North American governments prepare to reintroduce pandemic restrictions

The United States, Canada, and Mexico are preparing to reintroduce mandates in the next pandemic.

According to a report published this month by the Canadian government, the three countries have joined together to create the North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative (NAPAHPI). The initiative, which outlines how the countries will work together to respond to “the next pandemic,” is the grandchild of the North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza (NAPAPI). The three countries created NAPAPI in 2007, and again in 2012 in response to the bird flu outbreak.

This time, however, the governments are preparing a pandemic response built on the lessons learned from COVID-19.

Vaccine requirements and quarantine

Those lessons include implementing “border measures/travel restrictions.” In the report, the governments clarify that such restrictions include vaccine requirements and quarantines:

The implementation of border health measures at airports, seaports, and land borders such as screening of passengers, vaccination requirements, quarantine, and entry restrictions, etc., should be evidence-based and aimed to slow the introduction or spread of a pathogen in the region; to allow sufficient time for the health and public health system to develop surge capacity; to allow for the movement of people, live animals, and goods to mitigate impacts to the economy and the functioning of our societies; and to facilitate the cross-border flow of medical equipment, materials, samples and reagents to assist the three countries and potentially other countries.

All three countries will step up their efforts to “increase the availability” of vaccines and other medical products. 


The North American governments will also coordinate their messaging so the public can “make well-informed decisions.” This messaging, referred to as “risk communications,” will also involve a “systematic approach” to “infodemics,” which the World Health Organization (WHO) defines as “too much information including false or misleading information in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak.”


As with COVID-19, the North American governments intend to use corporations for various purposes, including supporting the governments’ “public health recommendations.”

“Moreover, all three NAPAHPI countries recognize that private sector entities play key and interdependent roles in sustaining critical services, delivering essential commodities, and supporting public health recommendations,” says the report. 

Modeled after the WHO

Several times throughout the report, the governments pledge to abide by the WHO’s International Health Regulations. They also promise to follow the WHO’s One Health approach to healthcare.

The One Health approach dictates that climate change is the driving factor behind problems in human health. For example, they claim, warmer climates can fuel tick infestations which can bring with them deadly diseases like Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF). Changing weather patterns can spread bird flu.

Therefore, the WHO’s One Health agenda states that because pandemic diseases are zoonotic and spread from animals to humans, human health must be looked at in the context of animals and the environment or what is called the “human-animal-environment interface.” 

One Health, which has been highly endorsed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), would prioritize climate change over human health in some regard. If the climate is the chief determinant of the health of all living things, according to them, then all sacrifices for the climate can be justified. A zoonotic outbreak, therefore, could possibly open the door for climate mandates like lockdowns and forced vaccinations to stop the spread.

Indeed, the WHO last year paired with the Rockefeller Foundation to search for “climate pandemics.” It also partnered last June with the European Commission to develop international vaccine passports as drugmakers call for “climate vaccinations.”

All this is supported by One Health, which is a cornerstone of the WHO’s pandemic treaty.