Responsible father who defied Israel COVID authorities suing media for libel

A responsible father in Katzrin, Israel who defied authorities’ orders barring him from his daughter’s kindergarten is seeking legal counsel in a defamation suit against Israeli media outlet Ynet News after the company made false claims about the incident.
Despite living under oppressive COVID-19 restrictions, Rafi Farber has never worn a mask and has never taken a PCR test or a COVID-19 injection.
“As a Jewish person, I refuse to submit to any medical experimentation that has any arm-twisting involved because this is clearly against the Nuremberg Code and I will not submit to the same atrocities that were committed against my ancestors, against my grandparents, 80 years ago,” says Farber in a video explaining the incident.
In November 2021, Farber received a text message from his four-year-old daughter’s kindergarten that the school would be having a special activity, but entrance would be forbidden to those without a “Green Pass” - Israel’s vaccine passport.
Farber texted back: “We are coming anyway, so get ready.” The father reports that the event was subsequently canceled.
“We knew they were cowering and didn't want to deal with us, hoping we'd just let it go now that it was cancelled,” Farber told America's Frontline News, “but we decided we were going into the kindergarten to drop her off despite the event being cancelled, because it is our right to do so.”
Then, Farber received a text message from the city council notifying him that no parents – regardless of vaccination status – were permitted to enter their children’s kindergartens.
Again, Farber replied: “We are coming, get ready.”
On November 5, 2021, Rafi Farber and his wife Natasha entered their daughter’s kindergarten.
Ynet would report later that Farber had assaulted the newly appointed “Corona Officer”, striking her in the chest so that she doubled over. They would claim that he entered the kindergarten shouting about Nazis and being violent, scaring the children and making his own daughter cry. The Corona Officer, Alice Ben-Shushan, would say that Farber “looked at me like he wanted to eat me.”
But Farber had recorded the entire incident by placing his phone in his shirt pocket.
The video footage shows Farber entering the school grounds and saying “Good morning” to Ben-Shushan. When she asked him if he had a Green Pass, Farber calmly said no without breaking stride and continued walking. Ben-Shushan frantically called after him that he could not enter.
After Farber was in the building, Ben-Shushan planted herself in his path to bar him from going any further. Farber tried walking around her, held up his hands to avoid touching her and nudged past the Corona Officer into the room where the children were playing at tables.
Someone, perhaps Ben-Shushan, is heard telling Farber that he can’t be around the children, to which Farber says “I don’t want to do anything, I just want to sit down quietly.”
Ben-Shushan can be seen standing and texting on her phone, in no visible pain.
“I ask that you leave,” says the kindergarten teacher.
“We heard you. We said no,” Farber and his wife calmly responded.
At no point did Farber or his wife scream or say anything about Nazis or “Eichmann” in the video, as the Ynet article claimed. The children do not appear “stressed” or “terrified”, and Farber’s little girl is seen playing calmly and happily, not “crying hysterically” as Ynet reported.
Footage of the incident can be seen at the 8:21 mark:
Farber was subsequently arrested by police and his permitted firearm was confiscated. While all charges against him were dropped, his weapon has not been returned to him and his license was revoked.
Ben-Shushan, who had worked only one day in her position, was reportedly given months of paid leave.
"There is nothing to fear,” Farber told America’s Frontline News. “These people trying to separate us from our children and break society are truly pathetic cowards, nobodies, with absolutely nothing backing them, not even the law they claim to uphold. They cannot stand in our way if we do not let them, and we did not let them. We all must have absolute red lines according to our values and abilities. Find yours, draw it, have faith that G-d is with you and stand your ground."
Now, Farber and his wife are suing Ynet News and Ben-Shushan for libel in small claims court, beginning July 25th. However, the judge recently notified all parties that legal counsel will be permitted, and while the media outlet likely have their own army of lawyers, Farber remains without proper legal counsel.
Farber encourages those with leads for legal counsel in Israel to contact him at
Rafi Farber is the publisher of The End Game Investor, a daily market commentary on the precious metals markets featuring Austrian School and libertarian analysis. He also gives a weekly libertarian commentary on the Torah portion at his Patreon, here."