Sovereignty Summit today to block UN 'Pact for the Future,' a power grab as dangerous as the WHO Pandemic Treaty

September 16th Sovereignty Summit to prevent UN power grab
The Sovereignty Coalition will hold its third Sovereignty Summit from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. ET, on Monday, September 16, 2024. This summitis focusing on the UN’s ”Pact for the Future,” designed to wrest power from individual nations in the event of a UN-deemed crisis.
WHO's "Pandemic Treaty"
Reggie Littlejohn, JD, has been at the forefront of an initiative to stop the United States from signing on to the WHO’s pandemic treaty. Her organization “Women’s Rights Without Frontiers” partnered with the Center for Security Policy to form the Sovereignty Coalition to defeat the WHO’s pandemic treaty and IHR amendments that would provide the world body with power grab. The House of Representatives has passed a bill preventing the president from signing an executive order that would bar any president from unilaterally signing a WHO pandemic treaty, binding the country to the WHO, as Breiitbart’s Frances Martel wrote:
The “No W.H.O. Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” introduced by Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) in 2023, is a response to efforts beginning in 2021, at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, to create some form of international binding legal document, spearheaded by the W.H.O., regulating how nations handle international health emergencies, including pandemics.
While the Constitution bars a president from unilaterally signing a treaty, the WHO has called the document a “convention” or agreement, among other names. This bill would prevent a president from signing any such document no matter what it is called.
While the constitution requires all treaties, defined as binding agreements with foreign powers, to be passed through a two-thirds vote in the Senate, the bill in question is a safeguard prompted by the fact that the parties drafting the proposed “pandemic treaty” cannot even agree on what to call the document. The U.N. health agency is currently describing the draft document as the “W.H.O. convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response,” or “WHO CA+.”
This is not yet law as it has not passed in the Senate and, in any case, would face a veto by Joe Biden.
UN’s "Pact for the Future" as dangerous as pandemic treaty
Now the US faces another globalist takeover, this time from the United Nations, the WHO’s parent agency. Under the auspices of an organization she founded to resist the WEF’s “Global Reset,” Anti-Globalist International, Littlejohn penned a memo entitled "United Nations Pact for the Future – An 'Emergency Platform' to Seize Global Power.” She wrote,
The UN “Summit of the Future” is set to take place on September 22 to 23, at the UN headquarters in New York City. Just as the World Health Organization seeks to create a global, bio-tech surveillance police state in case of a “pandemic emergency,” the UN Secretary-General seeks similar powers in case of “complex global shocks,” through a new instrument entitled, “Pact for the Future.” This Pact is slated to be adopted at the Summit of the Future. The Pact is equally dangerous to our national sovereignty and personal freedom as the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty, and yet the UN’s power grab is virtually unknown.
Under the heading “Pact for the Future,” she continues,
As of September 11, 2024, the latest publicly available draft (i.e., Revision 3) of the Pact for the Future contains Section 5, entitled “Transforming Global Governance,” which includes a commitment in Action 57 to “Strengthen the International Response to Complex Global Shocks.” This action item would entail the United Nations playing “the central role” of responding to complex global shocks. It makes the seemingly benign request that “the Secretary-General . . . present for the consideration of Member States protocols for convening and operationalizing emergency platforms based on flexible approaches to respond to a range of different complex global shocks . . .”
. . . Policy Brief #2 is entitled, “Strengthening the Response to Complex Global Shocks.” It contains the following statement: Building on the ideas in Our Common Agenda and learning lessons from these recent crises, I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach. (Page 12, emphasis in the original.)
The brief includes some of the foreseeable shocks, which she lists:
This same Policy Brief contains (on pages 5- 6) a chart entitled “Possible Future Complex Global Shocks” and a list of such shocks. It indicates that such shocks would include virtually every aspect of civilized life and reach even into outer space:
a) Large-scale climatic or environmental events that cause major socioeconomic disruptions and/or environmental degradation;
b) Future pandemics with cascading secondary impacts;
c) High-impact events involving a biological agent (deliberate or accidental);
d) Events leading to disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance;
e) Large-scale destructive and/or disruptive activity in cyberspace or disruptions to global digital connectivity;
f) A major event in outer space that causes severe disruptions to one or several critical systems on Earth; and
g) Unforeseen risks (“black swan” events).
The only way to stop the adoption of the Pact for the Future on September 22 – 23 is urgently to raise the visibility of this issue, nationally and internationally. The most effective way to do this is for heads of state, political candidates, legislators, parliamentarians, non-profit organizations and citizen activists to take up the issue and sound the alarm, demanding robust international debate on these issues rather than adoption by stealth under the Silence Procedure. Only in this way can this nefarious plot be thwarted.
In Take A Stand’s tweet below, the Sovereignty Coalition’s Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy, speaks with Littlejohn about the pact. Littlejohn, @1:22, explains how the UN is maneuvering to have the pact approved:
This United Nation’s ability to operational and automatically in emergency platform, basically telling the world what to do in case of an emergency that they declare, absolutely changes the character of the United Nations. It was never meant to be a governing organization and hey are doing this through a thing called a silence procedure, as opposed to out in the open and debating it and having a vote.
The Sovereignty Coalition has called for a requirement of Senate approval of the "morphing UN charter" before the US commits to that morphing. Just as a bill has been put forth that would require Senate approval of any WHO-related agreement or treaty that the president may want to sign, so too, the Coalition is calling for a bill that would put approval of a treaty or agreement with the UN in the hands of the Senate, since the "Pact of the Future" oversteps the bounds of the UN's authority. As explained in the Coalition's press release,
The plan is to use the “Summit of the Future” on September 22-23 effectively to amend the UN’s Charter in order to fundamentally transform the organization from an entity designed to foster cooperation and – where deemed desirable by member nations – collaborative action into an institution of full-on world government.
Related articles:
- Emergency response or planned takeover? WHO Pandemic Treaty
- WHO no longer needs a pandemic to declare one
- Deadly pandemics are rare, so why is the WHO obsessed with them?
- Don’tjust reject the Pandemic Treaty – Get US Out! Of the WHO