Israel Knesset Member unaware COVID vaccines do not prevent transmission: ‘Get away from me if you’re unvaccinated’


Israel MK (Member of Knesset) Emilie Moatti Tuesday revealed she continues to believe the COVID-19 injections stop transmission of the virus and asked that those who have refused the shots distance themselves from her. 

Moatti made the remarks while campaigning in Tel Aviv as Israelis went to the polls for Tuesday's elections. Moatti, a novitiate MK elected just last year, remains a member of the Left-wing Labor Party. 

The Labor MK was approached by an individual who asked when Israeli citizens can expect to see the details of the Israel government’s agreement with Pfizer, signed in 2020, without the current redactions. Moatti answered nonchalantly, “In 30 years, apparently.” As part of another question, the individual mentioned that she did not receive the Pfizer injection. 

“Ok, then get away from me if you’re unvaccinated,” responded Moatti. 

Moatti ostensibly is not aware that the injections do not stop transmission, a fact even admitted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As a Pfizer executive recently admitted, the injections were not even tested for their effect on transmission before going to market. 

Moatti is not the only Knesset member to push division between the vaccinated and the vaccine-free though the others are now remaining quiet about their past remarks. 

A candidate running in Israel’s general election Tuesday who pushed for forced vaccinations and harsh vaccine mandates is silent about whether he would accept votes from the “unvaccinated,” or whether they should be allowed to vote at all.  

MK Bezalel Smotrich has become a popular political figure among the Israeli Right and, according to polls, his Religious Zionism Party is expected to come in fourth place.  

Last year, Smotrich positioned himself as one of the main proponents of vaccine mandates.  

“Of course vaccines can be forced, even if not physically,” Smotrich told Reshet Bet radio in February 2021. “We can condition entry into public places [on vaccinations], for example. The economy would be returned to its normal routine exclusively for the vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated would not get into school, the supermarket, the mall, the cinema, the theater, the bus.”  

Smotrich proudly declared that any employee of his who refused the injections would be fired.  

However, it is unclear whether Smotrich would include voting booths among the many places he would bar the unvaccinated from visiting.  

America’s Frontline News reached out to Smotrich to ask if he believes those who refused the COVID-19 injections should be allowed to vote.  

We also asked him if he would decline votes from those who were “unvaccinated,” or if he would prefer that those who have not taken the shots vote for another party.  

But Smotrich so far has not responded to America’s Frontline News’ inquiry.