Robert Malone reveals who has ‘eyes very wide open’

In a recent interview with The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens, Dr. Robert Malone discussed why certain people are less likely than others to agree with the mainstream COVID-19 narrative. 

Malone, a world-renowned virologist and vaccine scientist, owns nine vaccine-related patents and was one of the architects of the mRNA technology that powers the COVID vaccine. Malone has been maligned and vilified by the mainstream media for revealing the incentives given to hospitals to puff up COVID-19 numbers. After his December 31, 2021, interview with Joe Rogan, Malone was permanently banned from Twitter. 

“Among those of us that have our eyes very wide open, there’s a very strong contingent of folks that have very strong religious beliefs systems — they’re grounded in that world,” explained Malone in the interview. “And one of the things that they all share, is they have a solid community. They didn’t need to have a new community. They weren’t suffering from these senses of being disassociated from community; they had a community.” 

Malone agreed that COVID-19 is “now a religion”, according to Owens, who cited masks as being one of the “symbols” of the religion and showing virtue.  

Other elements of a religion include: 

Sacred objects, such as the vaccine. 

Ritual and ceremony, such as the ceremony of being injected with each dose, and the celebratory ritual of vaccinating one’s child. Donning a mask or presenting a green passport prior to performing an act may also serve as rituals. 

Beliefs, such as the core belief that COVID-19 is an existential danger, along with the belief that the vaccine protects from that danger. 

Devils/demons, such as the unvaccinated. 

Malone said that intellectuals “are as, or more prone” to panic about COVID-19. 

In the interview, Malone also weighed in regarding Bill Gates, who is now a controversial figure. 

“A tiger can’t change its stripes, a leopard can’t change its spots,” Malone said about Gates. “He has systematically monopolized the global health response to infectious disease — the global public health care response, he owns it.”