Media, globalists push for tax on meat consumption

Mainstream media outlets are making a concerted push for a “meat tax” which would penalize the meat-farming industry. According to climate catastrophists, the excrement produced through livestock and poultry farming harms the weather. 

“It’s time for a meat tax. Here’s how to make it work,” wrote FastCompany Sunday. “To meet our climate goals, we need to stop eating so much meat. More expensive burgers could change behavior, protect the planet—and even make other food more affordable.” 

“A meat tax is probably inevitable – here’s how it could work,” echoed The Conversation. 

“The environmental consequences [of meat production] are so profound that the world cannot meet climate goals and keep ecosystems intact without rich countries reducing their consumption of beef, pork and chicken,” the article added. 

“A meat tax, or ‘sin taxes’ would be most effective,” wrote Phoebe Weston in The Guardian Tuesday. “A meat tax would mainly incentivise manufacturers to put less meat in products (eg, a sausage might have 60% meat instead of 70%) but there is no government appetite for it,” she lamented. 

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which lobbies children’s books to change their pronouns for animals, also joined the call for a meat tax. 

“Should There Be a Tax on Meat? New Study Shows Many Americans Support the Idea,” the organization wrote. 

“Experts warn to prepare yourselves for a steep meat tax,” said Wales Online for 

The media’s globalist bedfellows have also been calling for a war on meat. 

UK lawmaker Henry Dimbleby told The Guardian this week that “although asking the public to eat less meat – supported by a mix of incentives and penalties – would be politically toxic, it was the only way to meet the country’s climate and biodiversity targets.” 

The World Economic Forum (WEF)’s agenda for 2030, which centers around protecting the weather, includes ditching meat for insects to combat climate change.   

Indeed, globalist WEF devotee and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is investing taxpayer money in “insect protein,” reported America’s Frontline News last month. 

Canada’s government is investing $6.5 million (C$8.5 million) in a new production plant that will produce cricket protein for pet and human food, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada said in a statement last month. The facility will be run by Aspire Food Group, whose “vision is to celebrate, innovate, and advance responsible farming and healthy eating of insects,” according to the company’s website.  

The facility, housed in London, Ontario, is expected to house four billion crickets and produce 13 million kilograms of cricket protein per year, according to CBC News.  

The decision to introduce insects into the mainstream food supply is an environmental one.  

“Alternative sources of protein such as insects provide an opportunity for Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector to more sustainably meet global demand for food,” said Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. “Aspire's goal to tackle global food scarcity led to its focus on edible insect production, which can provide high volumes of nutritious food with a low environmental footprint.”