PTSD sufferer confronts medical human rights abuser: 'Just like a woman seeing her rapist a year after the rape'

An Israeli woman last week publicly chased out and heckled a former official who had called for human rights restrictions against those who declined the COVID-19 shots.
Mikki Katz was sitting with her colleagues near her work Thursday when she spotted former Health Ministry Director-General Professor Gabi Barabash who once also served as the director of Ichilov Hospital.
Barabash was one of the driving forces behind Israel’s militant rhetoric against the unvaccinated population which ultimately led to the Green Pass vaccine passport and, in some cases, the denial of medical treatments to the unvaccinated.
“We have a situation in which there are people who choose not to get vaccinated and who endanger everyone, and in my opinion this is an unacceptable situation, and the only way to deal with it that I know of is to force them to get the vaccine, no choice,” Barabash said in December 2021 after it was known that the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the virus. “That doesn’t mean to force the needle in, but to create a situation with conditions that will make people understand that if they don’t get vaccinated their lives will be limited.
“These people should stay at home; let people who aren’t vaccinated infect the people they live with. The vaccine is the only way to deal with the coronavirus, there’s no other way.”
Notably, Barabash is also a Board Member of Clal Biotechnology, a company that owned 17% of Alicio, which was developing a COVID-19 vaccine as of January 2021.
Last week, Barabash was walking through a café when he was stopped by Mikki Katz.
“Professor Barabash, how are you?” said Katz. “I’m so excited to meet you.”
“Why?” Barabash asked as he stopped.
“Because it’s not every day that I get to meet a Nazi,” answered Katz.
Barabash lunged at Katz, though she appeared to block him and Barabash began walking quickly away. Katz followed him and continued to heckle him relentlessly, accompanied by two of her colleagues.
“It’s not every day that we meet someone like you, who suggested locking people up. What are you going to do to me? You want to get violent? Who suggested that people should be locked up because they didn’t want to take the poison you and your friends were forcing them to? Who caused heart attacks and deaths of young people and children and then suggested the others be locked up? Who, Professor Barabash? Who, little Nazi? What are you, scared? You want to run? Get violent?”
Barabash turned and demanded Katz leave him alone.
“No, are you going to leave the State of Israel alone from your evil heart?” Katz replied.
Barabash, who tried standing in line at the café to make a purchase, started walking in circles, visibly uncomfortable and looking for a place to escape.
“What are you going to do, after all you’ve done to us and our children over the last two-and-a-half years? What are you going to do? I’m going to continue to film you, Professor Gabi Barabash,” Katz continued as Barabash started aiming for the exit. “Let’s talk about your suggestions to lock down unvaccinated children in their houses and not allow them to go to school, right?”
An unidentified man cornered Katz and blocked her path, but she dodged him and continued after Barabash.
“Run, Gabi Barabash, run! Everyone has seen your face.”
One of Katz’s colleagues also approached Barabash to ask him what he’d like to tell parents of children who were injured by the injections.
“You’re disgraceful, all three of you,” said Barabash.
“What’s disgraceful about us?” Katz pressed. “People who refused to participate in your experiment are disgraceful? People who fight for the right to privacy and human rights, this is disgraceful? It's disgraceful to you when people decide what to put in their bodies and what not?”
At that point, Barabash threw up his hands and began walking swiftly towards the elevators.
“You advised to inject pregnant women with the Pfizer shot that wasn’t even approved by the FDA,” continued Katz. “Are you not ashamed? Let’s talk about the number of stillbirths over the last two years because of you. Want to talk about it? No, it’s easier to run, isn’t it?”
A November interview by reporter Roman Balmakov with Florida-based Ob/Gyn Dr. James Thorp, who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine, discussed a leaked memo from a California hospital experiencing a 500% increase in stillbirths, information which was withheld from the public.
Mikki Katz shared with Frontline News that when she looked up and saw Prof. Barabash, her PTSD triggered her to act.
“What happened yesterday was just like a woman seeing her rapist a year after the rape. I saw the worst enemy I ever had — the person who was in charge of every bad thing that happened to us in Israel. If I see him tomorrow again, the same will happen,” said Katz, who says she has harangued some of Israel’s other pandemic architects as well.
“We have been a persecuted minority and I will not stop fighting for our human rights and our civil rights and the right to choose and the right to choose over our bodies,” she added.
To those who say that COVID-19 is over and urge others to move past the pandemic, Katz asserts it is far from over:
"Nothing is over. We all know that this is just one more step on the way to a new world order, and not to a good world. So it’s not over and it’s not done, and we’re still going to be persecuted when the next thing comes, whether it’s a viral plague or climate change, or whatever. We’re still going to be the people who ask the questions and we’re still going to be the people who resist the enforcement, and the same thing is going to happen over and over.
“So we have to stop being afraid. We have to stop following their rules and their script. We have to create our own script and to decide how our world is going to look. We have to stop them. In order to do that, we have to stop being afraid and say whatever we have to say. We have to support each other. We have to keep going. As long as you’re telling the truth, you should have no fear.”