Hailey Bieber suffers stroke, fans suggest why

Superstar singer Justin Bieber’s wife Hailey Bieber shared details in a YouTube video Wednesday about a medical ordeal she experienced last month. 

In the video, the 25-year-old revealed that she suddenly developed a blood clot which traveled from her heart to her brain, causing a mini-stroke. 

“I had a blood clot that traveled into my heart and, instead of what typically happens if you have a small blood clot is that your heart will filter the blood clot to your lungs and your lungs will absorb it because the lungs are so big and can handle it,” she said in the video. “What happened with me is my blood clot actually escaped through the flap, or the hole in my heart, and it traveled to my brain, and that is why I suffered a TIA [transient ischemic attack].” 

Bieber went on to explain the terrifying onset of symptoms and sensations of the stroke.

“I felt this really weird sensation that kind of like traveled down my arm from my shoulder all the way down to my fingertips, and it made my fingertips feel really numb and weird. I couldn’t speak, the right side of my face started drooping. I couldn’t get a sentence out,” she said. “I thought I was having a stroke, like a full-blown stroke.” 

When the medics arrived, they began asking Bieber questions, but she was unable to answer them. 

“It was like my tongue and my mouth just could not form the sentences and the responses. So, obviously that was really, really scary,” she said. 

Bieber’s doctors blamed the clot on her history of migraines, recently starting birth control and contracting COVID-19, which they called “the perfect storm”. 

But it appears that fans are not buying that explanation. Many took to social media to fault the COVID-19 vaccine, whose signature side effects are heart complications and blood clots

“Hailey Bieber suffered a blood clot to her brain?? Am I the only one who immediately thought…” tweeted podcast host Liz Wheeler. 

Other users piled on. 

“Awful but unsurprising that this keeps getting pushed for young adults. Maybe once more celebrities like Hailey Bieber come out admitting that their blood clots or other adverse reactions happened suspiciously around the time of the [vaccine] then young, uninformed people will wake up.” 

“Is she vaxxed?” 

“TRIPLE VAXXED - Hailey Bieber had heart surgery after 'scary' blood clot caused mini stroke” 

“Hailey Bieber had a blood clot in the brain. According to this article, this is happening in younger and younger people. I wonder why? It's a bit of a mystery.” 

“Get more jabs they said...” 

“Wow that rare thing that happened which is super-rare but becoming more less-rare because: stress, and drugs, and science...sciencism, that is.” 

“But keep pumping that poison in your body guys... This is not normal for this many young people this age to be having mini strokes and heart problems after having [the shot].” 

None of the many corporate media outlets which covered this story extensively made any mention of the vaccine. People did add that blood clots are happening in “younger and younger people”, but went on to offer many possible causes, none of them the COVID-19 vaccine.