MSM finally mentions 'Long Vax', three years late

Better late than never?
After years of mainstream media (MSM) not merely denying but outright refusing to relate to the idea that the COVID shots could possibly have any significant downsides, The Hill has provided a platform for Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory to present their findings on the adverse effects of the jab. Based on their first-hand experience treating over a thousand patients, they describe the syndrome now known not only in the lay world but also in the medical community as “Long Vax.”
In two years, [our] practice has evaluated and treated over 1,000 individuals. Approximately 70 percent of these patients said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection. [Emphasis added].
Spike protein as the villain
As opposed to Long Vax, Long COVID was described in legacy media almost as a disease in itself relatively early on in the COVID “pandemic,” even though long-term malaise following other respiratory infections, such as influenza, was nothing new. (In fact, some studies have even indicated that Long COVID might be less severe than what is now known as “Long Flu).
Primary-care physicians, however, who see the most serious cases of long-term illness that bemuse those who expected to get over it far earlier, soon realized that so-called Long COVID had some unique and worrying features which many associated with the spike protein. The COVID shots were (and indeed still are) widely promoted as having the ability to prevent the emergence of Long COVID, especially in children, but whereas Long COVID was researched and publicized, the long-term (and short-term) sequelae of the shots were buried by the MSM, in large part up until the present day.
Changes in the research community
Now, apparently, things are changing, albeit slowly. In their article, Drs. Kory and Marik refer to a survey on Long Vax that is finally undergoing peer review. During the past few years, many studies related to the adverse effects of the shots and standard COVID treatment (such as Paxlovid and Remdesivir) were left to languish as preprints, so the news that this survey has been approved for peer review is a sign of change. Nonetheless, Drs. Kory and Marik are still concerned that the findings will be sidelined:
The concern is that our findings, [this survey], and any reports of adverse events from COVID-19 vaccination, will be subject to the same institutional censorship we saw throughout the pandemic. Suppressing this information risks creating an even bigger disaster. [Emphases added].
A genuine epidemic — of autoimmune disease
The article in The Hill describes many of the features of Long Vax, including: brain fog and neuropathy (a nervous system disorder), numbness, and excessive fatigue. Drs. Kory and Marik also allude to other more serious adverse effects of the shots:
There is widespread alarm about autoimmune diseases reaching “epidemic levels.” Much of this is attributable to COVID, and there is mounting evidence that COVID vaccinations may have contributed to this trend as well. Similarly, autoimmune diseases, particularly autoimmune rheumatic diseases, can increase a person’s chance of developing long COVID. This means we could see an explosion of long COVID — and long vax — in the months and years ahead. [Emphases added].
A call to action
What can be done? The authors note that the Senate recently examined the issue of Long COVID, but with no serious intent to take action. “Until our leaders in Washington step up and take these problems seriously,” they write, “it’s up to physicians and affected patients to share our knowledge and forge solutions.”
And they conclude:
Without an honest accounting of what went wrong, the last thing we should do is give the government more power over our healthcare decisions. [Emphasis added].