Media downplay 'same-sex couple' rape, pimping adopted boys
An affluent, belligerent “same-sex couple” exploited the adoption system to create child pornography with two young boys and rent them out for “brutal" rapes by other pedophiles. Townhall just completed a months-long investigation that revealed the couple's Atlanta area mansion to have been a “house of horrors" that was "far, far worse” than initially reported in an August 22, 2022, article on the arrests of the married couple William and Zachary Zulock.
Didn't hear about it?
The harrowing story received very little attention in the legacy media. Five months after the arrests, an internet search of the attackers' names provides just a few short pieces (NY Post, Fox, NBC) regurgitating the official police department report without any of the sensational details described in the Townhall articles and without any recent coverage.
Such a story would normally garner wide coverage. As Biopsychologist Nigel Barber Ph.D. explains in Psychology Today, violence is favored by the news industry.
If it bleeds, it leads according to a journalistic aphorism . . . Journalism aims to get people's attention, which is another way of saying that it activates their RAS [Reticular Activating System] that sends a jolt of electrical excitement throughout the entire brain. The best way of stimulating the RAS is to depict frightening events, whether it is natural disasters, terrorist attacks, fires, floods, homicides, or grisly traffic accidents.
These facts of basic brain biology help to explain why so much of news coverage revolves around body counts. Journalism is analogous to an electrode that is permanently implanted in a rabbit's brain stem, and sends periodic jolts of fear. [Emphases added].
Violence is even more shocking when the victims are young and innocent.
This story, unfortunately, is not short on shocking, often violent, details.
- The abuse began when the children were just 6 and 8 years old, soon after they were adopted.
- There's enough forced pornography on flash drives, phones and iPads, some of which caused internal injuries, that the men are facing nine life sentences.
- The non-sexual abuse was shocking as well, with the children being beaten and forced to stand in a corner for “eight hours straight over back-to-back days," only being allowed to move for food or the bathroom. "They were just abused every possible way," according to a relative quoted by Townhall.
- The men still get child support payments from the government for the adoption, even as they sit in jail.
- The adoption went through "faster than expected" with authorities missing a previous child rape accusation against Zachary.
- One member of the pedophile ring was released two days after his arrest.
- Zachary drew a rainbow circle around a humorous message on a children's pizza place menu that read: "Children Unattended Will Be Sold As Slaves!"
- The men were as public as possible about their extreme views, sending their family pictures to LGBTQ magazines, publicizing pictures of their in-home promotion of the “Love is Love” motto and a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal above a "Love Above All" pillow, mixing a child's object with the idea that love should not be interfered with.
- Townhall explains that these pro-inclusivity phrases were co-opted by “self-styled ‘minor-attracted persons’ (MAPs) . . . in a rebranding campaign that attempts to normalize sexual attraction to children” and that Zachary frequently promoted them online.
- The couple's lavish lifestyle was reported to have materialized after the adoption.
Can't fix what no one knows is broken
Dr. Barber contends that there is one justification for reporting violence on the news — as a warning to prevent future violence. Reports of abuse by adopting parents and fast adoption processes that overlook child rape accusations could lead voters to demand changes to the adoption system. Likewise, reports of children removed from biological parents, where those parents merely follow a second medical opinion and opt out of medication or medical procedures, could lead to demands for an overhaul of CPS and a reduction in so called medical kidnappings.
With selective coverage of parental abuse, most are unaware that children are much more likely to die or be abused in foster care than under parental care. The online Know Your Family Rights Handbook created the below table comparing abuse by biological parents with that by foster parents using statistics gathered by The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN):
Had that chart been better known, Twitter user Laurie Kelly, claiming to be a former teacher, might not have defended the Zulocks' adoption, alleging, as she did, that the biological parents may have been worse to the children.
Reporters not reporting
Adoptive parent abuse and medical kidnapping are not the only topics legacy media avoid, thereby keeping information away from the public and shaping public opinion. Visit us again as we continue this series with a look at how mainstream media minimize coverage of gun use in self-defense, abortion regret and more.
Please also see our previous articles on medical kidnapping and CPS:
- CPS at the door; let them in?
- Medical kidnapping canceled; Child blinded and brain damaged by forced hospital treatment returned to parents after Frontline News inquiry
- Medical kidnapping: CPS pretext to investigate medical freedom activist rabbi exposed
- CPS kidnapping: Rabbi providing religious vaccine exemptions threatened
- Kansas City hospital blinds child with drug that parents opposed
- Medical Kidnapping: How even ideal parents lose their children
- Medical Kidnapping: Legal analysis of Baby Cyrus seizure
- Baby Cyrus returned to parents after Frontline News inquiry to CPS
- Medical Kidnapping? Breast milk-dependent infant deteriorates in state custody