Gavin Newsom accused of hidden agenda in declaring bird flu state of emergency

Story highlights:
- Bird flu State of Emergency—proactive effort
- California unable to stop spread despite best efforts
- Potential contamination in raw milk
- Are they sure it’s bird flu?
- What's fueling the outbreaks?
- Speculation about the real reason for SoE
- Typhus in California—many cases but no state of emergency
- Why aren't health risks being addressed?
Bird flu State of Emergency—proactive effort
On December 18, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom, who violated his own COVID-19 lockdown mandate, declared a State of Emergency (SoE) for bird flu, an illness for which he admits the risk to people is very low.[1]
In a rebuttal to Libs of Tik Tok’s tweet about the SoE, likening it to COVID and questioning the need for a SoE if the risk is very low, Newsom maintained that the SoE is a proactive effort to protect people and the agricultural industry. He stated that there are no mask mandates or lockdowns and that people should avoid drinking raw milk and unnecessary contact with livestock.
Gavin Newsom’s office is now fighting me in my comments.
FACT: Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency over bird flu.
“State of Emergency” is how they took away our rights during Covid.
If “risk is very low” for bird flu, why declare a State of Emergency?
Infinitesimal number of cases
Currently, bird flu has been detected in 61 people in the U.S. The most cases, 34, were detected in California, the most populous state in the nation with 38.9 million people as of 2023. That means that bird flu was detected in .000087 percent of that state’s population.
Yet, despite the low number of cases and Newsom’s stating that the risk is low, he declared a SoE. The governor's office issued a press release explaining the declaration’s purpose,
. . . to streamline and expedite the state’s response to Avian influenza A (H5N1), commonly known as “Bird Flu.” This action comes as cases were detected in dairy cows on farms in Southern California, signaling the need to further expand monitoring and build on the coordinated statewide approach to contain and mitigate the spread of the virus. The virus has spread in 16 states among dairy cattle, following its first confirmed detection in Texas and Kansas in March 2024.
Better health, less risk
Unfortunately, a Louisiana man who contracted bird flu from a backyard flock has died. News of the 65-year-old man's hospitalization was announced earlier in the same week that Newsom declared the SoE. He was the only case in Louisiana at the time and had several comorbidities. Open Source Intel tweeted the notice of his death.
Louisiana reports its first human fatality from H5N1 bird flu.
The victim, over 65 years old with pre-existing medical conditions, contracted the virus through exposure to a mix of wild birds and a non-commercial backyard flock.
This does not change the CDC's outlook on the risk. On December 18th, the CDC stated, "A sporadic case of severe H5N1 bird flu illness in a person is not unexpected."
Deaths associated with infectious disease predominate among individuals with comorbidities as was seen during COVID-19. CDC figures showed that in over 94% of the COVID-19-related deaths the deceased had 4 or more comorbidities.
For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.
It was also found that those with low Vitamin D and glutathione levels were more likely to develop severe COVID-19 and that a healthy immune system is protective.
California unable to stop spread despite best efforts
The governor’s press release also emphasized California's extensive efforts, as documented in the SoE, to detect bird flu, more than any other state in the country.
California has already established the largest testing and monitoring system in the nation to respond to the outbreak.
According to the SOE declaration, California has gone to tremendous lengths to contain the virus. The state has 16 health labs for detecting bird flu cases in people, is continuously testing millions of poultry and cattle, informing farm workers on how to protect themselves, distributing PPE, and engaging in many mitigation measures. It has worked with the CDC, FDA, DoA, CDPH (California Department of Public Health), and local agencies.
However, all the numerous precautions and testing that California has undertaken have not stopped the virus from spreading to additional herds, with cows in four more herds in Southern California testing positive for bird flu on December 12th. (In November, the CDC noted that while 505 herds across the U.S. were infected, only California was still detecting bird flu in additional herds.) Newsom, therefore, invoked Government Code 8558 (B) which allows the governor to declare a SoE in cases of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state that need combined forces to combat.
“State of emergency” means the duly proclaimed existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state caused by conditions such as . . . plant or animal infestation or disease . . . which, by reason of their magnitude, are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of any single county, city and county, or city and require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to combat . . .
The SoE—unlimited spending
The SoE allows for the suspension of work-hour limitations for government employees and allows for the purchase of whatever is deemed necessary to aid in the response to the recovery from the emergency without the need for competitive bidding. This gives government agencies carte blanche to spend as they see fit.
Adequate state staffing during the emergency is necessary for all state agencies and departments with an assigned response and or recovery role. Consistent with applicable federal law, work our limitations for retired and militants, permanent intermittent personnel, and State Management and Senior supervisors, are suspended . . .
As necessary to assist local governments and for the protection of public health and the environment, state agencies shall enter into contracts to arrange for the procurement of materials, goods, and services necessary to quickly assist with the response to a recovery from the impacts of the emergency. Applicable provisions of the government code and the public contract code include but not limited to travel, advertising, and competitive bidding requirements are suspended to the extent necessary to address promptly the effects of the bird flu. (Emphasis added.)
The SoE does not list an end date, so it appears that it will last 60 days ("The temporary suspension of any statute, ordinance, regulation, or rule shall remain in effect until the order or regulation is rescinded by the Governor, the Governor proclaims the termination of the state of emergency, or for a period of 60 days, whichever occurs first.")
It is, of course, premature to determine how much this will cost California's taxpayers.
Impact of the SoE on the individual
In the immediate term, the SoE appears to mainly affect government agencies (which are freed from regulations and budgetary concerns and can thus hire employees and contractors and make purchases and pay for transportation and equipment beyond their funding and can order employees to work more than the maximum hours).
However, the order does state "Also, all residents are to obey the direction of emergency officials with regard to this emergency in order to protect their safety." Presumably, that could mean allowing state inspectors to seize or test food products on one's farm or even one's home, being placed in quarantine, etc.
Potential contamination in raw milk
California also tests raw milk sold by dairies and, in November, detected the H5 part of the virus in Raw Farm’s milk, as reported by the NY Post.
Only the “H5” part of the virus was detected in the collected sample, but health officials still believe that it is still likely contaminated with H5N1. No H5 cases have been reported in the state and it hasn’t been identified in any cows either.
The Gateway Pundit, reporting on the bird flu in raw milk, quoted from the California Department of Health’s press release, highlighting that the public has always been warned not to drink raw milk and that pasteurized milk is safe to drink.
Public health experts have long warned consumers against consuming raw milk or raw milk products due to elevated risks of foodborne illness. . . .
Pasteurized milk and milk products are safe to consume because the heating process kills pathogens, including bird flu, that can cause illness.
The company voluntarily recalled the milk and issued a press release stating that it was a political issue rather than a safety issue:
Are they be sure it’s bird flu?
The Texas case mentioned in the governor's press release raises doubts about proper confirmation. A letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine written by individuals from the CDC, Texas Department of State Health Services, and Texas Tech University Bioterrorism Response Laboratory revealed significant gaps in their determination process.
The swabs taken from the farm worker didn’t contain enough virions to confirm bird flu via PCR testing. Instead, the diagnosis was presumed, and the worker was sent home with Tamiflu. Subsequent genomic sequencing—which requires highly skilled scientists to ensure accuracy—was used to affirm the presence of bird flu.
Even then, the link to cows on the farm was inconclusive. While the viral sequences “maintained primarily avian genetic characteristics,” the researchers lacked samples from the cows in question. Without these, they could only speculate that the worker's infection originated at the farm. As they noted:
[O]ur findings are suggestive of human infection occurring in the dairy farm setting and cow-to-human transmission of HPAI A(H5N1) virus from presumptively infected cows to an exposed dairy farm worker. However, we cannot exclude fomite transmission because no specimens from cows or environmental samples were available from the worker’s farm for testing, and epidemiological investigations were not able to be conducted at the farm.
These uncertainties raise additional concerns. PCR tests, for example, were declared not fit for purpose[2] during the COVID-19 "pandemic," as the Bulgarian Pathology Association wrote in 2020.
Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose.
How can one be sure that the cases in California have all been properly diagnosed?
What's fueling the outbreaks?
Gavin Newsom’s SoE was justified as a response to California’s inability to control the spread of the disease despite their best efforts. Will expanding those same efforts provide better results? Or could it be that the real problem is not being addressed?
Factory farming may be responsible
Factory farming has been associated with highly pathogenic bird flu viruses. Factory farms often promote unsanitary conditions that allow for the rapid spread of pathogens.
The congregation of susceptible animals in CAFOs [concentrated animal feeding operations] can lead to heavy environmental contamination with pathogens, promoting the emergence of hyper-transmissible, and virulent pathogens. As a result, CAFOs have been associated with emergence of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses,
Farmers are often paid to kill their poultry and cattle if any animals on the farm have tested positive for bird flu. This is a disincentive for improving conditions and stopping further outbreaks.
“These payments are crazy-making and dangerous,” said Andrew deCoriolis, Farm Forward’s executive director. “Not only are we wasting taxpayer money on profitable companies for a problem they created, but we’re not giving them any incentive to make changes.”
California poultry farms (whose animals are not raised for food) have been permitted to quarantine their animals. One such farm reported that while they lost some, most of their birds recuperated successfully. Nutritional interventions have successfully improved avian immune systems, allowing their birds to remain healthy and productive.
Could cleaning up the farms and proactively providing nutritional intervention offer a better solution?
"The risk does not change by detecting them"
Could it be that they are creating a problem where none exists?
Newsom takes pride in the great number of facilities the state has available to test people and the tremendous amount of testing they are continuously conducting on animals. Is all the testing creating a perceived multitude of outbreaks? The more they test the more they find, notwithstanding the shortcomings of PCR tests described above. Previous reliance on PCR tests have created false epidemics, as happened with a presumed whooping cough outbreak in 2007. Dr. Jane Ruby tweeted that without PCR testing there would be no bird flu:
Dr. David Bell, a public health physician and biotech consultant, would likely concur. He noted that the WHO's frequent pandemic declarations are primarily justified by the high volume of testing. In a meeting of the British parliament’s group on pandemic response and recovery, he stated that pandemics are rare but new technology has impacted detection rates and is being used by the WHO to justify its [pandemic treaty] agenda which “focuses on everything related to pathogens of pandemic potential — from searching for them to researching them, developing vaccines and therapies and their manufacture, and mandating medical treatments, lockdowns, and other countermeasures.”
There has been a huge expansion of tests and genome sequencing over the last few decades. The invention of polymerase chain reaction [PCR] testing, for example, has had a massive impact on the detection rate of those outbreaks that the World Health Organisation is now using to justify its agenda.
However, Bell also noted that there has been a decrease in the number of natural outbreaks and their resultant mortality over the past 10-15 years as the GIDEON database, the main database on which most outbreak analyses rely, shows. The risk, he said, does not change by detecting cases.
The WHO does not refute this but simply ignores it. Nipah viruses, for example, only ‘emerged’ in the late 1990s when we found ways to actually detect them. Now we can readily distinguish new variants of coronavirus to promote uptake of pharmaceuticals. The risk does not change by detecting them; we just change the ability to notice them. (Emphasis added.)
The Burning Platform provides more information about how PCR tests are producing false positive bird flu results and about the federal government's May 2024 initiative to pay farmers to test their animals and pay workers $75 to provide a nasal swab and a blood sample to the CDC.
Speculation about the real reason for SoE
Is it possible the SoE is being used to justify Newsom’s agenda? There has been a lot of speculation about the real reason behind Newsom’s calling a State of Emergency. Natural News posited that it was an attempt to exert control over the people and the narrative:
As the situation unfolds, it is crucial to remain vigilant and skeptical of the government's actions. The declaration of a state of emergency, the culling of livestock, and the emphasis on raw milk consumption all raise red flags about the true motives behind the response to the H5N1 outbreak. While public health is undoubtedly important, it should not come at the expense of individual liberty and autonomy. The question remains: Is this truly about protecting the public, or is it another chapter in the government's ongoing effort to control the narrative—and the people?
The Gateway Pundit is also skeptical of the motives behind the SoE, positing it’s an attempt to reclaim the power lost at the ballot box in November.
The globalists failed at the ballot box in November, but are they preparing a pandemic scare to give them the power the voters denied them? Just weeks before President Trump’s inauguration, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) is declaring a State of Emergency in response to the bird flu:
In a move reminiscent of his overreaching COVID-19 policies, California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency in response to the recent bird flu outbreak…Governor Newsom’s declaration grants him sweeping powers to impose restrictions and allocate resources without legislative oversight.
The Pundit refers to health experts who believe pandemic fears are being used as a weapon by globalists in a maneuver to subvert Robert Kennedy Jr’s nomination to head the HHS. The biopharmaceutical complex does not want to see him in the position.
Some health experts, like Nicholas Hulscher, believe pandemic fears are being weaponized by globalists who oppose President Trump’s agenda – in particular his nomination of medical freedom hero Robert F. Kennedy Jr to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):
“it’s not surprising that the Biopharmaceutical Complex wishes to subvert the inauguration and confirmation processes of the Trump-RFK administration by weaponizing pandemic fears in a desperate attempt to retain control. Unfortunately, it appears that this subversion attempt has already begun…”
Typhus in California—many cases but no state of emergency
The proliferation of typhus in California without a declared state of emergency provides additional evidence that this SoE may have been declared for purposes other than concern for California residents. Typhus, a disease reminiscent of the Dark Ages and which hasn’t been seen in the U.S. for almost 40 years, has made a comeback in the state, as reported by the NY Post.
In the 1930s and 1940s, typhus was rampant throughout the US, according to historical data.
But by 1987, after decades of rodent control measures, typhus was so rare in the US that it was removed from the list of diseases that doctors must report to health officials.
Cases of typhus, however, began creeping up after 2010, and last year [2022] there were 171 cases in Los Angeles County alone.
“These three deaths are a wake-up call to start thinking about this disease and the severe manifestations and the effect on our communities,” Dr. Umme-Aiman Halai, a medical epidemiologist at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, told CNN.
Most people who contract typhus, the NY Post wrote, do not have symptoms or have mild ones. The three people who died of typhus in California in 2022 had underlying comorbidities.
In 2018, according to RT Magazine, Los Angeles had 124 cases of typhus. Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood contracted a severe case of the disease.
It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes and out the back of my neck,” Greenwood said. “Who gets typhus? It's a medieval disease that's caused by trash.”
The resurgence of typhus has been attributed to the large homeless population in the city and the resultant trash.
Greenwood . . . believes she caught the disease from fleas that made their way into her office.
“There are rats in City Hall and City Hall East,” she said. “There are enormous rats and their tails are as long as their bodies.”
Rats often carry fleas, and tend to live in garbage piles that have accumulated across Los Angeles as the city’s homeless population continues to grow uncontrollably.
Newsom’s tweet about his respect for hardworking young adults who also happened to be illegal immigrants was posted by RT Magazine along with X user Reed’s infuriated response. Reed included photos of the conditions the homeless have created and with which American citizens are forced to live.
SoE to promote vaccination?
As the NY Post reported, there is no vaccine for typhus.
There’s no vaccine for typhus, but early treatment with the antibiotic doxycycline can cure most cases. About a third of infected people will need intensive care for seizures, meningitis or septic shock.
However, there are flu and COVID-19 vaccines recommended for farm workers and residents, as noted in the following CDPH summary of California’s response to the bird flu situation.
◾ On December 18, 2024, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency to strengthen California's robust response to bird flu.
◾ CDPH is working with local, state and federal partners to monitor bird flu in farm animals and people who work closely with poultry and dairy cows.
◾ California has distributed protective gear to dairy farms and workers. People who work with infected dairy cows or raw milk should use protective gear to reduce the risk of getting bird flu.
◾ Public health leaders are helping ensure individuals with symptoms of bird flu have access to testing and treatment, if needed.
◾ California has received 5,000 additional seasonal flu vaccines for people who work with dairy cows in the Central Valley. The seasonal flu vaccine protects against serious illness from seasonal flu and may reduce the chance of human and bird flu viruses mixing and becoming more dangerous.
◾ Updated flu and COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for everyone 6 months and older. Visit MyTurn to schedule your appointment today.
The Gateway Pundit reported on a bird flu update by Dr. McCullough, agreeing with his perspective that pharma is promulgating the bird flu fearmongering to promote vaccines that will line the industry’s pockets.
Dr. McCullough rightly points out that the fearmongering around the bird flu is being promulgated by big pharma in order to facilitate mass vaccination of animals and humans all of which will line the pockets of the bio-pharmaceutical complex and their NGO backers.
Why aren't health risks being addressed?
The real question here may be, "Why, in the face of growing health risks, is little effort being made to educate people on improving their health?" It's clear that those who face the most severe outcomes from illness often have pre-existing medical conditions. If Newsom is truly concerned about public health, why aren't measures being taken to address this underlying issue?
It’s also worth considering who stands to benefit when emergency powers are invoked and the long-term implications of such decisions.
The information contained in this article is for educational and information purposes only and is not intended as health, medical, financial or legal advice. Always consult a physician, lawyer or other qualified professional regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition, health objectives or legal or financial issues.
Related articles:
- Kill millions of birds or let avian flu run its course?
- Factory farming causes bird flu outbreaks; farmers paid to kill chickens, not to improve conditions
- Is the USDA working with China to create a bird flu that can spark a pandemic?
- Despite two decades of dire predictions - no human-to-human bird flu pandemic
- Health officials deceive public about bird flu transmission from cattle to humans
- WHO misinforms public — falsely declares death from kidney failure as bird flu death
- Will our next pandemic be a Tamiflu pandemic? Tamiflu's adverse events mimic bird flu
- Not to worry! We know how to prevent and treat bird flu - Dr. Zelenko's brother
[1] According to the CDC (as of June 3, 2024), the risk to the general public is low with outbreaks limited to poultry and dairy cows and several cases in U.S. farm workers. A November 18 update noted that there are only sporadic instances of animal-to-human spread; workers reported pink eye with some upper respiratory symptoms reported in Washington state with no hospitalizations.
[2] State of the Nation, writing about COVID-19 PCR testing, highlighted research by writer and researcher Jason Hommel, biologist and mathematician David Crowe, and biochemist Dr. David Rasnick regarding the inadequacy of the test. Hommel explained that PCR testing is a means of amplifying DNA (after changing the RNA to DNA, a process called reverse transcription) to grow it large enough to be analyzed. Any contamination, he noted, would likewise be amplified, leading to potentially gross errors. “The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense.”
Crowe explained that the PCR tests do not give yes or no answers. Rather, they work on a continuum and whatever cutoff point is chosen decides whether the answer is positive or negative.
The first thing to know is that the test is not binary. In fact, I don’t think there are any tests for infectious disease that are positive or negative. What they do is they take some kind of a continuum and they arbitrarily say this point is the difference between positive and negative.
Crowe also stated that the PCR is a manufacturing technique and its inventor, Kary Mullis, never meant for it to be used to detect viral illness.
Dr. Rasnick stated that it’s a great research tool but awful for clinical medicine.
You have to have a whopping amount of any organism to cause symptoms. Huge amounts of it. You don’t start with testing; you start with listening to the lungs. I’m skeptical that a PRC test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine. 30% of your infected cells have been killed before you show symptoms. By the time you show symptoms…the dead cells are generating the symptoms”