish community “has a history of distrust of government” and you credit that distrust for their caution about the COVID-19 vaccine. Did you harbor any distrust of government at the time of writing?
- Did you harbor any distrust of pharmaceutical companies?
- What collaboration, if any, did you have with Blima Marcus in writing this article?
- Does this article represent the official position of Spectrum News NY1?
- The media, along with insurance companies, have been reporting an alarming increase in deaths among young, healthy people, mostly due to cardiac events. Should the vaccine even be considered a possible cause and investigated?
- In an email to Mordechai Sones you cited an ABC News article which claims the vaccine cannot be to blame because no one has said it is to blame. Do you consider this a sound scientific method?
- In the article you cited by the media, the doctors at no point rule out the vaccine as a possible cause. Do you?
- In the article you cited, the point is made – or asked, rather – whether people are dying more than usual. If you were shown some evidence that they are, would you question the premise of the article?
- Given all of the above, do you believe you should retract your claim that Mordechai Sones spread “fears of a deadly COVID-19 vaccine — which have no basis in fact”?
- One study explains how respected health professionals who merely question the vaccine are subjected to several methods of censorship and repression. In your opinion, does that cast any doubt on “medical consensus” on the vaccine?
- Should the medical opinions of world-class medical experts be trusted?
- What if they urge caution about the vaccine?
- Should the medical opinions of public health officials be trusted?
- What if they urge caution about the vaccine?
Feldman, who considers himself a valiant warrior in the holy war against misinformation, has not answered any of the above questions; and, like many members of the media who are trying to escape accountability, likely never will.