Pennsylvania mom exposes Oxford school board

Jennifer Kehs is exposing the dark underbelly of the Oxford, Pennsylvania district school board after joining as its newest member last year.  

The mother of five originally ran for a seat on the board after spending 8-10 months pleading with its members to unmask the district’s children and eliminate social distancing, to no avail. 

Now Jennifer is revealing the inner workings of the association that makes crucial decisions regarding children’s futures. 

She recalls how the board was offered $6.4 million in federal funding under the American Rescue Plan for the 2022-2023 school year. In exchange for the funds, the district had to submit a Health and Safety Plan, a 12-page document outlining the district’s response to COVID-19. The Health and Safety Plan had to promise certain measures such as “universal and correct masking” of students in addition to social distancing and vaccine promotion in order to receive the funds. 

Jennifer and one other board member were new and had not read the Health and Safety Plan when it was called to a vote. Jennifer requested that they at least postpone the vote until all members could review the plan, but she was denied. The superintendent suggested to her that she make another plan for the district which would not be submitted to the State of Pennsylvania. 

Jennifer and one other board member voted no on the plan but were outvoted. 

“The money in that plan has strings attached to it,” she told Chris Stigall. “And I feel strongly that we should not be accepting that money in exchange for the rights and freedoms of our kids. The freedoms of our students that are in this district should never be for sale.” 

Jennifer also discovered that teachers and principals are forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before being allowed to review the curriculum, which is voted upon by the board. Jennifer had a keen interest in reviewing the curriculum given recent cases of overtly sexual material being given to children in schools. 

She scheduled a time to look at the 700+ online eBooks and games that are being offered to Oxford district students but was only allowed to view one demo, which was clean. She was told that the rest of the curricula could be seen only right before instruction. 

Coming forward with these revelations has made Jennifer a target of the school board. Recently, she had to file a grievance against two male board members for intimidating her at a meeting. 

Jennifer has also become a target of the Left, receiving threatening phone calls, harassment, and reputational damage. 

In February, Jennifer became the subject of a defamation campaign after she brought up the topic of illegal immigrants in a school board meeting. 

During a discussion about a policy centering on homeless students, Jennifer suggested that illegal immigrants should not be included in the term “homeless” but rather as a separate term within the policy. She was told she was not allowed to discuss students’ immigration status.  

She also asked whether illegal immigrant students might be contributing to the non-stop declining overall test scores in the district. 

“I think we should really take into consideration what we put in a policy that applies to illegal immigrants, because those people may potentially continue on this downward trend, as we have people coming into our school district who don’t speak any English, who have no schooling in America,” she said at the time, holding up a chart showing the decline. 

If they are, explains Jennifer, then it means the board needs to step up and provide more support for those students. 

“Unless we have the right supports in place for our students – all of our students – we will not see those [test scores] going up,” says Jennifer. 

Her detractors have used her remarks to publicly defame her as a racist and bigot, with even The Inquirer picking up the story to disparage her.