INCREDIBLE: Freedom trucker helps CBC reporters out of ditch

A trucker from the 2022 Freedom Convoy, which just ended its three-week protest of COVID mandates over the weekend, helped reporters from the CBC out of a ditch. 

The CBC is the largest Canadian state-owned media outlet. Not surprisingly, the left-wing CBC has demonized anyone who protested Prime Minister Trudeau’s heavy-handed COVID mandates, while fawning over Trudeau himself. 

The CBC’s biggest focus this year was the truckers from the Freedom Convoy, who were the subject of a relentless smear campaign by the mainstream media. In fact, the CBC became so hostile towards the members of the convoy that when the personal information of the convoy’s donors was leaked, CBC journalists began harassing each one and then published their information publicly. 

But when journalists from the very same outlet got stuck in a ditch, a trucker was there to help. 

The trucker was wearing a hat that read “Defund the CBC.” 

CBC journalist Ashley Burke posted on Twitter a video of trucker Tyson Gareau using his truck to pull her van out of the ditch, knowing full well that she and the other passengers were CBC journalists. 

“CBC’s van slide off the road & got stuck in a ditch beside the protestors’ camp in Arnprior,” wrote Burke above the video. “A demonstrator named Tyson Garneau wearing a ‘defund the CBC’ hat pulled us out knowing we were CBC journalists. He said he’d never leave anyone stuck like that.” 

The convoy’s remnants have clustered in certain camping locations, though there are no known plans as of yet. Many, if not all, of the truckers have lost their jobs. 

“Garneau says he’s been sleeping in the back of his truck during the ‘freedom convoy’ & arrived at the Arnprior camp today after visiting the camp in Vankleek Hill,” continued Burke. “He lost his job as a trucker & doesn’t know what comes next but said he wants freedom for his grandkids.”