Hamas supporters aim to plant over 40 Muslims in US Congress

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has revealed ambitious plans to gain power in Congress and various industries.

CAIR, which busies itself with accusing Americans of “Islamophobia,” has been a longtime supporter of Hamas. As early as 1994, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad endorsed the terror group. Last year, he cheered the October 7th massacre of some 1,200 Israelis by Hamas.

Awad and CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad both have ties to Hamas through the Islamic Association of Palestine. In 2014, the United Arab Emirates designated CAIR as a terror organization for its ties to Hamas’ parent network, the Muslim Brotherhood.

In a speech at the East Plano Islamic Center last month, Awad bewailed the “deeply rooted” Islamophobia in the United States.

"There is Islamophobia [in the U.S.] that is so deeply rooted in the culture, in academia, in Hollywood, in the portrayal of Islam,” he said, according to MEMRI. “For hundreds of years, Islam has been denigrated, the Prophet has been smeared and defamed in books and textbooks that were taught in public schools, that Allah be praised, we have been working to eliminate and change.”

Awad unveiled the organization's plan to create an “army” of 50,000 academics, journalists, and lawyers to create pro-Islam narratives.

“If we commit to do this, four years from now, the Muslim community will have 4,000 new journalists, we will have 4,000 filmmakers, 4,000 lawyers, 4,000 students of political science, 4,000 students of history,” he said.

Within the decade, CAIR hopes to start carving out a major Muslim presence in the US government:

“We can have in ten years, at least 40-50 members of Congress — in the US Congress.”

Radical Muslims in the US government

Inquiries after October 7th have revealed the presence of radical Muslims within the United States government, particularly within its defense establishment. As of today, the Department of Homeland Security refuses to terminate Nejwa Ali, an adjudication officer who outwardly celebrates Hamas and October 7th. Ali previously worked for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terror group.

Yousra Fazili

The Department of Defense (DoD) is also refusing to terminate Yousra Fazili, a senior Pentagon official with strong ties to the Qatari regime which openly funds the Muslim Brotherhood and its subsidiary, Hamas. Qatar, which provides safe haven to Hamas leaders, also sponsors the pro-Hamas news outlet Al Jazeera. 

Fazili, who uses her private social media accounts to promote pro-Hamas demonstrations, serves as the Pentagon’s chief financial officer and chief of staff to the comptroller. 

Ariane Tabatabai

Wirkkala has also defended the Pentagon’s decision to employ Assistant Secretary for Special Operations Chief of Staff Ariane Tabatabai, who will keep her top security clearance despite being outed as an operative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Emails obtained by Semafor show that Tabatabai was part of an Iranian influence operation called the Iranian Experts Initiative (IEI). The IEI’s objective was to recruit overseas academics and researchers to help shift policy towards Iran, particularly regarding its nuclear proliferation — an objective considered to have been successful. 

Tabatabai was a core member of the IEI, which was overseen by Iran’s Foreign Ministry. She was reportedly in direct contact with senior Iranian officials such as then-Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and a top Foreign Ministry official named Mostafa Zahrani, from whom she requested permission to attend international conferences. 

After joining the IEI, Tabatabai began writing articles for mainstream media outlets such as the Atlantic, Washington Post, and New York Times in which she promoted a nuclear deal with Iran. She claimed that Iran was seeking nuclear capabilities not to build nuclear weapons but for “production of radioisotopes for medical purposes” and for “desalination, an energy-intensive process.”

In addition to writing articles, Tabatabai also went on the lecture circuit at various globalist think tanks such as billionaire George Soros’ Center for American Progress and the Council on Foreign Relations, where she advocated for a nuclear deal with Iran.

Tabatabai also served as a key aide to former Biden Special Envoy to Iran Robert Malley, who was suspended in June for “mishandling classified documents.”