Journalism group goads YouTube, Pfizer after viral video release

Guerilla journalism group Project Veritas goaded YouTube and Pfizer Tuesday after the group’s video of a Pfizer executive’s admissions went viral.

The video released by Project Veritas last week showed Pfizer’s Research and Development, Strategic Operations Director Jordon Trishtan Walker admitting that Pfizer is currently researching ways to mutate the coronavirus into new variants so it can continue to profit from COVID vaccinations.

"One of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate [the COVID virus] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses," Walker said to the reporter.

The video quickly garnered over 20 million views, despite being banned from YouTube. On Tuesday, Project Veritas published a document they said is a leaked memo from YouTube about censoring the video.

“A clip uploaded by Project Veritas featuring a Pfizer official is rapidly spreading on the platform,” the document reads. “The video, when uploaded in its entirety, contains a timestamp that violates the COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation policy for making a categorical claim that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective and should therefore be removed unless it contains sufficient EDSA/CRC.”

The quote in question came from Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe, who offended the Pfizer vaccines when he said in the video, “Our undercover journalist asked Walker how Pfizer is handling the fact that their COVID vaccines are ineffective against virus variants. What he said is disturbing, listen to this.”

O’Keefe tweeted that it is precisely censorship like YouTube’s which gives Project Veritas its mission.

“For those who don’t like the video having 30 mil views,” O’Keefe said in a tweet. “Ask yourself: Why does Project Veritas even have a mission,” adding, “If YouTube weren’t taking down our video, and large multinational corps weren’t telling journalists not to cover stories, there wouldn’t be a need for people like me.”

The same day, Project Veritas rented an LED advertising truck and parked it outside Pfizer’s headquarters in New York City where the truck played a subsequent video of Walker assaulting O’Keefe.

The video, also released on Thursday, showed O’Keefe performing his signature face-off where he confronts the mark about their statements. O’Keefe approached Walker in a restaurant while holding an iPad.

“You work for Pfizer,” O’Keefe said to Walker. “My question for you is, why does Pfizer want to hide from the public the fact that they’re mutating the COVID viruses?”

“Is this real life?” a shocked Walker asked. “This is absurd.”

“You’re on video,” O’Keefe responded as he replayed Walker’s prior remarks.

“You f*cked up,” Walker replied. He claimed that he lied to the undercover Project Veritas journalist. “I’m literally a liar,” he said. “I was trying to impress a person on a date by lying.”

“Like normal men, you lie to impress a date,” added Walker hysterically.

“I’m not even a scientist,” he claimed, saying he was working for a company — Pfizer — that is “literally just trying to help the public.”

The Pfizer executive then called the police on O’Keefe, telling them there were “five White people” in the restaurant.

Walker grew more confrontational and grabbed O’Keefe’s iPad out of his hand and threw it on the floor. A scuffle then broke out between Walker and what appear to be members of O’Keefe’s security team.