MSM now asking: 'Why are so many Americans dying early?'

The Hill, owned by the largest television station owner in the United States, Nexstar Media Group, is asking about the pink elephant in the room, running the headline:
This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early?
'It can't be the vaccine, what else happened?'
The Hill specified the extent of the so called “excess deaths”:
People are dying in abnormally high numbers even now and long since COVID-19 waned. Yet public health agencies and medical societies are silent.
Life insurers have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, “excess,” deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019. That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam.
The increase comes out to over 210,000 additional deaths in America per year, extrapolating from the 158,000 figure for nine months. Had some 210,000 death certificates been listing the cause of death as myocarditis or a stroke “following COVID vaccination,” over the past 12 months, there would be no need to ask why in 2023, post-COVID, we are experiencing so many more deaths than the pre-COVID baseline year of 2019.
This is only a question because so few deaths following mRNA injections were officially listed as vaccine deaths. It is evident, however, from VAERS (the vaccine adverse event reporting system) that is open to patients and their families, in addition to medical professionals, to report vaccine injuries and deaths that have followed vaccinations. This has been true of all vaccinations, not just COVID, as reported by Frontline News in 'It’s not the vaccine. What else happened?'
Many people don’t even know of the existence of VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. Others, though, may have followed up a vaccine injury with a report to VAERS if they weren’t discouraged by medical staff from making a connection to the vaccine.
For example, Maddie de Garay of Ohio, who participated in Pfizer’s clinical trial for 12 to 15 year olds, immediately felt pain after the second shot, ”and over the next 24-hours she developed severe abdominal and chest pain,” was initially diagnosed as having a vaccine reaction at the emergency room and wound up in a wheelchair with a feeding tube. Nonetheless, medical staff eventually backtracked and diagnosed her with “anxiety.”
Participating in Senator Johnson’s “Give an Ear Panel" in June, Maddie’s mother testified,
“This concerned us, and we didn’t agree with it because she doesn’t have anxiety. Look at her. I mean what 13-year-old can sit here calmly if they have anxiety or mental issues? At one point they even tried to admit her to a mental hospital.”
[The mother of a different child, who turned blue and cold after a MMRV shot, reported that] Hospital doctors dismissed any thought of a connection.
Many doctors also discourage patients from making the connection. As such, there is ample evidence that many deaths are attributable to the COVID-19 injection, whether or not it's listed as such on the death certificates.
Anything but the vaccine
Analyses of excess deaths ignoring the mRNA injections as a possible cause have been predictably fruitless, as the known life-shortening factors they examine are not new or have been increasing gradually, if at all. Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Segal made that point on the air:
Obesity . . . That rate hasn't gone up.
Wrong direction
Making the excess deaths figure even more worrisome, The Hill noted that the death rate should not only have returned to 2019 levels by now, but should have actually decreased:
With the worst of COVID behind us, annual deaths for all causes should be back to pre-pandemic levels — or even lower because of the loss of so many sick and infirm Americans. Instead, the death toll remains “alarming,” “disturbing,” and deserving of “urgent attention,” according to insurance industry articles.
Sudden Young Adult Death Syndrome
More striking is that the excess deaths are particularly concentrated among the young, a fact not being publicized by the CDC:
Actuarial reports — used by insurers to inform decisions — show deaths occurring disproportionately among young working-age people. Nonetheless, America’s chief health manager, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opted in September to archive its excess deaths webpage with a note stating, “these datasets will no longer be updated.” . . .
Unlike in the pandemic’s early phase, these deaths are not primarily among the old. For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries. Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively.
Actuaries and industry analysts predict excess deaths will continue among people with life insurance through 2030 and are “anticipated to be highest at younger ages.” This prediction defies normal expectations of mortality for a robust population of people with life insurance. [Emphases added].
Public health officials were taken to task by The Hill for not investigating the sudden increase in death rates among the normally healthy young adult cohort (something the U.K. is now doing).
Therein lies the most pressing question for insurers, epidemiologists and health agency officials. Why is the traditionally healthiest sector of our society — young, employed, insured workers — dying at such rates? Public health officials aggressively oversaw the pandemic response, for better or worse. Why aren’t they looking into this?
The coverage also included criticism of government health officials for failing to investigate its own failures, unlike the UK which is in the midst of an inquiry:
In the United Kingdom, where post-pandemic excess deaths in similar demographics also persist, a government-funded independent inquiry is underway. “With each passing week of the COVID inquiry,” the BBC reported recently, “it is clear there were deep flaws in the way decisions were made and information provided during the pandemic.”
Can't blame the virus
The Hill made clear that COVID itself cannot be blamed for the excess deaths:
“COVID-19 claims do not fully explain the increase in incurred claim incidence,” the Society said. COVID-19 deaths dropped 84 percent from the first three quarters of 2021 to the same period in 2023.
The article eventually came to the possibility of the vaccine itself being a factor:
Vaccines were given to more than 270 million people, among them babies, pregnant women and workers under employer mandates. The therapeutic’s “warp speed,” emergency use authorization must be part of any post-pandemic analysis, in light of more than 1 million reports of possible harm to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and a new Yale University study validating a chronic post-vaccination syndrome.
The mainstream outfit even took issue with the government's censorship of vaccine dissent.
Finally, government officials who sanctioned unprecedented censorship of dissent — enforcing pandemic measures through media pressure — must be called to account.
See our previous COVID coverage:
- Frontline Facts: Are doctors paid per vaccine jab?
- Experts baffled: ‘Gaslighting' named ‘word of the year’
- New study shows COVID boosters increase COVID risk
- 73 million American adults 'personally' know someone dead from jab
- Lockdown violence blamed on 'misogyny'
- Fact Check: Does leaked WHO document reveal hidden, scripted answers to vaccine deaths?
- Fact Check: Did Australian man hunt down doctor who killed relative with COVID vaccine?
- Fact Check: Are prosecutors preparing homicide charges against Fauci, others?
- New study suggests no correlation between COVID and 'long COVID'
- Politicians downplay COVID coercion
- New concerns about COVID injections: high levels of DNA contamination found
- 'Don't blame the vaccine;' whistleblower reveals hospital directive
- France sues top virologist for publishing alternative COVID treatment study
- ''I never got the credit I deserved on COVID' — Trump stands by vaccine in interview with vaccine victim Megyn Kelly
- Tragedy: 8-year-old featured in COVID propaganda video dies after cardiac arrest
- Despite government claims, myocarditis found not temporary after COVID mRNA injection
- Neurological complications, turbo cancers after COVID shot
- Government withholds vaccination status for 9-year-old Israeli girl dead from cardiac arrest during rocket siren