Media silent on political prisoner Ryan Nichols

Ryan Nichols is a retired U.S. Marine and founder of Rescue the Universe, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving elderly women, children and animals from natural disasters. He appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2018 for his heroic efforts in rescuing dogs from Hurricane Florence’s rising floodwaters, and he was known for helping community members to safety during Hurricane Harvey in 2017. 

He is also the father of two young boys whom he hasn’t seen in over 518 days. 

That’s because Nichols was in the Capitol building on January 6th. On January 18th, he was arrested and taken to Smith County Jail in Tyler, Texas, where he remains to this day. Though court documents show he committed no violence or vandalism on January 6th, the mainstream media have made him the face of the “insurrection” narrative, claiming he was carrying a weapon, which he was not, and pepper sprayed an officer, which Nichols denies. 

All accounts of Nichols’ actions on January 6th are based on camera footage which his wife asserts is edited. 

“You guys are being blindsided and brainwashed by the Left, by the DOJ, and by the January 6 Committee,” said Nichols’ wife Bonny Nichols at a press conference last week, which went unattended by the press. “They’re not telling the truth. They’re only telling you one side of the story. They’re covering up the truth and America deserves the truth. Like Joseph McBride said, they only played one part of that video. It was completely edited and I demand them to uncover the truth and release the tapes because America deserves that.” 

Nichols was denied pretrial release after prosecutors deemed him “a clear, concrete, and continuing danger to the community,” though Nichols has no criminal record.  

“It’s clear to me that there is an identifiable threat,” agreed Judge Thomas F. Hogan, though the nature of the threat is unclear. 

According to Bonnie Nichols, her husband has been denied access to see his family. 

“My children do not know what their father looks like. We have been denied access to see him on video due to COVID.” 

She also says that he has been denied access to sunlight, “nutritional diets”, a haircut and a shave. When he asked to clip his fingernails and toenails, the guards told him to chew them off. 

“This is the way American citizens are being treated in this country,” she said. “This is not the America we once knew,” she added. 

Bonnie Nichols then rounded on the mainstream media for their harassment.  

“I share this testimony for all the women and children that are watching that were too scared in fear for their life to come today. Because they have been harassed by CNN, by MSNBC and been told that they will spend the rest of their life in prison.” 

“We are not going to get a fair trial in D.C. because of the one-sided narrative,” she continued. “The videos that they are showing have been edited to fit their narrative.” 

“Release the full, unedited tapes and tell the truth for once,” she concluded.