Smith & Wesson issues fiery statement against ‘gun control’ globalists

Famed gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson’s CEO and President Mark Smith penned a scathing open letter to the country’s gun control establishment after being subpoenaed for its sales and marketing data in the wake of a rise in mass shootings. While crime rates surge in the United States, politicians, elites and the mainstream media have launched an all-out assault on the Second Amendment, even calling for its abolition.  

But it is that same faction which is often directly responsible for the increase in lawlessness in American cities, due to soft-on-crime policies and defunding law enforcement. 

Politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who repeatedly called to defund the police, last month blamed gun manufacturers for the rise in mass shootings. 

“Some have had the audacity to suggest that after they have vilified, undermined and defunded law enforcement for years, supported prosecutors who refuse to hold criminals accountable for their actions, overseen the decay of our country’s mental health infrastructure, and generally promoted a culture of lawlessness, Smith & Wesson and other firearm manufacturers are somehow responsible for the crime wave that has predictably resulted from these destructive policies,” Smith said. “But they are the ones to blame for the surge in violence and lawlessness, and they seek to avoid any responsibility for the crisis of violence they have created by attempting to shift the blame to Smith & Wesson, other firearm manufacturers and law-abiding gun owners.” 

As reported by America’s Frontline News, far-Left billionaire George Soros has invested $40 million installing 75 district attorneys across the country who in turn are responsible for an estimated 40% of crime in the United States.  

Some of those prosecutors, such as ousted San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin and current Los Angeles DA George Gascon, preside over some of the most gun-controlled cities in America. They have recently been facing recall campaigns due to their refusal to be tough on crime. 

“It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals,” he continued. 

Smith then criticized the establishment’s onslaught against the 2nd Amendment, which protects American citizens' right to bear arms to defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

“But rather than confront the failure of their policies, certain politicians have sought more laws restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, while simultaneously continuing to undermine our institutions of law and order. And to suppress the truth, some now seek to prohibit firearm manufacturers and supporters of the 2nd Amendment from advertising products in a manner designed to remind law-abiding citizens that they have a Constitutional right to bear arms in defense of themselves and their families.” 

“To be clear, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never broken into a home, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never assaulted a woman out for a late-night run in the city, a Smith & Wesson firearm has never carjacked an unsuspecting driver stopped at a traffic light,” he wrote. 

Smith concluded by reiterating his support for the 2nd Amendment. 

“We will continued informing law-abiding citizens that they have a Constitutionally-protected right to defend themselves and their families. We will never back down in our defense of the 2nd Amendment.”