Is your food real? Hint: Real food doesn't have ingredients

Recognize real food

When you go to the supermarket and throw packages of "food" into your cart, do you consider whether it is real food or not? Here are some ways to know what is real and what is not.

It's not a commercial product

The Satvic Movement, a "holistic health education platform," tweeted three simple ways that one can identify real food:

     🍓 Real food eventually rots; only food that has "life" can rot.

     🍓 Real food comes straight from a farm to your kitchen. Food highly processed in a factory becomes a product.

     🍓 Real food doesn't have TV commercials advertising it.

It grows in the sunglight

AnnavWellness tweeted her description of real food:

     🍓 "Real food grows in the sunlight."

God's food is not manufactured or modified in a lab.

It is traditional and natural

Live Simply explains that real food is traditional, comes from nature, is satisfying and tasty, and provides nourishment. Here are Live Simply's seven ways to know your food is real:

1. Real food is about food that has withstood traditions. . . . As [author of Food Rules, Michael] Pollan says, “Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”
2. Real food is intuitive. . . . Our ancestors ate when they were hungry, and stopped when they were full. Food that isn’t full of additives, but rather is full of beneficial nourishment that our bodies recognize, allows us to eat intuitively.
3. Real food is ingredients. . . . Ingredients that are as close to their natural state as possible. Jamie Oliver says, “Real food doesn’t have ingredients, real food is ingredients.”
4. Real food is full of variety and tastes amazing and different. . . . Real food . . . tastes different depending on the variety, the season, and how it’s grown or where it’s grown.
5. Real food is seasonal. Broccoli and peaches aren’t grown year-round, instead there’s a specific season in which broccoli and peaches are grown. This is true for all real food. And this is a beautiful thing, because it means that we were intended to eat variety.
6. Real food has a face and name. Real food is grown by someone, raised by someone, cared for by someone. Food is not just a substance. Real food has a story.
7. Real food is nourishment and should make you feel good. When we enjoy real food, which changes with the seasons, we are getting all the nourishment we need, throughout a wide variety of foods that are constantly changing throughout the year.

Live Simply shows what real food looks like in the image below:

Learn more: Wise Traditions 11 dietary principles

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