Israeli Health Ministry vendetta against head of the Center for Maimonides Healing

The Israeli Health Ministry is conducting a hearing today to consider whether to revoke Center for Maimonides Healing head Dr. Gil Yosef Shachar’s medical license.  The ministry sued him for using the term nutritional medicine, and for selling and promoting non-pharmaceutical natural health products.  But perhaps the primary reason for this hearing is that Dr. Shachar has questioned the Health Ministry's approach to vaccinations (way before the COVID vaccines.) He has requested that the Health Ministry make more information easily available about vaccines and their potential risks.  Dr. Shachar is also cautious about Pfizer’s experimental COVID gene therapy (aka COVID vaccine), advocating for alternative therapeutics for people who are ill with COVID-19.

The hearing will take place in Jerusalem at 216 Derech Jaffa Street at 10:00 A.M. this morning.

Dr. Shachar wrote the following statement:

The indictment is as long as the duration of the exile. It turns out that according to the Ministry of Health, I am one of the people who endangers public health more than anyone else in Israel.
Tomorrow, three lawyers from the Department of Health will be at the prosecution table. . . . 

Unfortunately, I have no doubt that the trial is [theater] and the sentence has already been written.  I'm already preparing an appeal in district court.

They debated until the last minute whether to approach me at a trial or a meeting where we would try to reach mutually acceptable agreements. Just yesterday they informed me that after discussions they had decided that they were not interested in a compromise and an attempt at mediation, but that they were suing me.
It is strange to me and sad to me that they decided to go ahead without looking at all to see if a compromise could be reached, even though I had repeatedly suggested it.

I arrive very safe and calm.

I am sad that the State of Israel has decided to sue me for things I have written and for my occupation, the sole purpose of which is to promote health, promote joy and promote healing.

I am sad that this is the country I live in, a country that tries to suppress the voices and activities that promote the health of the country's citizens. . . .

I haven't done anything I should be ashamed of. On the contrary.  I have no doubt that all is well and only good will come out of this sentence. Even - a lot of good.

Given that there are thousands of doctors around the world, including in Israel, who question vaccines, why is the Health Ministry targeting Dr. Shachar? It may because of Dr. Shachar's popularity and influence.  The MoH's agenda is for everyone to get the Pfizer shot and for all children to get the entire vaccine schedule.  Questions posed by a charismatic, popular doctor flies in the face of that agenda.