Media ‘fact-checkers’ deny celebrity vaccine injury despite reports

Mainstream media “fact-checkers” are denying that Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx suffered an injury from the COVID-19 vaccine despite reports.

Frontline News first broke the story that Foxx’s medical condition, reported as a “mystery illness” by news media, was most likely a stroke caused by the COVID-19 vaccine according to a world-class physician with personal knowledge.

Foxx was hospitalized on April 12th for an undisclosed medical condition. His family has been tight-lipped about the nature of the “medical complication” but recent reports from TMZ indicate the actor is in a rehabilitation center which specializes in recovery from strokes, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and cancer.

Dr. Peter McCullough, known as one of the most cited cardiologists in history and a critic of the COVID injections, revealed last month that he spoke privately with Foxx about his condition.

“He must have had a significant stroke or complications,” Dr. McCullough told Dr. Drew Pinsky and Dr. Kelly Victory on Ask Dr. Drew. “I know Jamie, he took pictures with me. We had a private conversation about COVID, the risks and what have you. So he’s going to have to have his own way to communicate a personal health crisis with the public.”

“He's a great guy, I really respect him. Terrific actor,” the cardiologist continued. “We wish him the best, but you know, stroke in a young person again raises concerns because the vaccines are associated with stroke.”

The story by Frontline News was followed by confirmation from journalist AJ Benza, citing a source in Foxx’s hospital room, that the 55-year-old actor suffered a stroke following the COVID-19 vaccine, which he took under protest.

"Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot. He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it," Benza told Dr. Drew. "The blood clot in the brain caused him at that point to be partially paralyzed and blind."

Media operatives denied the reports, dismissing any possibility that Foxx suffered a vaccine injury as a “conspiracy theory” by the “anti-vax movement”.

In an article this week titled “Jamie Foxx Becomes Figurehead of Anti-Vax Movement”, Newsweek said the vaccine injury is an “unsubstantiated rumor”. As proof, Newsweek cited its own “fact-check”, which claimed the story must be false since it has not been proven true.

“The claim has been fact checked by Newsweek, and was found to be wholly unverified, but the rumor has still gone viral online with a number of reputable Twitter users circulating it,” wrote Newsweek.

It is unclear what Newsweek would consider “substantiated”, but the publication notably did not cite Dr. McCullough.