Pallywood': Palestinian Hollywood generating fake anti-Israel videos

Not targeted

Thousands of Gazans have participated in or witnessed what is referred to as Pallywood, the fusion of the words Palestinian and Hollywood, to create fake anti-Israel video clips. Mainstream media then airs those videos throughout the world, creating the impression that the IDF is targeting civilians when in actuality even Hamas terrorists themselves are offered the chance the surrender rather than be attacked. 

More than 3,500 Hamas members have already taken the surrender option while close to one million Gazan civilians have freely passed IDF checkpoints.



While many civilians are abused by Hamas and do not cooperate with them, others either give in to threats or accept money or items in exchange for supporting them. Sometimes, the “actors” taking part in the Pallywood films may be Hamas members or their family members. It's difficult to know.

In one clip, a crisis actor is confused about his role, initially acting as someone coming to help the injured, before being told to lie down and act injured himself … and to let go of his cigarette.

In one set of videos, the same crisis actor is seen holding an allegedly injured baby in various settings.

In another set of videos, a crisis actress is comforted in different settings by different supporting actors.

Other actors pretended that a Gazan on a stretcher was dead while taking instructions from him about when to stop and when to run for the best video impact:


Not just Gaza

Pallywood has also put out videos in which Arab actors dress as observant Jews and IDF soldiers supposedly attacking an Arab child in the West Bank.


Pallywood from a home computer

Other times, no crisis actors are needed. A mere recaptioning of a photograph does the trick:


Reuters tries to fact check the fact checker

A video that shows a young actress having a red substance spread on her was actually defended by Reuters, which claimed that it wasn't problematic as the film that was shot (in Lebanon) after the make-up was applied was only meant to be shown as a dramatization and not reposted as if the actress were actually injured.


Media complicity

In addition to airing fraudulent Pallywood videos, mainstream media repeat Hamas' casualty figures without mentioning their unreliability or that the figures include both civilians killed by Hamas firing at civilians and from Hamas rocket misfires as well as at least 13,000 terrorists.  

Legacy media also fail to mention Hamas' role in creating a food crisis.

The mass media has failed to inform viewers that, in fact, while electronics and other deliveries to Gaza are down, food deliveries have almost doubled since the war started.


Fake rape

Only one allegation of rape has been made against IDF soldiers, despite the fact that they pass thousands of Gazan women daily and know full well the details of the brutal, mass rapes of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists. And even that one allegation was fake. 

But not only did the media report the false claim, which quickly went viral, but the story was retracted quietly. The result being that the media caused the allegation to become well known, and to generate hatred of the IDF throughout the world, with very few of those who read the initial viral tweets ever learning that the story was a fraud:


State Department complicity

While the media flood the world with descriptions of a humanitarian crisis supposedly caused by Israel and of civilians supposedly targeted by Israel, while providing almost no airtime to mothers of Israeli girls being raped and tortured in Hamas tunnels (something which would be expected to garner a wide audience), the State Department and White House use these manufactured crises to demand that Israel leave Hamas largely intact in southern Gaza.

In so doing, the Biden administration joins socialist and Marxist leaders around the world, from China to Venezuela and Brazil, in demanding that Hamas be left at least partially intact. America's domestic Marxists, in fact, demanded a ceasefire benefiting Hamas as early as the very day of the October 7th Hamas invasion, while Hamas terrorists were still roaming through Israel. 

The federal government would thus have Hamas' totalitarian rule continue in southern Gaza while demanding that Israel concede to bringing the socialist and Marxist dominated PLO's totalitarian rule to central and northern Gaza through the Palestinian Authority a subsidiary of the PLO. All while demanding that not one Gaza civilian be allowed to cross the border out of Gaza unless seriously injured or holding a foreign passport.

Check back as we examine how closely Hamas' plans coincide with the White House's outline for training and funding soldiers from the PLO, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to act as supposed “peace keepers” in Gaza and how concessions by Israeli “leaders” created the framework for such a dangerous scenario.

See our additional coverage of the Middle East:

  1. Hamas' long term strategy revealed
  2. What was Hamas thinking?
  3. How to spot a fake uprising - and keep America out - analysis
  4. Six hours before invading, Hamas terrorists activated Israeli SIM cards in their phones - and Israeli leaders knew
  5. Entire manual for Hamas invasion obtained by Israeli intelligence officer BEFORE invasion; ignored by her superiors
  6. Biden administration now pushing Gaza ceasefire without release of hostages, despite continuing rapes
  7. The truth about fighting during Ramadan - Egyptian troops broke fast to launch Yom Kippur War
  8. 5 Gazans crushed by airdropped food packages as helicopters try to avoid Hamas rocket
  9. WHO 'healthcare workers' rape children; UN 'peacekeepers' shell civilians
  10. Arab kings, Egypt block Iran at summit on Israel
  11. 'Our revolution is a phase of world revolution: it is not limited to reconquering Palestine'
  12. Globalists cremate care for Gaza refugees
  13. 'Victory means total destruction, occupation, expulsion, and settlement' - Former Knesset Deputy Speaker
  14. Israel: Pressure builds for total victory while leaders stall - analysis
  15. 'Don't starve; you can release kidnapped children and surrender anytime' - former US Naval Officer
  16. 8 ways Bibi betrayed the Jewish nation - analysis
  17. State Department pressing allies to concede to Marxist revolutionaries
  18. US refuses to support Iranian protestors
  19. Israel vs Israelis
  20. Biden sides with socialists; pressures Israel to protect activist judges
  21. Marxist millionaires funding Hamas rage protests