Letters to Dr. Gold: Malka Gottesman

On July 26th, Dr. Gold entered federal prison, and has since been inundated with letters of encouragement, support and love from the thousands she has helped throughout the years.

The following is a very small fraction of those letters.

Dear Dr. Simone Gold, 

I saw your video of your arrest and that you are to be in jail for 2 months.  Crazy upside-down world we are living in in which good people are punished while bad people are rewarded.

Just want to let you know that I am a fan of yours.  I saw the speech you gave (via YouTube but has since been removed) about being fired by the hospital director after 30 years of dedicated employment for curing an active Covid patient when there was no protocol!  You spoke of ivermectin and that it was being banned.  You were among the first to open my eyes and I thank you for that.

I live in Israel and became an activist here speaking out in my community and going to demonstrations.  

Stay strong and know that in the end truth always prevails.

With much admiration,

Malka Gottesman