Major news outlet slams Chinese censorship after censoring for China

The New York Times Sunday slammed Chinese censorship of the COVID-19 pandemic despite its known censorship practices and ties to China.

The Times has been known to have a close relationship with China Daily, a Chinese news corporation designated by the United States as a “foreign mission,” the near equivalent of an embassy, because of its official ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

According to some analyses, the Times ran over 200 propaganda articles from China Daily between 2010 and 2020, including a 2019 video ad which depicted the Uyghurs — longtime victims of China’s human rights abuses — as content under CCP control.

When the pandemic began in the United States in 2020 The New York Times ran several articles warning against calling it the “China virus” which it declared racist.

New York Times “investigation” has now found “the Chinese government muzzled scientists, hindered international investigations and censored online discussion of the pandemic.”

“Its censorship campaign has targeted international journals and scientific databases, shaking the foundations of shared scientific knowledge, a New York Times investigation found,” says the Old Gray Lady.

But the paper curiously leaves censorship of the pandemic at the feet of the Chinese government — whose “grip on science has stifled the search for truth” — but not on the US government, social media platforms, or even The New York Times itself, which one former staffer describes as practicing a “Maoist” culture of censorship.

Indeed, when a trove of documents dubbed The Twitter Files were released last year showing collusion between the Biden administration and Twitter to censor speech on COVID-19 — The New York Times did not report on them for two weeks.

Other than outright censorship The New York Times has also propagated misinformation supportive of Biden administration COVID policies. In one instance the Times wrote that 4,000 children had died from COVID-19 when they had only been diagnosed with the virus. The paper retracted following backlash.

COVID-19 is only one event shaped by The New York Times’ agenda. Soon after Russia invaded Ukraine, the news corporation engaged in McCarthyist allegations against anyone who criticized Ukraine, accusing them of being agents of the Kremlin.