Why is polio resurfacing in Israel and around the world?

Israel Public Health Services Director Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis yesterday told a Knesset health committee that the current “polio outbreak” in Israel is caused by a lack of vaccinations, according to the Jerusalem Post. 

While polio causes paralysis in less than 1% of patients, it is precisely because of this that everyone must vaccinate, says Alroy-Preis. Using words that have become familiar, she said this is because “there are likely hundreds of children in the Jerusalem area walking around with the virus who do not know they have it.” 

Three days ago, Egypt Today reported that Egypt has vaccinated 16 million children against polio. 

Two weeks ago, The Guardian reported that Africa will be vaccinating millions of children against polio. 

Four weeks ago, Israel announced its first case of polio in decades. 

And just over a year ago, for the first time in history, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued an “emergency use listing” for an oral polio vaccine (OPV). 

Is it really polio? 

Yes, but it’s not called polio. As reported by Frontline News, this is likely acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). 

AFM is a virus indistinguishable from polio, including the dreaded paralysis. 

In fact, Harvard virologist Joseph Cabral refers to AFM as “The Replacement Polio” and suggests that their primary difference is in name. 

“With no suspect to blame for the sudden spike in polio-like paralysis, the term acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) was coined to encompass all AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) conditions that display polio-like myelitis,” Cabral said. 

The name is crucial because the managers of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the CDC, Israel Ministry of Health, Pfizer, the FDA, and global governments, will not be blamed for an outbreak of polio. 

But if the public were to discover that AFM is a side effect of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine which was forced onto populations around the world, there would likely be an uproar. 

AFM is a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine? 

According to the FDA, yes. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a huge batch of documents on March 1st related to its approval process for the COVID-19 vaccine. The documents were released under court order after Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA in January to release 55,000 pages per month.   

The batch of documents released on March 1st contain some disturbing revelations, such as the FDA and Pfizer having prior knowledge of thousands of adverse side effects resulting from the vaccine.  

One of those adverse effects is acute flaccid myelitis. 

This could be an explanation for the WHO granting emergency use listing for an oral polio vaccine as Pfizer was developing its COVID-19 vaccine. 

If the WHO was made aware that AFM (read: polio) was, in fact, a possible side effect of the vaccine, it may have wanted to have the next vaccine readily available. 

So the polio vaccine works? 

Not according to this research article in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 

After a massive polio vaccination drive was pushed on children in India – led in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the results were disturbing. 

They showed that “the non-polio AFP rate increases in proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received in each area. Nationally, the non-polio AFP rate is now 12 times higher than expected.” 

Furthermore, as polio left, it was replaced by AFP. 

“With polio eradication there was a huge increase in non-polio AFP, in direct proportion to the number of doses of the vaccine used,” reads the article. 

In short, the vaccination drive was a disaster. 

“From India’s perspective the exercise has been extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms,” the authors wrote. 

The Gates Factor 

It is no secret that the Gates Foundation has been a heavy promoter of vaccines, but it is also no secret that Bill Gates has investments tied to those vaccines. 

In 2017, The Economic Times reported that India cut ties with the Gates Foundation because “there were questions about the Gates Foundation’s ties with pharmaceutical companies and the possible influence this may have on the country’s vaccination strategy.” 

In a 2015 study on philanthropic influence, it was found that the Gates Foundation wields enormous global influence. 
“Through the sheer size of their grant-making, personal networking and active advocacy, large global foundations, most notably the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have played an increasingly active role in shaping the agenda-setting and funding priorities of international organizations and governments,” said the study. 

And indeed, the Gates Foundation is cited as being the WHO’s second-largest donor, accounting for 9%-10% of its financing. The second-largest use of the WHO’s budget is for polio. 

So what does this all mean? 

It means that a billionaire who likes to invest in vaccines also wields enormous power with the world’s largest health organization, the WHO.  

The WHO helps dictate the world’s public health policy, which includes pushing the COVID-19 vaccine. 

The COVID-19 vaccine has an overlooked side effect called AFM, an exact replica of polio. 

AFM/Polio has now resurfaced in Israel, a country that notoriously experimented on its population with the COVID-19 vaccine after contracting with Pfizer. 

Israel and the WHO are now pushing the polio vaccine – the billionaire’s personal favorite, who has placed a singular emphasis on investing in polio.