Iceland investigating man for criticizing male ‘chestfeeding’

Icelandic police are investigating a taxpayer for criticizing men who try to breastfeed children, or what gender activists call “chestfeeding.”
Eldur Kristensson, who brands himself as “The Icelandic gay guy” on X, says he is being investigated over tweets he wrote in response to a Pink News article claiming that “chestfeeding” is good for adults and infants.
While some men may be able to lactate fluid due to disorders like hypothyroidism or intensive hormone therapy, there is no evidence they can produce the breast milk that nourishes babies. Kristensson therefore concluded that a man who tries to breastfeed a baby is satisfying a sexual fetish.
“I used the P word — pedophilia — in this context, and I stand by it,” Kristensson told GBNews in a recent interview. “If you are using children or infants for that matter to satisfy your sexual fetishes, it’s pedophilia,” he added.
Iceland ‘captured’ by a ‘morally bankrupt’ movement
Kristensson was notified by police that he is under investigation for violating Article 233 of Iceland’s Penal Code, which states that “Anyone who publicly mocks, defames, denigrates or threatens a person or group of persons by comments or expressions of another nature, for example by means of pictures or symbols, for their nationality, colour, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, or disseminates such materials, shall be fined or imprisoned for up to 2 years.”
While he has not yet been charged, Kristensson says his lawyer believes criminal charges will be filed. Far from being remorseful, the Icelander stated he would be proud to be charged over his comments.
“I am actually quite happy to be charged for that specific tweet because it just shows . . . how morally bankrupt this queer movement has become,” he explained, adding: “The Icelandic state apparatus is completely captured [by gender ideology] from top down. Currently we have a situation where all schools are captured, even the Church of Iceland is captured. The Bishop of Iceland has a trans-identified child, so does her sister, and this is a country of 377,000 people.”
No free speech in a free democracy
Nevertheless, Kristensson expressed shock over the investigation, saying he thought “up until now” that Iceland valued freedom of speech.
“Nothing in my tweets has any form of incitement. I do not attack anyone personally. I don’t even think that I’m attacking a specific group. I am actually criticizing an ideology, a set of ideas, and I’m just communicating my honest opinion. And I thought in a free democratic society that is something that you should be able to do.”
The activist said he has tried to engage gender activists multiple times in honest debate but has been rebuffed.
“If they are so sure about their arguments then obviously it would be easy for them to bury me and just expose me for the idiot that they think that I am,” he said.