Journalist who pushed forced vaccinations on life support

Thirty-three-year-old Canadian journalist Ian Vandaelle has been placed on life support after being declared “neurologically deceased,” his best friend Stephanie Hughes revealed this month.
Vandaelle, who served as a reporter and editor for the Financial Post and a producer at BNN Bloomberg, became known during the pandemic for his tough stance against those who refused the COVID-19 shots.
In July 2021, for instance, Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports: “I, for one, advocate we bring the carrot and the stick. Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like – ice cream, lotteries, literally whatever, I don’t care – and require vaccination to do non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport.”
In August 2021, upon hearing that the Toronto Police Association opposed the vaccine mandate, the journalist demanded that the association fire its unvaccinated members:
Take the jab or resign; anything else is moral and ethical cowardice. You take an oath to protect citizens? You get vaxxed. Shameful that we have to say this.
According to some reports, Vandaelle also recommended concentration camps for the unvaccinated.
The cause of Vandaelle’s condition has not been disclosed.
This past year has not been a validating one for Vandaelle and his ilk.
In July, for example, a Texas nurse who blamed COVID-19 on “Right-wing conspiracy news outlets,” the unvaccinated, and those who didn’t wear masks, died suddenly. No cause of death has been revealed.
Kathryn Wyant Huffman worked as a float nurse at Medical City Dallas Hospital and would rant on social media about those who were not compliant with mandates, while lauding those who took the injections as having “good sense and courage.”
In April, a Cleveland man who mocked those who refused the COVID-19 shots died unexpectedly at 46.
Brian Jeffrey Bowers, a box office manager at Case Western Reserve University’s Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center, was openly passionate about the COVID-19 injections.
“I’m vaccinated. Why aren’t you you stupid f*cking f*ck,” read Bowers’ badge on his Facebook profile photo.
On April 30th Bowers “left his colleagues and the University community in shock and sadness." No cause of death has been announced.
The sudden deaths came after Julie Powell, the famed cooking blogger who inspired the Hollywood film Julie & Julia, died unexpectedly in November last year following a sudden cardiac arrest. She was 49.
In addition to writing and cooking, Powell was passionate about the COVID-19 vaccine and face masks, celebrating the deaths of anyone who did not get the shot or cover their face.