Soros-linked judge releases violent gunman from custody

An 18-year-old gunman who used an AR-15 to fire 26 rounds at an occupied vehicle was released from custody last week by Magistrate Judge Lloyd U. Nolan, Jr. of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

Judge Nolan: ‘This action could have killed someone’

The court was provided with video evidence and witness testimony that 18-year-old Amonte Moody sprayed over two dozen bullets at a car containing four passengers. Moody was charged with endangerment with a firearm,criminal possession of a weapon, and assault with a deadly weapon. Judge Nolan agreed with prosecutors that the action was severe.

“The concern I have is that this action could have killed someone,” said Nolan according to WUSA9

Judge’s decision shocks prosecutors

Nevertheless, the judge concluded that a GPS ankle monitor would “ensure the safety of the defendant and the public.” He released Moody to house arrest until his trial.

The decision to release Moody from custody outraged prosecutors at the US Attorney’s Office, who have filed an emergency motion to reverse the judge’s decision.

“Despite the egregiousness of this conduct, the strength of the case, including video evidence depicting it and two identifications of the defendant as the shooter, and the statutory presumption in favor of detention pending trial, the Magistrate Judge released the defendant,” the surprised prosecutors wrote.

Soros: The man behind 40% of America’s crime

Nolan, an outspoken supporter of causes such as Black Lives Matter, also has reported ties to globalist billionaire George Soros. According to Fox News, Judge Nolan has previously donated to Gideon’s Promise. 

Gideon’s Promise is an organization backed by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and serves as a training camp for public defenders. The mission of Gideon’s Promise, according to its website, “is to transform the criminal justice system by building a movement of public defenders who provide equal justice for marginalized communities.” The organization aims to “strengthen the efficacy of public defenders as a critical part of systemic criminal justice reform.”

Gideon’s Promise and other initiatives backed by Soros have successfully churned out public defenders who have been trained to aggressively defend accused criminals and demand minimal or no jail time even in the face of clear evidence of criminality. Sometimes, these defenders threaten protracted trials that could drain prosecutors' resources in order to pressure DAs into plea bargains calling for no jail time. 

In some cases, though, the public defenders need not work so hard to convince the DA's office to go soft on crime. Soros is known to have spent at least $40 million to install around 75 district attorneys across the United States who pledge to bring about “criminal justice reform,” i.e., to drop charges or seek light sentences based on social factors. Together, those DAs oversee half of America’s most populous cities and are responsible for prosecuting an estimated 40% of the country’s crime.