Matt Gaetz hunting Hunter Biden

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced legislation on Tuesday to revoke the security clearances of all those who signed a letter in 2020 denying a report about Hunter Biden. 

As reported by Frontline News, the report revealed damning communications from Hunter Biden’s laptop, left at a computer repair shop, which showed that the former vice president’s son had colluded with deep-pocketed Chinese and Ukrainian corporations on behalf of his father.   

The mainstream media went to work trying to discredit the story, using the go-to accusation of “Russian disinformation”. 

statement signed by 50 former intelligence officers saying that the story was Russian disinformation was even published by left-wing Politico to further the claim. However, none of the signatories were able to cite any data or evidence to support it.  

But in a recent report regarding a current federal investigation into Hunter Biden, 17 months after the original story broke, the New York Times quietly inserted an acknowledgement that the laptop story was indeed true. 

Now, in legislation that has been dubbed “The Spook Who Cried Wolf," Gaetz wants every one of the letter’s signatories to be stripped of their security clearance. 

“On October 19, 2020, 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter titled, ‘Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails,’ which claimed Hunter Biden’s emails were a part of a ‘Russian information operation’,” said Gaetz in a statement. “Following the censorship of the New York Post’s exposé on the emails by Big Tech and media tycoons, the New York Times confirmed the legitimacy of the emails on March 17, 2022. As of March 22, 2022, 4 of the 51 signatories maintained their support for the erroneous letter.” 

“The 51 signatories of the letter who publicly and falsely decried Hunter Biden’s laptop to be Russian disinformation should be barred from holding any level of security clearances indefinitely,” Gaetz’s resolution states. 

Gaetz also hounded the assistant director of the FBI cybercrime unit in a hearing yesterday about the whereabouts of the laptop. 

“You are the assistant director of FBI cyber,” Gaetz said to the FBI’s Bryan Vorndran. “I want to know where Hunter Biden's laptop is. Where is it?” 

“Sir, I don't know that answer,” replied Vorndran. 

Gaetz said that was “astonishing” and pressed on. 

“I mean, Hunter Biden's password on his laptop was 'hunter02’,” Gaetz continued. “And now you're telling me right here that as the assistant director of FBI Cyber, you don't know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago?" 

After Gaetz continued to criticize the FBI official for not even having examined the laptop for vulnerabilities or national security threats, he held up a copy of the laptop’s hard drive to be entered into the record.